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In this contemplative text, we explore the profound silence of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the beauty and grace it brings. We reflect on the angel's visitation and Mary's acceptance of God's will. This text invites us to embrace silence and find the presence of God in our lives.
The Silence of Mary – a language of eternity
To stay in silence is simply to welcome the gift of God’s presence. Listen! Let us contemplate the One who speaksthe language of eternity.
Mother of Jesus, I did not come to pray. I have nothing to offer you, and nothing to ask for. I came, Mother, just to contemplate you. I just want to be with you, and stay together with you. Oh Mary, I ask you to lead me to Jesus, your Son!
Simply because you exist, we thank you, Mother of God You are beautiful, O Mary. You are the Immaculate because you are the Mother of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Essere insieme con te, Maria, qui, dove sei tu. Non dire nulla, cantare, solo perché il cuore è troppo pieno… Because you are a woman whose glance goes straight to the heart and you allow the flow of long accumulated tears.
From the Gospel of St. Luke The Angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth. To a Virgin promised to a man called Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name wasMARY.
And the Angel said: “Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with you”. She was deeply disturbed by these words… The Angel said to her: “Mary, do not be afraid; you have found grace before God. You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and his reign will have no end.”
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. And I tell you this too: your cousin Elizabeth also, in her old age, has conceived a son, for nothing is impossible to God.”
I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.
A wonderful moment whereby heaven and earth join together, in silence, without clamor . The intimacy of love, which is so profound a communion as to be ineffable, incapable of expression by any human word.
It is Mary’s silence. A silence which as a sweet perfume penetrates the heart of the Church, and of every believer; or as the echo of a song coming from another shore.
Holy Mary, woman of silence, bring us anew to the springs of peace. Free us from a profusion of words. First of all from our own. But also from the others’. Holy Mary, woman of silence, admit us into your school. Keep us far from the market place of noises. Restore in us the taste for contemplation. Grant that we become convinced that only silence brings about the great things of life: conversion, love, sacrifice. Another thing I want to ask you, most sweet Mother. You who have experienced the silence of God, do not leave us in the hour of trial. When heaven does not answer our cry, and the fear of being abandoned brings uson the brink of desperation, stay close to us. In that moment, please break silence to speak words of love to us.
Whoever possesses the word of the Lord, can also listen to his silence. With his Word, he works in us, and with his silence makes himself known to us. (St. Ignatius of Antioch).
My Soul Magnifies Mary Blessed James Alberione My soul magnifies Mary; and my spirit rejoices in My Mother, Queen and Teacher. Because God has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid: behold, angels and men call her blessed. Because He who is mighty has done great things in her, and chose her Immaculate, Virgin, Mother and assumed her into heaven. The mercy of Mary extends from one generation to another, to those who love her and seek her.
The power, the wisdom and the love of Mary save those who are humble in the depths of their heart. She draws to herself all those who contemplate her, those who run to the perfume of her ointments. She fill the hungry with good, to the blind she gives light of heart. She gave to the world Jesus Master, who is the blessed fruit of her womb. And he became the wisdom of God for us, justice, sanctification and redemption throughout the centuries. Amen.
May the Lord grant us the silence and attention of love which filled the heart of Mary. May he grant us the ability to receive the Word, and the strength which springs from silence so as to place all our being at the service of the Word of life. May the Lord grant us, in his goodness, that silence which is the echo of the Word which must fill every fiber of our being freeing us from the bonds of our egoism.