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Shires Law is a firm of dedicated personal injury & Beauty Claim solicitors. Based in Cheltenham & Gloucester we provide a No Win, No Fee personal service.
R E Q U E S T A C A L L B A C K C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M » ABOUT TYPES OF CLAIMS NO WIN NO FEE COMPENSATION CALCULATOR FAQS NEWS CONTACT P E R S O N A L I N J U R Y S O L I C I T O R S C H E L T E N H A M DO YOU QUALIFY TO MAKE A CLAIM? WHAT WE DO Serious injury claims Road traffic accident claims Accident at work Compensation Industrial disease claims Personal injury compensation Holiday accidents Cosmetic Beauty claims Y O U W O N ' T L O S E Y O U R J O B I F Y O U M A K E A W O R K R E L A T E D C L A I M A N I C H E P E R S O N A L L A W F I R M F O C U S I N G O N T H E I N D I V I D U A L S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M T O D A Y As soon as Joanne took over my case, I felt 100% confident that she always had my best interest at heart. Throughout she has always been professional and understanding yet persistent and determined to get the best possible outcome for me. I am very grateful to have had such an accomplished lawyer to help me through this difficult time. I would recommend this firm without hesitation. Susie R Oxford I N T R O D U C I N G S H I R E S L A W Shires Law is a firm of dedicated personal injury solicitors based in Gloucester Docks and operating in Cheltenham, Cardiff and Bristol and throughout the South-West. We are a firm of professional personal injury solicitors, not claim handlers. We’re proven experts in representing individuals who have suffered physical and psychological harm through road traffic, workplace, holiday and personal injury accidents as well as workplace injuries, including industrial disease converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
and those who have suffered from cosmetic surgery injuries. We aim to offer you a succinct personal injury claim process. It’s important to us, to assess your injuries and organise speedy medical assistance, if required. This is often the case for road traffic and personal injury accidents and workplace incidents. As part of the business, and sadly on the increase, is our cosmetic injury compensation service. Potential cosmetic beauty claims can include damaged hair compensation, hair-dye gone wrong claims, cosmetic wax burns and suffering from infections following a beauty treatment. We work hard to ensure our compensation service is professional, sympathetic and understanding to assist and facilitate a concise and fair outcome. Discover more about Shires Law Regulated and authorised by the SRA number 556074. S T A R T Y O U R C L A I M T O D A Y » C A L L U S F R E E O N 0 8 0 0 2 8 5 1 2 6 6 Shires Law is a trading name of Shires Law LLP, a limited liability partnership. The case study referred to (above) is a real case, but the image does not show the actual individual involved and their name has been changed [for the purposes of confidentiality]. converted by Web2PDFConvert.com