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Best healthy foods for weight gain

Healthy diets help us to keep fit and supply the body with the most important substance. We also know that we shouls limit the amount of eating sweets ,salt and product that are highly pressed . Every day we should drink 2 liters of water

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Best healthy foods for weight gain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Healthy Diets to Gain Weight Fast

  2. Principles of healthy diets • We should eat more food which is pro processed • Every day we should try to drink 2 liters of liquids because water is necessary for digestion and metabolism. • Regular drinking of water can eliminate our hunger • We should limit the amount of eating sweet’s , salt and product that are highly prossed

  3. Weight gain tips or ideas Some people too, gaining weight or adding muscle can be just as difficult as losing weight. Prepare to be healthy or make to improve you. However, adding certain foods to your diet can make your weight gain efforts both healthy and more effective.

  4. Fruits and Vegetables Richest in Protein

  5. 1. Milk We need milk daily to get some protein and calcium. It also has been used as a weight gainer or muscle builder for decades It provides a good balance of proteins, curbs, and fats and is a good source of calcium, as well as other vitamins and minerals

  6. 2. Healthy Breakfast .Some foods those get easily also get protein . Potatoes , oats , these foods are a very easy and cost-effective way to add in extra calories. .Many of these curb sources also provide important nutrients and fiber, as well as resistant starch, which can help nourish your gut bacteria.

  7. 3. Protein and Supplements Those people think whey protein is unhealthy or unnatural, but this isn't the case. Whey protein is made from dairy and has been shown to improve markers of health.

  8. 4. Dried Fruits You eat also in your boring downtime. It's also known as sweet fruits, dried fruit is a high-calorie that also provides antioxidants and micronutrients. Other varieties of dried fruit are also available, sometimes in candied form coated. These include mangoes, pineapples, cranberries, bananas, and apples.

  9. 5. Dark Chocolate Easily get in the market. High-quality dark chocolate. Provide a ton of antioxidants and health benefits. Most people recommend getting dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 65% to 70% Like other high-fat foods, dark chocolate has a very high-calorie density, meaning it's very easy to get many calories from it.

  10. Eat well…..Stay well

  11. Thanks for taking Time out I know your time is valuable and I appreciate you spending some of it with me

  12. @Shivampaldmp @Shivampaldmp @Shivampaldmp @Shivampaldmp @Shivampaldmp @Shivampaldmp http://healthydietsgain.blogspot.com

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