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Memo of Transmittal Title Page Table of Contents List of Illustration Executive Summary

Prefatory Parts. Memo of Transmittal Title Page Table of Contents List of Illustration Executive Summary . Memo of Transmittal. To transmit the report to the reader First paragraph - “Here is the report. . . ” Middle paragraph - allude to problem statement, factors, recommendations

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Memo of Transmittal Title Page Table of Contents List of Illustration Executive Summary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prefatory Parts Memo of TransmittalTitle PageTable of ContentsList of IllustrationExecutive Summary

  2. Memo of Transmittal • To transmit the report to the reader • First paragraph - “Here is the report. . . ” • Middle paragraph - allude to problem statement, factors, recommendations • Last paragraph - goodwill closing and contact information

  3. Example only - You will use MEMO

  4. Title Page • Title • Complete identification of authorizer (or recipient) • Complete identification of yourself • Date of writing • Centered and spaced top to bottom

  5. TABLE OF CONTENTS • Level 5 heading TABLE OF CONTENTS. • Left column titled Item (bold, underlined) lists the major headings and sub-headings with leader to right column page number • Right column titled Page (bold, underlined). Contains page numbers - all aligned at right margin. • Double space above and below headings of highest level of division. Headings below this level should be uniformly single-spaced.

  6. List of Illustrations • List of figures (numbered consecutively beginning from 1.) and tables (numbered consecutively beginning from 1) • Uses leaders . . . . . . .

  7. Executive Summary • Report in miniature (starting with information from the Overview section onward). • Summarizes essential facts. • Includes problem statement, factors, primary analyses, summary, conclusions, and recommendations. • Indirect order • One page • Single spaced (double space between paragraphs)

  8. Supplementary Parts References Appendices Blank page Binding back cover

  9. References • Reference page begins on a separate page immediately after the recommendation and implementation. • “REFERENCES” is a level-5 heading. • Use APA style to list references. • List alphabetical by author last name. • Double space the references and use hanging indent format.

  10. References Purdue University Online Writing Lab http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_apa.html

  11. Appendices • Each appendix has its own cover page. • Type “APPENDIX,” if only one item (level-5 heading). If more then one appendix, identify them sequentially (Appendix A, Appendix B, etc). • Place the name of the item directly under the word “APPENDIX,” also formatted as a level-5 heading • Number the appendix cover page and list in Table of Contents • Referenced item is entered immediately after the cover page

  12. Insert one blank page at end of report Turn in three (3) copies • Bound Report – use ONLY comb binding with transparent top and opaque backing • Unbound Report – stapled once in upper left-hand corner • Electronic Report – submitted through Turnitin (see class Blackboard link)

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