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EPOS European Plate Observing System. Massimo Cocco EPOS PP Coordinator on behalf of the EPOS team. Interview with the Assessment Expert Group March 12 th 2013 Brussels. EPOS PP Mission.
EPOS European Plate Observing System Massimo CoccoEPOS PP Coordinatoron behalf of the EPOS team Interview with the Assessment Expert Group March 12th 2013 Brussels
EPOS PP Mission The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a long-term integrated research infrastructure plan to promote innovative approaches for a better understanding of the physical processes controlling earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, unrest episodes and tsunamis as well as those driving tectonics and Earth surface dynamics EPOS aims at integrating the existingadvanced European facilities into one, distributed multidisciplinary Research Infrastructure (RI) taking full advantage of new e-science opportunities The EPOS RI will allow geoscientists to study the causative processes acting from 10-3 s to 106 years and from mm to 103 km EPOS PP Timeline mid-way through the PP
EPOS Framework Seismological Observatories & Research Infrastructures Volcano Observations Geological and Surface Dynamics data Geodetic data OtherGeosciencesdata (OBS, Gravity data) ICT & e-RI Facilities AnalyticalandExperimental Laboratories ICT & e-RI Facilities Satellite Information data GeomagneticObservatories InfrastructuresforGeo-Resources
1 - Present status of the PP project The EPOS Roadmap Technical & financial requirements Done Promotion & participation May 2012 We are here July 2013 May 2014
EPOS Contents http://www.epos-eu.org/ride/ • MAP OF: • - Seismic/GPS stations • Laboratories • - etc…. ResearchInfrastructure LIst • 226 Research Infrastructures • 1658 GPS receivers (out of 2500) • 2517 seismic stations • 385 TB Seismic data • 913 TB Storage capacity • 109 storage data centers • 512 instruments in laboratories
Which are the Core Services ? The EPOS Integrated Core Services will provide access to multidisciplinary data, data products, synthetic data from simulations, processing and visualization tools, .... The EPOS Integrated Core Services will serve scientists and other stakeholders, young researchers (training), professionals and industry EPOS is more than a mere data portal: it will provide not just data but means to integrate, analyze, compare, interpret and present data and information about Solid Earth Thematic Core Services are infrastructures to provide data services to specific communities (they can be international organizations, such as ORFEUS for seismology) National Research Infrastructures and facilities provide services at national level and send data to the European thematic data infrastructures.
Thematic Services: an example from seismology EPOS Board of Service Providers EPOS Volcanology EPOS Geology … Other EPOS Communities EPOS Seismology Products and Services (ESPS) Governance and coordination by Board of Service representatives, 4-6 members COMPUTATIONAL SEISMOLOGY HAZARD AND RISK EARTHQUAKE PRODUCTS WAVEFORM DATA Parametric earthquake information and event-related additional information Structure: Distributed ~ 5 nodes, including EMSC & its key nodes, AHEAD Products (indicative list) Earthquake parameters & bulletins; earthquake catalogues (instrumental, macroseismic, historic, synthetic); moment tensors; source models Services (…) Rapid earthquake information dissemination (felt maps, ShakeMaps) Ground motion recordings from seismic sensors (possible extension to infrasound) Structure: Distributed (ORFEUS umbrella) ~8 nodes, including ORFEUS & EIDA nodes, SISMOS, SMdB Products (indicative list) Continuous and event waveforms from permanent and temporary stations (broadband, short period, strong motion); historical waveform archive; synthetic waveform data; strong motion data (products) Services (…) Station information (metadata, site characterization…); data quality (control) information European Infrastructures Mobile pools, OBS pools… High performance and high end computing, data intensive computing Structure: Distributed ~3 nodes (build upon VERCE) Products (indicative list) Tools for massive scale data applications (processing, mining, visualization,…) Services (…) Access to HPC resources; data staging; data massive applications; data simulation; model repository and model handling tools (large 3D velocity models, rupture models,…) Seismic hazard & risk products and services Structure: Distributed ~3 nodes, including EFEHR (EUCENTER & ETH nodes) Products (indicative list) Hazard: Fault maps & models; source zones; hazard maps & curves & disaggregation; GMPEs Risk: Inventories & inventory models; vulnerability functions; risk maps & scenarios Services (…) Tools for model building and visualization; product viewer; hazard & risk calculation software & infrastructure Seismological services for visualisation, discovery and access to portal (based on seismicportal.eu ) expert groups, standards e-Seismology & common services Visualisation tool / discovery & access portal high performance and high end computing (may absorb E-Seismology) expert groups, standards EPOS Integrated Services
