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Sid Roth Interview With Shawn Bolz

Now weu2019ll get into this a little later on but the thing thatu2019s so excited me was this mega-shift that is going to be occurring. We were always taught someone has a ministry of business to make money to give it to people like us to do ministry who are called for up front ministry. This is the conversation between Sid Roth and Shawn Bolz For further update Visit our site.<br>

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Sid Roth Interview With Shawn Bolz

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  1. Sid Roth Interview With Shawn Bolz topsitenet.com/article/275131-sid-roth-interview-with-shawn-bolz Sid : We want everyone everywhere to be so passionate for the Messiah that your life will make a difference. Now I have a young man that’s passionate for the Messiah his name is Shawn Bolz I’m speaking to him at his home in Foley, Alabama he’s with White Dove Ministries. And through a series of coincidences, and I don’t believe they were coincidences I got a hold of his book about a week ago and the title is… and I have to tell you Shawn I’m kind of turned-off not on prosperity but the motive behind a lot of prosperity teaching that goes on. And so when I saw the title my first thought was I’m really not interested in this book and the books only a month old it’s called “Key’s to Heaven’s Economy.” And then I read the subtitle which says “An angelic Visitation from the Minister of Finance.” And I have to tell you what you teach in your book about money and this visitation that you had, and what is about ready to happen on planet earth is what the Holy Spirit has been showing me and it’s so refreshing to have what I call a good… a godly slant on prosperity as opposed to what I see. Shawn: Wow, I appreciate that I know that the book totally challenged me to write it because I’m not a wealthy man; I’m not someone that’s dealt with lots of finances in the past. So I was shocked when the angel came to me to deal with this kind of subject. Sid: So why did angel, who identified himself as the Minister of Finance, choose you? Shawn: I think it had to do with the story in the book which is about my brother and I. Sid Roth: Why don’t you share that now? Shawn: Well, my brother died before I was born he was about 4 years old and he was one that brought my whole family to the Lord right before he died. He talked about Jesus and God all the time, my parents weren’t saved and they didn’t know how this little boy had such an encounter with God that he talked about Him all the time. And they were not practicing Catholics, but they came more from a Catholic tradition. So when he died the night he died they had an angelic visitation and they talked to their priest about it and he told them “He told them that they needed to know Jesus, they needed to understand who Jesus was,” and he lead them through a salvation prayer. And so my brother became in some ways and in a different way a martyr for our whole family. So later on as we started on our journey as a family my parents really wanted to raise my sisters and I for ministries for the purposes of the Lord. And so later, 2001, I was on a journey with God I call them journeys where I’m going places as I go on ministry trips 1/4

  2. sometimes I’ve gone somewhere just because God sends me. I went to a place called Lancaster, California and I heard the Lord speak to me in my room “You have to go to Lancaster, California.” And when I heard that I didn’t know why, it wasn’t a ministry trip, I didn’t know why I was going. Sid: Had you ever been to Lancaster before? Shawn: Well, when I was fifteen I actually went to a concert there and so that was the only time; it was a Christian concert and I’d never been back and I didn’t know anybody there it was a knew land for me. But a friend of mine was going to go and do a conference there she’s a minister and so she had asked it I wanted to go. After this I told her about the experience, and she said “Well why don’t you go to this conference maybe God’s going to visit you at my conference.” Which was a beautiful statement and I had a great time at the conference but nothing happen as far as why I thought I was supposed to go there. On my way on that trip I had called my mom and or she had actually called me and she asked “Shawn where are you going this weekend I heard you’re going on a trip, where is it?” And I said “Well I’m going to Lancaster, California because I heard the Lord say “Go get an inheritance from Lancaster.” And she started to cry because she was going up to the Northwest which was another story but she said “Shawn your brother was born in Lancaster, California.” And I never knew that because we’re a military family we hadn’t talked much about his death, we hadn’t talked much about where he was born. We talked a lot about him, but some of the details because it was before I was born. Sid: Now he died at age 4 from leukemia but go ahead. Shawn: Yeah and so I just didn’t know much about him and so as far as circumstances and so when I was going back out there to the West Coast from Kansas City I thought, “God what are you doing sending me for an inheritance and how is it linked into my brother’s life who was born there?” And I felt like He was showing me Isaiah 49 verse 8 it says “He’s going to raise us up to reassign desolate inheritances or inheritances that no longer are being picked up or held or championed by anybody.” And so I felt like there was something that God had designed my brother just like He has a plan for all of our lives He had designed a plan for my brother’s life that was cut short by the leukemia and cancer that he had and that God was asking me to go and pick up an inheritance that my brother had walked in and would have fulfilled in his lifetime if he had lived his whole life out. So I went back there under that premise. So when I got there I don’t think, I don’t know that I would have had the angelic visitation if it was about just my calling and the purpose God had invited me into but I know that he was expanding me and asking me to have even more than I had before. I invited me to enter into my brother’s destiny inheritance so that he could still inheritance so that he could still inherit in Heaven from Heaven’s point of view. And so I went out to Lancaster, California and the conference was great but nothing dramatic happened for me it was a good time. And then I went and stay with these people I had met at the conference we just had a Divine connection their last names were the Worthington’s, which I love that name because it was a little hint 2/4

