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Parvana’s Journey. By Sukhman Sidhu. Intro and Problem.
Parvana’s Journey By Sukhman Sidhu
Intro and Problem In Parvana's Journey, the Taliban still control Afghanistan but Kabul is in ruins. Parvana's father has just died and her mother, sister, and brother could be anywhere in the country. Parvana knows she must find them. She meets a nine-year-old girl and a boy with one leg. The children travel together. The strength of their bond makes it possible to survive the most desperate conditions. The main problem might be surviving these conditions and meeting their basic needs but finding her family is the biggest challenge.
Setting and Characters • Parvana, Asif, Lelia, and Hassan are the main characters. • The settings are villages, a cave, a hospital, and a house.
Text to self and Text to text I think the part of the novel that related text to self was when Parvana met a guy named Asif. I think that is text to self because when she meets him, they don't really know each other and don't really like each other but they’re still working together. This reminds me of my sister and I because we are the same. We always fight but somehow we find a way of working together. They don't really like each other but they’re on a journey together and they have to work together to solve problems. Text to text is that I read a book called Among The Hidden and two children are third born in their family which means they’re not supposed to be alive but are because they work together to stay alive. That reminds me of Parvana and Asif because they are also working together to stay alive and meet their basic needs.
Reflection#1 In the book “Parvana’s Journey”, I was really inspired by how all the characters worked together as a group. When Parvana met Asif, they didn’t really like each other. However, when Parvana was about to leave, Asif told her that he wanted to come with her to annoy her but the reader knows that he just didn’t want Parvana to be alone. Parvana wanted to find her family and Asif wanted to come with her so he could help her along the journey. They argued a lot but somehow found a way to live together and meet their basic needs.
Reflection#2 I was impressed by the book and I really liked how the author wrote letters to her friend. I also really liked how the author explained life in Afghanistan and how hard it is to live there. I think the author did a good job of explaining how life is and how hard it is to live there and meet basic needs without something going wrong. I think it was great how she made it emotional at the end because a lot of people in Afghanistan lose their good friends or family members.
Reflection#3 Some questions that I had throughout the story were why does Parvananot just give up on her journey? What keeps her going? These are some really important questions. However,as I read the book, I found out it was really important for her to have her family because a family is almost a basic need.
My thoughts on the book Parvana’s journey was a great book! I would give this novel a 9/10. It is full of detail and action and a great journey. The thing that I really liked about the book is there are a lot of sad moments. However, in one of the saddest moments of the book, there was a really happy moment as well. When Leila died, it was a really sad moment but it also led to Parvanafinding her family. I would recommend this book to elementary and high school students for many reasons. For example, the book is a very good read because it gives you a realistic view of how people live in Afghanistan. However, the book is incredibly sad and tragic. Therefore, I wouldn’t recommend the book if you are looking for a happy storyline.
Summary Continued The main character, Parvana, loses her father. As she walks through various towns and villages in search for her mother and sister, she discovers a baby whose mother has been killed. She decides to care forthe baby and take it with her on her travels. Parvana gives the baby the name Hassan. She and Hassan begin to live in a cave. They meet an annoying boy with one leg named Asif. The three of them become very close. Parvanacontinues her journey with Hassan and Asif and works really hard to find her family.
Summary Part 3 They met a girl named Leila on their journey. They all began living together. Leila’s grandmother died and the house shattered into pieces. It was difficult for Leila to get over her grandmother’s death but all four of them resumed their journey. When sitting together, Leila noticed a man walking with his kids in a cart. The man said that he didn’t even have food to feed his own family but he did tell them where they could find a camp. Parvana took Hassan into a tent hospital in the camp. The nurse took baby Hassan and gave Parvana a coupon so they could get a piece of bread almost everyday. One day, Leila ran into a mine field to steal food parcels but there was an explosion in the mine field and Leila died. Parvana’s mother was in the camp and came to see what happened. Parvanawas finally united with her family. Parvana was overjoyed to seeher mother and sister but really sad that she had lost her friend/sister.
Themes of the Book One of the major themes of Parvana's Journey is human rights. She believes she has every right to do things that men can do. For example, she is willing to work for food but is not allowed because she is a female. The other big theme is your action and reaction to how things turn out. Throughout the book, Parvanafaces life or death choices involving herself and others. An example is when Parvana finds Hassan. She could have left him there to make the journey easier for herself but she didn't. Keeping Hassan is like facing death because if she has the baby with her the entire time, the baby will want food too. So if they only get a certain amount of food, she has to share it with Hassan and she might not get enough herself. Also, if you have to hide a baby, it makes a lot of noise so if the Taliban soldiers heard the noise, it couldcause trouble for both of them!
Inference When a woman was crying, the author did not state that she was disabledbut we found out by the way she was behaving. We are able to read between the lines.