EPOS Open Access Policies • Data and facilities will be owned by national Ris • EPOS products will be owned by EPOS • Pricing: at this point no requirements for a pricing policy has been identified • Open Access to: • Freely available data in real time or with some time delay • Data available without charge to specific users or for specified purposes • Access to metadata allowing discovery of other relevant data • Access to facilities under equitable rules (details under discussion) • Data Licensing: Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC) wherever possible • Services and software available under CC licensing • Access rules: authentication will be required including statements on purpose of using data
EPOS Stakeholders I N V O L V E MENT • Solid Earth Science Data Providers • RIs declared in RIDE (www.epos-eu.org/ride/) & WGs • Scientific User Community (including academia) • Participation in complementary projects • Providing research data products, software & tools • Contributing to the EPOS Science Plan • Participating to the design of specific use cases • National Research Organizations (governmental) & funding agencies • Civil Defense Agencies (monitoring & surveillance of territory) • Governmental Organizations (research, environment) [BGR] • Data/Services providers and users outside the research community (including industry) • Regional or thematic collaborations with private sector • Access to scientific results for expert opinions to industry • Verifying future direct involvement in EPOS
EPOS Legal & Governance work • ERIC is considered by the IAPC to be the most appropriate choice of legal model for EPOS (November 2012) • The Board of Governmental Representatives supported this option (November 2012) • We started the process of drafting the LoI, EoI & Statutes • Governance Model: • General Assembly • Executive Director • Executive Office • Coordination Board • Scientific & e-science Boards • External Advisory Board
Financial Plan: cost assessment The whole EPOS enterprise includes: • EPOS Executive Coordination Office (ECO) • Integrated Core Services (ICS) • Thematic Core Services (TCS) • The National Research Infrastructures National RIs have a significant economic value (national investments) both in terms of construction (>300M€) and yearly operational costs (≈80M€) National related investments during the PP (> 40 M€) E R I C E D F
Financial Plan: cost assessment The EDF budget covers the following costs • The construction and running costs of ECO • Year 1: 300 k€ + 205 k€ • Year n+1: 525 k€ + 239k€ • The construction and running costs of ICS • Year 1:≅900 k€ • Year n+1: ≅1.800 k€ • The construction and running costs of new TCS as well as the costs associated with the maintenance, integration and updating of existing TCS: ≈3 ÷ 9 M€ • TCS for seismology will cost around 2 M€ TO BE FURTHER EVALUATED Uncertainties ≈ 15-20%
Potential Funding Sources • Mostly public sector • Host premium (up to max 80%) in-kind and cash • Membership fees (equal or weighted shares according to GDP or GERD) • Annual fees from observers
#2 Key Challenges massimo.cocco@ingv.it www.epos-eu.org epos@ingv.it
Pan-European & Global perspectives EUDAT VERCE ENVRI GEO, GEM, COOPEUS outreach Modeling hazard Science plan
Risk Management: Policy, Plan & Register"Orange Book" methodology - Identify-analyze-treat-review • Failure to enlist sufficient partners to form a successful Europe-wide ERIC Residual exposure: Low • Failure to engage countries that are not ERIC partners to support the EPOS missionResidual exposure: Low / Medium • Failure to secure sufficient funding to move to construction phaseResidual exposure: Medium • Failure to develop a convincing approach to users Residual exposure: Low • Failure to develop and implement successful plans for the establishment of thematic nodesResidual exposure: Medium / Low • Engaging in more activities than the available human resources can support, leading to failure to prepare a convincing and supported case for EPOS Residual exposure: Significant • Failure to engage with non-academic stakeholders Residual exposure: Significant
Moving towards EPOS Implementation Construction
EPOS is a timely & feasible initiative The EPOS infrastructure is novel in the following respects: • the extent of the partnership, • the multidisciplinary integration and data services, • the long-term scientific perspective, • the long-term governmental and financial perspective, • the novel e-infrastructure concept and new provisions for distributed data storage and high-performance computing facilities, • an enhanced integrated contribution to geo-hazard assessment and society.