  3. from God’s heart about what was about to happen about the worthiness of God. I went to their house, woke up one morning all of a sudden as I wake up in the morning I’m not a morning person when I wake up the light was shining in my eyes. And I was facing the windows and they didn’t have window curtains or treatments and so I was facing the windows and the sun was rising in my eyes so I turned around to look the other way and the sun was shining through mirrors that were on the other side of the wall and so I looked down to clear my eyes of the sunlight because it was so bright. And there was a man standing at the foot of my bed and it completely terrified me because I didn’t know these people very well and I didn’t know if some man had come into my room. But then I realized that this man did not look normal; he didn’t look like a…he had some qualities, some supernatural other worldly quality to him which then scared me even more. I was laying there in a very vulnerable position in bed you know looking at this man and a voice came into the room and said “Welcome the Minister of the Finance” into the Kingdom.” And this man was dressed like all I can say is a like a brown burlap it looked like almost like a potato sack robe. But underneath it was hiding something of just the greatness of the authority he carried, there was something underneath that I couldn’t totally see but you could kind of make out of just garments I’ve never seen on earth before. Sid: What did you feel while this was going on? Shawn: First of all I felt like “Why in the world was he in my room a minister of the finances of the Kingdom.” Because the only term for the Minister of Finance that I ever heard is a Minister of Finance of America, or a Minister of Kenya, or you know a different country I never heard of an angelic being called the Minister of Finance. I was looking through scriptures saying “What does this mean and who is this and what is this experience.” And so I was immediately like my mind was racing and I had very clear thoughts, but questions with no answers, so I knew I would have to walk out the experience and see why he had come. So he came over to me; he didn’t talk at first, he came over to me and he stood next to me and he began to pull out a number of keys. He had keys in this burlap robe that he was wearing that had pockets and he put them on my chest and he started pulling out every kind of key that you could image there was car keys, and boat keys and house keys and building keys and card keys and new kinds of keys that I think are electronic that we’re going to walk into as a country. And keys I’ve never seen before and then big keys and small keys and he put them all on my chest so it was very weighty and I could feel them in the natural I could feel the weight of them I could feel the coolness of some of them. And he pushed them into me and said he was imparting keys for resources, I knew that I was representing something. I’m not necessarily saying that I will have all these thousands of keys in my life time but because there was several hundred if not a thousand keys. He was pushing them into me and I started to take on an impartation of unlocking of resources that were going to come for the sake of Jesus to get His full inheritance, His full reward. So I began to understand that this encounter was about Jesus getting everything that is His. 3/4

  4. Sid: Now the thing that excites me is there’s going to be a mega shift, and most people realize this in the church; we think of the separation of clergy and layman. But what he showed you was there’s going to be this dramatic shift into the world of business and art and finance; explain that. Shawn: I think that was one of the main points of the whole encounter is that these keys belonged to people who were going to pursue their calling, their destiny in the entertainment industry and in the political arena and in education and in all those different arenas, business and like you said arts. All of these different things were the keys belong to so the keys were to buildings that were like a studio. I saw a studio in California that’s one of the largest studios in California that I’ve never seen with my natural eyes. I saw it in the Spirit, we were hovering over it and that’s part of later on in the story. I saw this studio being unlocked, the keys being giving to either purchase or else to use a good portion of it to a Christian Community of people who are called to make movies in the Hollywood industry that would reflect the glory of God. And what I loved about this is right before the Passion and Narnia, and now we’re starting to see an unlocking of resources and of anointing and of impartation from God’s heart to unlock projects that are open people’s hearts toward redemption message. And so I feel like I saw these keys being released to the person who doesn’t necessarily feel called to the institution of the Church but they feel called to the Kingdom. And so you have…we’ve spent a lot of time ministering to ministers and ministering to people who have a church calling. All of a sudden this Minister of Finances showing me the resources are being provided that people could go out and use those resources to touch every dark place that Jesus could get the fullness of His reward. Sid: Now we’ll get into this a little later on but the thing that’s so excited me was this mega-shift that is going to be occurring. We were always taught someone has a ministry of business to make money to give it to people like us to do ministry who are called for up front ministry. But you see the ministry actually being what they’re doing. Shawn: Absolutely, absolutely I think that people are about to understand that the very, if you look at the scriptures in Joel that the very plowshare or the very hoe or whatever they’re using as a garden tool they’re using, that very thing that they are using to work their fields and to just get their resource and finances for their own life God’s going to say “Turn your plowshares into swords, beat your pruning hooks into spears it’s time for war; it’s time for My purpose.” He’s about to come to the person who feels like they’re in a common role like a housewife or the person who feels like they’re in a common role… Sid: Ah, I tell you we’re out of time will pick up right here on tomorrow’s broadcast. This is the conversation between Sid Roth and Shawn Bolz For further update Visit our site. 4/4

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