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Preparing for 2011 STAR Standardized Testing and Reporting Grades K-5, 6-8 Georgia Renne Consultant. 1. 2. Workshop Goals. Review the basics of STAR Testing and High Stakes Testing. Discuss the components of building a successful STAR Testing Plan. Discuss how to use CST Released Questions.
Preparing for 2011 STARStandardized Testing and ReportingGrades K-5, 6-8Georgia RenneConsultant 1
Workshop Goals • Review the basics of STAR Testing and High Stakes Testing. • Discuss the components of building a successful STAR Testing Plan. • Discuss how to use CST Released Questions. • Discuss test prep for students. • Develop plan for training staff to implement STAR Testing Plan. 3
Purpose of the STAR ProgramStandardized Testing And Reporting • Provide standardized testing and test reports for students, schools, districts, counties • Provide schools and districts with information that can be used with other achievement data to make decisions about improving instructional programs • Provide information to community members and government about effectiveness of California’s education system 4
STAR Program Components • California Standards Tests (CSTs) • California Modified Assessments (CMAs) • California Alternate Performance Assessments (CAPAs) • Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) in addition to CST and/or CMA 5
Importance of STAR Testing: The Basics • Accountability for School Academic Performance Index (API) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) • Accountability for District Academic Performance Index (API) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) • Accountability for Student Progress Individual Student CST/CMA/CAPA Profiles Placement in classes 6
API • California’s Accountability Index • Based on STAR (2-8) • STAR (9-11) and CAHSEE (10-12) • Schoolwide & Subgroups • 200 to 1000 with 800 as the goal • Released in Aug./Sept. each year • Compensatory Model • Growth Model • Consequences = Public Opinion 7
AYP • Federal Accountability Index • Based on CST in grades 2-8 and CAHSEE (grade 10 only) in High Schools • Schoolwide & Subgroups • Applicable to Schools & Districts • Released end of August each year • Absolute Model • Has Consequences! PI 8
Definition of AYP (4 parts) • Achievement of a 95% participation rate on all applicable assessments • Achievement of the Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) in both English-language arts (grades 2-8 CST ELA and CST Math and grade 10 CAHSEE ELA and Math, percent proficient or above) • API (above 710 for 2010 or make 1 point growth for school wide) • Graduation rate (high schools only) 9
Knowing CST 425 Prof/Adv 400 375 350 BASIC Scaled Score Range = 150-600 325 300 275 250 FBB/BB 225 10
Test Preparation Componentsin this Workshop 1. Prepare School Testing Plan Slides 16-52 2. Preparation Using CST Released Test Questions (RTQs) Slides 53-66 3. Test Prep for Students Slides 67-82 13
Test Preparation Components in this Workshop 4. Training to Administer and Proctor Test Slides 83-100 5. Teachers - Before the Test Slides 101-104 6. Teachers – Day of the Test Slides 105-108 14
Test Preparation Components in this Workshop 7. Teachers - After Testing Each Day Slides 109-115 8. After the test (Test Coordinator and Team Members) Slides 116-121 15
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Principal designates a Site Testing Coordinator and Testing Team (2-3 additional staff members) to assist before, during, and after testing. • Principal and Coordinator attend district testing meeting. • Coordinator knows the district testing calendar for delivery and pick-up of testing materials. 16
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Set up best locations for testing. • Set up best student groupings for testing. CDE recommends group of 25 with a proctor assigned for larger groups • Plan for no maintenance work to be done at site on test days. 17
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Establish where and how materials will be securely stored. • Establish where, how and when materials will be organized for daily distribution and collection (one box for each teacher containing all testing materials). 18
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Order and sharpen #2 pencils so that each teacher has a class set plus extras. Order math scratch paper. • Schedule and plan training session for all test administrators and proctors. • Develop plan for at least 95% participation of all students and plan for absent students to make-up all tests missed. 19
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • What is included in 95% Participation? • Schoolwide 95% participation • Significant subgroup 95% participation • Significant Subgroup: School or LEA having 100 or more students enrolled on first day of testing OR 50 or more students making up at least 15% of total students 20
