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Flip your Hangout: Using Google+ to blend and flip your classroom Presenters: Lisa A. Jones and Anthony Basham. Description:.
Flip your Hangout: Using Google+ to blend and flip your classroom Presenters: Lisa A. Jones and Anthony Basham
Description: Flipping the classroom is a hot topic in classrooms today. For many it remains a topic of high interest but is deemed too difficult to learn. While many faculty want to design their classes based on the flipped model of lecture as homework, Google Hangouts allows faculty to flip lecture, and also record, archive and stream class discussions. This session will focus on a pilot Google Hangout between a classroom in Berea Kentucky and a synchronous live international classroom. Students and professors co-teach and co-learn through synchronous and asynchronous Google Hangouts and then archive and stream the results. Blended learning, flipped methodology and creative uses of free applications will be discussed and demonstrated. Creative ideas for introducing diverse classroom interactions, dual credit, Moodle/Blackboard integration and other creative pedagogies will be presented for discussion.
Flip Your Classroom using Google+ Hangouts • “Theflipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed.” • Provides students with a re-usable learning object: RLO • Creates a 24/7 learning environment • Allows synchronous and asynchronous communication • Provides faculty with a resource repository
Elements of the Flipped Classroom • Lecture posted before class meets: Screencasts, Streaming • Pre-discussion questions on Discussion Forum or Social Media • Class time saved for active learning • Posted lectures, discussions create a re-usable learning object and 24/7 resource for students
Creative Flipping • Allow professors to “team teach” across international borders • Eliminate time and space restrictions • Encouraging a diverse classroom experience • “Freedom to learn”
Scenarios • http://www.yellowcat.in/ Theatre Department- Professor Dr. Adanma Barton- Google Hangouts for Group Collaboration with Gamification. • http://www.starfishinternational.org/- Peace and Social Justice Department-Professor Dr. Meta Mendel-Reyes - Professor Adanma Barton- Mostly Google+ and Hangouts for Video Blogs and Educational Research Repository.
Co-Presenter: Anthony Basham Educational Technology Specialist Anthony Basham is the Educational Technology Specialist at Berea College. Anthony has many years’ experience working with faculty using cutting edge educational technology in the classroom. Recently, he has been part of a project to use Google Hangouts as part of an international classroom experience for Berea faculty and students.
The Technical Part And The Scenarios
Scenarios • http://www.yellowcat.in/ Theatre Department- Professor Dr. Adanma Barton- Google Hangouts for Group Collaboration with Gamification. • http://www.starfishinternational.org/- Peace and Social Justice Department-Professor Dr. Meta Mendel-Reyes - Professor Adanma Barton- Mostly Google+ and Hangouts for Video Blogs and Educational Research Repository.
Comparison of Web Conferencing • Platforms (Windows, Mac , Linux) • Recording Capabilities • Simultaneous User Capacity • Desktop and Screen Sharing • Mobile Device Support
My Technical Checklist • Video and Audio Compression (HD Webcam and Conference Microphone) • Echo cancellation • Videoconferencing modes • communications protocol s • Multipoint (Group Video Conferences) or Point-to-Point (Cisco Systems/Tandberg and Polycom systems )videoconferencing (The main protocols in this suite are H.221, H.230, H.242, audio codecs such as G.711, and video codecs such as H.261 and H.263.) • Cloud-based video conferencing • Used video codecs: H.261, and optionally H.262, H.263, H.264 according to the video hierarchy specified in specification, and in ITU-T Recs H.241 and H.242. H.261 is mandatory in any enhanced H.320 system with video capability. Baseline H.263 capability shall be required in systems that use enhanced video modes.[ • Eye Contact • Appearance Consciousness • Signal Latency (Made arrangement with Network Services to make sure the port in the allow proper Firewall port traffic for SKYPE (All destination ports above 1024 (recommended) or Ports 80 and 443) and Google Hangouts (TCP ports 80 and 443 )
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Videoconferencing • Video and Audio Compression • Echo cancellation • Videoconferencing modes • communications protocol • Multipoint (Group Video Conferences) or Point-to-Point (Cisco Systems/Tandberg and Polycom systems) videoconferencing (The main protocols in this suite are H.221, H.230, H.242, audio codecs such as G.711, and video codecs such as H.261 and H.263.) • Cloud-based video conferencing • Used video codecs: H.261, and optionally H.262, H.263, H.264 according to the video hierarchy specified in specification, and in ITU-T Recs H.241 and H.242. H.261 is mandatory in any enhanced H.320 system with video capability. Baseline H.263 capability shall be required in systems that use enhanced video modes.[1] • Other Issues: Eye Contact, Appearance Consciousnessand Signal Latency
Video Conferencing Standards • The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) (formerly: Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony (CCITT)) has three umbrellas of standards for videoconferencing: • ITU H.320 is known as the standard for public switched telephone networks (PSTN) or videoconferencing over integrated services digital networks. While still prevalent in Europe, ISDN was never widely adopted in the United States and Canada.[citation needed] • ITU H.264 Scalable Video Coding (SVC) is a compression standard that enables videoconferencing systems to achieve highly error resilient Internet Protocol (IP) video transmissions over the public Internet without quality-of-service enhanced lines.[28] This standard has enabled wide scale deployment of high definition desktop videoconferencing and made possible new architectures,[29] which reduces latency between the transmitting sources and receivers, resulting in more fluid communication without pauses. In addition, an attractive factor for IP videoconferencing is that it is easier to set up for use along with web conferencing and data collaboration. These combined technologies enable users to have a richer multimedia environment for live meetings, collaboration and presentations. • ITU V.80: videoconferencing is generally compatibilized with H.324 standard point-to-point video telephony over regular plain old telephone service (POTS) phone lines.
http://bluejeans.com/ • Multipoint (Group Video Conferences) Computers, Conference Rooms Systems and Mobile Devices. • Interoperability-Brings all of the major hardware and software video platforms together. • Cloud-based Service - Cloud-based Video Bridging Service
http://www.vidyo.com/ • Multipoint (Group Video Conferences) Computers, Conference Rooms Systems and Mobile Devices. • •Available as a physical or virtual server appliance
Skype • Multipoint (Group Video Conferences) Computers and Mobile Devices. • Cloud-based Service • Not capable of Video Blogs/ Video Recording. • Audio is Pretty Reliable
Google Hangouts • Multipoint (Group Video Conferences) Computers and Mobile Devices. • Cloud-based Service • Video Blogs/ Video Recording with Webcam capabilities