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Join our MSc programme focusing on sustainable agriculture, research cooperation, and global food security. Learn from top faculties in Germany.
SIA Sustainable International Agriculture - a new MSc programme with emphasis in cooperation and research Dr. Ronald F. Kühne SIA-Consultant to the Vice-Dean of Study Affairs, Agricultural Faculty, GAUG Affiliation: GAUG, Department for Crop Sciences - Division of Tropical Agronomy, Grisebachstr. 6, DE-37077 Göttingen E-Mail: rkuehne@gwdg.de
SIA Contents Scope Profile of the supporting faculties Integration of research Aims Career options Study programme specialisations Structure and study plan example Scope for cooperation Admission requirements and how to apply Summary
SIA SIA is a joint study programme of the agricultural faculties of the University of Göttingen and the University of Kassel – Witzenhausen The programme aims to meet global challenges in food supply and degradation of agro-environments by proposing knowledge based options for the intensification of production systems while saving and enhancing the productive potential of natural resources for future generations. Scope
SIA Agricultural Faculty Göttingen - Facts One of the largest research-oriented agricultural faculties in Germany. 30 professors teach Three experimental farms Göttingen is a friendly middle-sized city in the centre of Germany and very famous for its university. Founded in 1737, the University of Göttingen is internationally renowned for its great research tradition and its remarkable spectrum of disciplines. In 2007 it was recognized as one of the top nine universities in Germany for its strategy for the future. www.agrar.uni-goettingen.de
SIA Research focus in Göttingen In system-oriented interdisciplinary projects the faculty members study sustainable agricultural land use options in temperate, tropical and subtropical regions. Particular emphasis is laid on: The application of molecular biology and biotechnology in livestock and crop sciences. The biodiversity management in European agrarian landscapes. Resources protection and food security in rural areas of the Tropics and Subtropics.
SIA Organic Agricultural Sciences in Witzenhausen/ University of Kassel 20 Professors dedicated to the scientific study of organic agriculture under temperate and tropical conditions. 300 ha organic research and demonstration farm and large greenhouse facilities offer possibilities to address globally important research questions of organic agriculture. Witzenhausen, a charming city with 16.000 inhabitants S of Göttingen. About 100 years tradition in international agriculture as well as 25 years expertise in organic agriculture make the campus very unique. Founding member of “International Centre for Development and Decent Work”(ICDD)”.
SIA Research focus faculty Organic Agricultural Sciences in Witzenhausen In interdisciplinary research projects, the members of the faculty examine mixed farming systems and production chains in organic agriculture world-wide. Thereby the maintenance and improvement of soil fertility, prevention of diseases, and the optimization of food quality both in livestock and crop production are in the focus of research activities. Particular emphasis is laid on: The optimization of the resource use efficiency in agricultural production in the European and international context, with special focus on organic agriculture. The improvement of rural value chains within given economic and socio-cultural conditions. Nutritional ecology and - culture in combination with agricultural systems.
SIA Integration of research in SIA Resource protection and food security in rural areas of the tropics and subtropics are fully integrated. Focal points of the faculty in Göttingen (molecular biology and biotechnology as well as biodiversity management) are offered in individual modules of the 3 specialization options. MSc thesis research aims to practical studies in graduate schools and research programmes of the two faculties, in Germany, Europe and worldwide. SIA students can count on reliable introduction to the principles of scientific work. This promotes an intensive involvement in the practical aspects of scientific work, and of questions concerning labour organization and the solution of administrative problems.
SIA Aims Programme: shall contribute to the sustainable production of agricultural commodities and food security at specific locations and in an international context. Students: Understand the ecological interactions of natural and agrarian systems in a global context, Acquire up-to-date knowledge in natural and socio-economic sciences, Obtain social and methodical skills, Apply the acquired knowledge and skills in an international context concerning (organic) agriculture, In order to participate in the world-wide development of resource-efficient agricultural production.
SIA Three possibilities for specialization (profiles) International Agribusiness and Rural Development Economics International Organic Agriculture Tropical Agriculture
SIA Three possibilities for specialization (profiles) Each of the specialisations consists of a set of core modules and a large array of electives. Thus, students can combine knowledge from the three specializations according to their specific needs. Courses are held at two different locations (Witzenhausen and Göttingen) separated by a 20 minute train ride. Since each matriculated student is provided with a semester ticket that entitles him/her to free regional rail travel, all students are able to attend courses at both locations.
