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HydroBeta: A New Instrument For Measuring the Volume Scattering Function from 10 ° to 170° In Situ. David R. Dana & Robert A. Maffione. Hydro-Optics, Biology, & Instrumentation Laboratories. 55 Penny Lane Tel: (831) 768-0680 Watsonville, CA 95076 Fax: (831) 768-0681
HydroBeta:A New Instrument For Measuring the Volume Scattering Function from 10° to 170° In Situ David R. Dana & Robert A. Maffione Hydro-Optics, Biology, & Instrumentation Laboratories 55 Penny Lane Tel: (831) 768-0680 Watsonville, CA 95076 Fax: (831) 768-0681 Email: dana@hobilabs.com Web: www.hobilabs.com
Volume Scattering Function (VSF) The VSF describes the angular distribution of scattered light exiting an illuminated volume of water. Incident beam Transmitted beam F0 Scattered light Scattering angle DFs()
Previous VSF Measurements Petzold, Ref. 1. See also Kullenberg, Ref 2.
HydroBeta Approach • HydroBeta approximates the geometry used to define the VSF • Collimated, depolarized 532 nm illumination • Ring of fixed, narrow field of view radiometers simultaneously view the beam at different angles • Typical angles: 0 (beam transmission), 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 70, 90, 120, 140, 160, and 170 degrees • Absolute VSF calibration integrated into design
Sample Volumes Optical Layout
Features • No moving parts • Synchronous detection rejects solar background • Continuously measures 12 channels simultaneously for rapid profiling and detailed time series • Calibration traceable to basic radiometric standards • Low power
Calibration Background • Extension of approach used for fixed-angle HydroScat backscattering sensors (ref. 3) • W(c,z) is the receiver’s weighting function—its response to scattering at a distance z along the path of the source beam. • W(c,z) cannot be accurately modeled, but can be accurately measured.
Calibration Methodology • To measure W(c,z) • Move a diffusing target throughout the sample volume. • Change target angle to accommodate various scattering angles • Use transmitting diffuser for forward angles • Assumes only that target is Lambertian from 0º to 45º, and has known reflectivity or transmittance • All geometric imperfections accounted for by measurement
Microspheres and Mie Theory? • Alternate approach calls for use of calibrated suspension of microspheres as calibration standard, with VSF calculated from Mie theory. • Mie predictions highly sensitive to particle size distribution • Particle size distribution difficult to measure and maintain • Still requires knowledge of sensor weighting function • From a scientific perspective, one should verify Mie calculations for a suspension of microspheres using an independently calibrated instrument
Summary And Conclusions • Measuring the VSF is hard! • The HydroBeta approach is successful and will soon make VSF measurements routine in our deployments. • We have successfully extended the calibration methodology developed for fixed-angle sensors to the complete VSF • Preliminary measurements in lab and field demonstrate variations in scattering phase function
Future Plans • Modify for multi-wavelength operation • Compare calibrated particles to compare with Mie theory • Measure VSFs of phytoplankton cultures and inorganic particles • Investigate accuracy of bbestimates made with fixed-angle sensors • Measure VSF simultaneously with other IOPs, in variety of ocean waters • Complementary instrument for measuring VSF at angles from 0.1° to 6° in design phase
Acknowledgement & References • HydroBeta development supported by • Office of Naval Research • Naval Air Warfare Center • References • Petzold, T. J., 1972. “Volume scattering functions for selected ocean waters,” Scripps Institution of Oceanography Ref. No. 72-78 (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, Calif., 1972). • Kullenberg, G., 1974. Observed and computed scattering functions; chapter 2 in Optical Aspects of Oceanography, edited by N.G. Jerlov and E.S. Nielsen, Academic Press, NY, 25-49. • Maffione, R.A., and D.R. Dana, 1997. Instruments and methods for measuring the backward-scattering coefficient of ocean waters, Appl. Opt., 36, 6057-6067.