1.Prepare School Testing Plan • What is included in 95% Participation? • API credit for parent exemptions • AYP no credit for parent exemptions • Results of students tested with modifications are NOT counted in AYP participation and are not counted in percent proficient calculation. They are counted in API as having a 200 or FBB score. • Students absent with medical emergency excluded from participation rate. 21
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • What are considerations for valid scores? (Valid scores contribute to AYP and API.) • School API and AYP valid scores are for students continuously enrolled in school from CBEDS (early October) to test date. • District API and AYP valid scores are for students continuously enrolled in district from CBEDS (early October) to test date. 22
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • What are considerations for valid scores? • Schoolwide and Significant Subgroups: School (or LEA) having 100 or more students with valid scores OR 50 or more students with valid scores making up at least 15% of total students • Student marked with testing irregularity counted as not proficient for that test 23
1. Prepare School Testing Plan English Learner-Other considerations for valid scores: • Reclassified Fluent-English-Proficient (RFEP) student who has not scored at proficient/above level on CST in ELA for three years after being reclassified (does not have to be consecutive) can be counted as EL. • This student does count when determining whether EL subgroup is numerically significant. • If RFEP’s record is left blank on this field, will not count as EL. 24
1. Prepare School Testing Plan English Learners-Other considerations for valid scores: • Results of ELs enrolled for less than one year are not included in count of valid scores or in percent proficient or above. • EL enrolled after March 15, 2010 is not counted in 2011 AYP/API. 25
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Other considerations for valid scores: • Students With Disabilities (SWD) A student who receives special education services and has valid disability code. OR One who previously received special education services within the last two years with an exit date after March 15 2009. (These students will not count in determining if SWD is a numerically significant subgroup.) 26
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Other considerations for valid scores: • Cap of 2% on the percentage of students in LEA whose scores can be counted as proficient or above on the California Modified Assessments (CMAs). • The proficient and advanced level scores above the cap must be counted as not proficient in AYP calculations. • The 2% cap may be exceeded if the LEA is below the CAPA 1% cap. • A waiver may be requested if above 2%. 27
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Consideration for 8th Graders taking General Mathematics CST: • No penalty for school’s AYP (proficiency target). • Penalty for school’s API as these students’ scores are counted as one performance band lower than score. • Example: 8th grader scores “proficiency” on General Mathematics but counted as “basic” toward school’s API. 28
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Consideration for 8th-11th Graders not taking Mathematics CST: • Score of 200 (Far Below Basic) is assigned to student records with the test weight of .10 for API calculation. 29
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Determine and plan for all aspects of testing: How will students be grouped? Where will students be tested? Who will administer the tests? What materials are needed? What is the role of non-teaching staff? • Prepare schedule well in advance and review with Leadership Team for input. 30
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Review the successes and failures of last year’s testing plan to improve this year’s plan. • Know the tests for each grade level to build into schedule to include necessary number of testing days. • Know the times needed for each test to build daily testing schedule. 31
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Prepare schedule to include all tests on specific dates with beginning and ending times. • Include in the schedule make-up testing days for absent students. • Clear school master calendar of all other events during testing including field trips, assemblies, fundraisers, visitations, etc. • Develop plan to motivate best (teacher and) student attitudes toward testing. 32
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • Communicate testing calendar and schedule in advance to parents and students (newsletters, home-calling device, daily announcements, teacher talks, class posters). • Remind parents and students of daily attendance during testing with no release of students for appointments. • Stress importance and results of tests determine next year’s class placements especially for students entering middle or high school. 33
