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SCN - Strategic Collaborative Networks Software platform and tools for the supply chain network

SCN - Strategic Collaborative Networks Software platform and tools for the supply chain network. Task 4.2. CEC-made-shoe IP project April 10, 2008. Agenda. The SCN overall concept The SCN tools: Shoenet PICShoe. The SCN concept. The objective of the SCN platform:

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SCN - Strategic Collaborative Networks Software platform and tools for the supply chain network

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  1. SCN - Strategic Collaborative NetworksSoftware platform and tools for the supply chain network Task 4.2 CEC-made-shoe IP project April 10, 2008

  2. Agenda • The SCN overall concept • The SCN tools: • Shoenet • PICShoe

  3. The SCN concept The objective of the SCN platform: Electronic integration along the supply chain, including footwear producers, subcontractors and material suppliers, regarding order management and logistics. The goal: • Reduce response times, • Reduce costs and errors, • Improve management and control, • Improvecustomer service.

  4. The SCN concept The Problem addressed: Typically, data exchange between companies (order management, …) is: through phone, fax, postal service, e-mail, informal and inconsistent, and with lack of support to manage the process. Communication between companies is: Complex (lack of uniform data and communication methods), Subject to errors (mistyping, lack of business confirmations), Slow, High costs. Every day more complex because: Higher number of smaller orders, Higher number of different articles, Smaller response times, More distributed production and subcontractors.

  5. The SCN concept The Solution (SCN platform): • Selected standards (Task 4.1) • Shoenet for business documents, • GPC for product classification. • Shoenet • XML data model and electronic business documents, • Reliable and secure document transmission system, • Integration with ERP systems. • PICShoe • Explicit process coordination and integration based on workflow technology • Better coordination, task allocation, process automation • eBiss/eGate • Gateway with IERP “Internet European Retail Platform”.

  6. The SCN tools Shoenet data model Business interactions:

  7. The SCN tools ShoeNet Platform for reliable, secure and traceable exchange of Electronic Business Documents througth the Internet: DB Producer Supplier Subcontractor

  8. The SCN tools PICShoe Process coordination and integration based on workflow technology: Supplier Subcontractor Activity coordination and control Monitoring of work execution Work allocation management C A B E D Producer

  9. The SCN tools user allocation Users Process activities PICShoe - Workflow Designer

  10. The SCN tools PICShoe – Todo List Running processes:

  11. The SCN tools PICShoe - Todo List Activity execution:

  12. The SCN tools PICShoe – Todo List Process Monitor:

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