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CIO Best Practices for Local Accreditation Success

Learn critical elements of Accreditation Standards and understand why CIOs are central to accreditation. Discover why IR is essential but not as the lead, and how CIOs play a vital role in preparing colleges for accreditation visits.

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CIO Best Practices for Local Accreditation Success

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The CIO as ALO Best practices for accreditation at the local level

  2. Panelists • Pamela D. Walker, Ed.D. Vice Chancellor, CCCCO • Mary Kay Rudolph, Ed.D.  Executive Vice President, Santa Rosa Junior College, CIO/ALO for 12 years in current position; for 3 years at prior college in NCA • Meridith Randall, J.D. Associate Superintendent, Instruction and Institutional Effectiveness, Chaffey College, ALO for 23 years/CIO for 12

  3. What are the critical elements of the Accreditation Standards? • Fulfillment of Mission • Institutional effectiveness • Student learning • Library and learning support services • Data-driven decision-making • Integrated planning and evaluation • Student support services • CEO and Board oversight

  4. Why the CIO is central to accreditation • Colleges are organized around instruction and supporting instruction • The Standards focus on student learning as the ultimate outcome of most college activities, such as Standard III.C.5: “The institution has policies….that guide the appropriate use of technology in the teaching and learning processes.” (Also III.B.1 and I.B.7) • CIOs speak “SLO language” – many have come from faculty or have guided faculty through implementation of SLOs • CIOs often supervise planning and/or research

  5. The CIO’s position at the college assists with accreditation success • Reports directly to President • Usually tasked with informing Board about accreditation • Encourages engagement of faculty and other instructional staff • Serves as second contact point at college for ACCJC • Best practice is for faculty to co-chair with ALO and CIOs lead/supervise all faculty

  6. Why IR is essential, but not as the lead • IR can supply critical data in a reliable format and provide analysis • IR can provide surveys, best practice research, focus groups  • IR is connected with other researchers across the State and can provide context • IR ensures that the college has the resources to be data-driven

  7. CIOs are essential to prepare the college for a visit • Most CIOs are former faculty • Teaching is second nature to most of us • Prior to a visit, a period of education is ideal: • Workshops • Newsletters • Reminders/ “countdown”

  8. What Does the Team Expect? • A comfortable room with hard evidence • Evidence at the hotel • The ability to change interviews frequently • Tech support on call • Decent food • Endless caffeine What is an unreasonable expectation from a team?

  9. Team Focus • Anything you identified in your self-evaluation as a problem • Anything currently on ACCJC’s radar • Any particular interests of the team member • The Rubrics

  10. The Big Picture/Wrap Up

  11. Meridith’s Advice • Whatever your process is for planning, assessing SLOs, resource allocation, etc., make sure you can produce DOCUMENTS and show that the process is evaluated regularly and results in changes. • Make sure (almost) everyone can tell the team what the processes are AND that they had opportunity for input. Keep evidence that employees were given chances to comment.

  12. And…. • If you come through a visit with sanctions, it will likely be your fault as the ALO….. • But if you are successful, there will be “too many people to thank” • Just accept it….

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