Test Preparation 2011 STAR For information about STAR visit: California Department of Education's STAR Resource page at www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr • Program Resources (CST Released Items, CST/CMA/CAPA Testing Times) • Matrix of Testing Variations, Accommodations, and Modifications 34
Test Preparation 2011 STAR For information about the STAR Program visit: STAR website at www.startest.org • Test Information for CST/CMA/CAPA • STAR District and Test Site Coordinator Manual • Directions for Administration (all grades, tests) • Sample Answer Documents • Sample Test Question Transparency Blackline Masters 35
1. Prepare School Testing Plan What are the required tests for STAR? • California Standards Tests (CSTs) ELA and Math grades 2-11 History/Social Science grades 8-11 Science grades 5, 8-11 Writing Assessment grades 4, 7 36
1. Prepare School Testing Plan What are the required tests for STAR? • California Modified Assessment (CMA) CMA for SWDs with persistent academic disabilities who are not likely to reach grade level achievement because of their disability in the same timeframe as students without disabilities, but who will make significant progress. Individualized education program (IEP) teams will make the decision about which individual students should take such an assessment. 37
1. Prepare School Testing Plan • California Modified Assessment (CMA) Participation Criteria: www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/cmastar.asp Blueprints for grades 3-11, Geometry: www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr/cmastar.asp 38
1. Prepare School Testing Plan What are the required tests for STAR? • California Modified Assessments ELA grades 3-9 Math grades 3-7 Algebra 1 grades 7-11 Science grades 5, 8, 10 Writing Assessment 4, 7 39
1. Prepare School Testing Plan What are the required tests for STAR? • California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) for students with significant cognitive disabilities unable to take CSTs or CMAs even with accomodations/modifications for grades 2-11 (at Levels I-V) in: English-Language Arts Mathematics Science (grades 5, 8, 10) 40
1. Prepare School Testing Plan What are the required tests for STAR? • Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) Reading/Language and Mathematics tests grades 2-11 (Algebra, Geometry) for Spanish speaking English learners who either receive instruction in primary language or have been enrolled in a school in US for less than 12 cumulative months 41
1. Prepare School Testing Plan2-5 • Tests to be given for Grades 2-3 • (CDE recommends one test per day) • CST ELA Parts 1, 2 & 3 Untimed • CST Math Parts 1, 2 & 3 Untimed 42
1. Prepare School Testing Plan 2-5 • Tests to be given for Grades 4, 5 • CST ELA Parts 1 & 2 Untimed • CST Math Parts 1 & 2 Untimed • May be given in one or two days but if • given on one day must have a break • of at least 10 minutes. 43
1. Prepare School Testing Plan 2-5 • Test to be given for 5th Graders only • CST Science Test Parts 1 & 2 Untimed • May be given in one or two days but if • given on one day must have a break • of at least 10 minutes. 44
1. Prepare School Testing Plan6-8 • Tests to be given for Grades 6-8 • CST ELA Parts 1 & 2 Untimed • CST Math Parts 1 & 2 Untimed • May be given in one or two days but if • given on one day must have a break • of at least 10 minutes. 45
1. Prepare School Testing Plan 6-8 • Algebra I CST can be given to Grade 7 students taking full year of Algebra I. • 8th Graders take Algebra I CST if taking full year of Algebra I • OR • 8th Graders take General Mathematics CST if in Algebra Readiness. 46
1. Prepare School Testing Plan 6-8 • Tests to be given for 8th Graders only • CST Science Test Parts 1 & 2 Untimed • CST History Test Parts 1 & 2 Untimed • May be given in one or two days but if • given on one day must have a break • of at least 10 minutes. 47
1. Prepare School Testing Plan 2-5 • Guidelines for Building Testing Schedule • Grades 2-5: • Schedule one CST test per day for morning after 9:00 to eliminate students entering late. • Avoid afternoon testing. • Avoid testing on Monday. • Avoid testing right after return from spring break. 48
1. Prepare School Testing Plan 2-5 • Guidelines for Building Testing Schedule • Grades 2-5: • Schedule all CSTs ELA and Math Parts 1 and 2 for all grades on same days. • Schedule 5th Grade Science CST Part 1 on same day as Part 3 ELA grades 2-3. • Schedule 5th Grade Science CST Part 2 on same day as Part 3 Math grades 2-3. 49
1. Prepare School Testing Plan 2-5 • Guidelines for Testing Schedule A • Grades 2-5 • Testing Schedule should equal 6 days of testing (plus make-ups): • Day 1 CST ELA Part One (2-5) • Day 2 CST ELA Part Two (2-5) • Day 3 CST ELA Part Three (2-3) • CST Science Part One (5) 50