Thank you for attention • Understanding our environment and appreciating hazards • due to natural, solid-Earth, phenomena will contribute • significantly to economic interests and quality-of-life massimo.cocco@ingv.it www.epos-eu.org epos@ingv.it
EPOS ERIC – proposedgovernance model for starting the construction phase EPOS Delivery Framework Externaladvisoryboard (externalexperts in science, finance & management) EPOS-ERIC Advising General Assembly (GA) Implementingdecisions Reporting Executive Director & Office Recommending Coordination Board Recommending Recommending Scientific Committee E-scienceCommittee Providing e-services EPOS Integrated Core Services EPOS ThematicCore Services (TCS) Implementing Providing data and products Coordinating TCS 1 (ORFEUS) TCS 2 (EUREF) TCS 3(…) Providing data and products National networksand RIs; Organisationsandcompanies; Data Centers
EPOS KEYWORDS • Integrationof the existing national and trans-national RIs • Interoperabilityof thematic services for a multidisciplinary community of users • Open access to a multidisciplinary research infrastructure for promoting cross-disciplinary research • Progress in Science by providing prompt and continuous availability of high quality data and the means to process and interpret them • Data infrastructures and novel core services, which will contribute to information, dissemination, educationand training. • Implementationplans, which require strategic investment in research infrastructures at national and international levels. • Societalcontributions: hazard assessment and risk mitigation
EPOS Spending Categories category financ. support • EPOS ECO and governace ERIC • ICS and TCS M&O EU countries • ICS and TCS developments other sources • National RIs National level • Integrating national RIs in EPOS National level • New European Ris to be discussed
Key Performance Indicators • Checking the basic management structure (and principles) • Tools for project monitoring Key Performance Indicators will cover: • Project Executions Plan / Milestones achievement plan: monitoring the progress of the implementation during the construction phase • Human Resource Utilisation to Plan: monitoring the allocation of human resources and their deviations to initial estimates of each part of the Project Executions Plan • Budget Resource Utilisation to Plan: monitoring the allocation of financial resources and their deviations to initial estimates of each part of the Project Executions Plan • Monitoring the impact of the EPOS infrastructure We need to develop and adopt effective metrics
Added Value of a RI EPOS is integrating existing RIs to develop new thematic and integrated core services (TCS & ICS) EPOS governance and legal model must be suitable to coordinate the management and implementation of these Core Services EPOS is more than a mere data portal: it will provide not just data but means to integrate, analyze, compare, interpret and present data and information about Solid Earth
Milestones • Approving Rules & Requirements for hosting ECO • Signed Letter of Intent LoI • Approving Rules & Requirements for hosting TCS & ICS • Expression of interest for ECO • Update Financial Plan • Launch the Call for Hosting ECO • Drafting Statutes • Launch the Call of ICS • Prototype for ICS
EPOS Components EuroGeoSurveys: OneGeology Europe
Why EPOS is important ? • It will provide access to multidisciplinary data, data products, processing tools, visualization software and data from simulations. • It will allow each community to open their data infrastructures to other stakeholders, which is a precondition to join the global data coordination • It provides coordination to cooperate with e-science community and participate to the new ICT era • It will structure our community to improve our future fund opportunities geo-hazards supersites projects • It promotes national implementation plans that improve the research capacities and opportunities
EPOS is a GEO participating institution • TASK-DI-01 C2: Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories • EPOS as a regional federation to provide multidisciplinary services for science innovation in solid Earth • EPOS contributes through ORFEUS to the FDSN (IN-01)