SIA International Organic Agriculture focuses on organic agriculture under different natural, economic and socio-cultural conditions. Crop management based on nutrient cycling and multifunctional cropping systems, ethical welfare-orientedanimal husbandry and social sciences. Research methods in organic agricultural sciences encompassing from the natural sciences to socioeconomic issues and intercultural communication. Interdisciplinary and projectoriented teaching Main study place: Witzenhausen.
SIA Tropical Agriculture aims to provide knowledge on sustainable cultivation and post harvest processing of tropical and subtropical crops, soil fertility management with a focus on recycling of organic materials, plant breeding and plant protection. Animal husbandry courses focus on nutrition, reproduction physiology, epidemiology and wildlife management. Modules in soil sciences, socioeconomics, lab and field-based research methods and modeling complete the specialisation. Equal share at Göttingen and Witzenhausen.
SIA Career Perspectives The Master’s degree offers excellent career prospects. International and national governmental and non-governmental institutions seek for experts who can face local and global agricultural challenges for sustainable agriculture, food markets, agribusiness, agro-ecology and food quality. Graduates are also qualified for further postgraduate studies, esp. Ph.D. programmes.
SIA SIA programme characteristics Master of Science; 4 semesters, joint degree from the Universities of Göttingen and Kassel Internationality is a key concept of the programme All courses are taught in English Lectures, seminars, practices, E-Learning, project modules Day-trips and up to 2-week study tours International cooperation exists already with: Talca (Chile; Göttingen) Prague (Czech Republic; Witzenhausen) (export of modules) Maribor (Slovenia; Witzenhausen, double-degree on the way) and ...visits to partner universities worldwide in the context of international study tours. soon with you?
SIA General structure based on modules Compulsory modules (3; 3*6 ECTS = 18) Mandatory modules (5 out of a list, min. 1 = methods; 6*6 ECTS = 36 ECTS Elective modules (6 out of a list; 6*6 ECTS = 36 ECTS) Thesis (1 Semester research, writing, defence; 30 ECTS Total: 120 ECTS 1 Module = 6 ECTS = 60 hours workload
SIA Study plans SIA - Tropical Agriculture
SIA Master thesis Proof of passed modules (at least 78 credits) Proposal for thesis topic Selection of first and second supervisor Time frame for thesis writing is 22 weeks. Must usually be written in English. Colloquium to the master thesis: introductory presentation (about 30 minutes) and a discussion (about 30 minutes)
SIA Admission: B.Sc. Degree Required is a BSc degree ( Sarjana/Strata Satu) of at least six semesters better eight in agricultural sciences or a related study field with a good grade point average of at least 2.5 (German grade system, equivalent to a B-) i.e. in the Indon. system: at least 3/4, minpass=2 that is equivalent to 2.5 (German System)
SIA Admission: Proof of proficiency in English language Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English at least with the grade ”B” Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English at least with the grade “C” International English language Test System (IELTS) with at least 6 points At least 550 points in a paper based TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language) At least 213 points in a computer based TOEFL (Test of English as a foreign language) At least 80 points in the new internet based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) UNIcert level III C1-certificate of CEF (Common European Framework).
SIA Summary - Facts and figures Master of Science (MSc) as a joint degree of University of Göttingen and University of Kassel Study places: Göttingen and Witzenhausen Duration of study: 4 semesters Beginning of studies: winter term (1st of October) of each year Credits: 120 ECTS Tuition and administration fees app. 470 € per semester Entrance requirements: Bachelor degree (at least 6-8 semesters) in agriculture or a related subject Deadline for application: July 15, EU-citizens; and February 15, non-EU-citizens Information and online application form: www.uni-goettingen.de/sia
SIA Terima kasih, Dankeschön, Thank you very much For your kind attention Questions are welcome! Dr. Ronald F. Kühne SIA-Consultant to the Vice-Dean of Study Affairs, Agricultural Faculty, GAUG Affiliation: GAUG, Department for Crop Sciences - Division of Tropical Agronomy, Grisebachstr. 6, DE-37077 Göttingen E-Mail: rkuehne@gwdg.de