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Periodic Motion. What’s the oscillation period of the radio signal from 107.7 “The End”? (f=107.7MHz). What’s the oscillation period of the radio signal from 107.7 “The End”? (f=107.7MHz) Is the oscillation period of 96.5 “Jack FM” larger or smaller than this?.
What’s the oscillation period of the radio signal from 107.7 “The End”? (f=107.7MHz)
What’s the oscillation period of the radio signal from 107.7 “The End”? (f=107.7MHz) Is the oscillation period of 96.5 “Jack FM” larger or smaller than this?
The ultrasonic transducer in a medical ultrasound imaging device is a very thin disk (m=0.10 g) driven back and forth in SHM at 1.0 MHz by an electromagnetic coil. The maximum restoring force that can be applied to the disk without breaking it is 40,000 N. • What is the maximum oscillation amplitude that won’t rupture the disk? • What is the disk’s maximum speed at this amplitude?
Vision is blurred if the head is vibrated at 29 Hz because the vibrations are resonant with the natural frequency of the eyeball held by the musculature in its socket. If the mass of the eyeball is 7.5 g, what is the effective spring constant of the musculature attached to the eyeball?
Spiders detect vibrations of their spring-like web to determine what’s been caught. Suppose a 13.0 mg fly lands in the center of a horizontal spider's web, causing the web to sag by 3.40 mm. When the fly gets stuck, the web will sag until the spring force balances the fly’s weight. • What is the spring constant of the web? • Modeling the motion of the fly on the web as a mass on a spring, at what frequency will the web vibrate when the fly hits it?
LAB 7 OBJECTIVES: • To investigate the relationships between position, velocity, acceleration and restoring force for periodic motion. • To investigate the basic properties of periodic motion—period, frequency and amplitude—and the relationships between them. • To understand the interplay between potential and kinetic energy in periodic motion.
An oxygen molecule (O2) can be modeled as two masses connected by a spring-like bond. An oxygen molecule can vibrate at many different frequencies but the smallest frequency vibration it can have is 5x1013 Hz. Graph the distance between the atoms and the kinetic, potential and total energy of the molecule versus time.