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Welcome everybody. Iu2019m Brian Simmons and we wanna welcome those that are watching this session. Iu2019m going to be mentoring you today on the supernatural and having your own personal encounter. Itu2019s time for you to see God.<br>

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  1. IS MINISTRY MENTORING SESSION WITH BRIAN SIMMONS launchora.com/story/is-ministry-mentoring-session-with-brian-simmons BRIAN: Welcome everybody. I’m Brian Simmons and we wanna welcome those that are watching this session. I’m going to be mentoring you today on the supernatural and having your own personal encounter. It’s time for you to see God. AUDIENCE: Yes. BRIAN: You know I am just so hungry for Him. When I see in the scriptures that someone had an encounter with God what it does to me is it makes me want to have that too. Doesn’t it to you? AUDIENCE: Yes. BRIAN: And God is not a respecter of persons. And what He’s done for one He will do for you. But He responds to hunger. I know this from experience that God responds to desperate hunger. And if you will be desperate and hungry for an encounter this could be the year that you have your own personal visitation. Now in Psalm 42 David makes an amazing statement. He says when am I going to come and stand before God? And I’ve shared this with many, many people. You need to start praying that. When am I going to come and have my encounter with God? And I also tell people this. It’s everything you want and everything you’ll run from at the same time. It is so terrifying and so exhilarating it will mark your life. It will change you forever. And I believe that God is going to open doors for you in the next season of your life to really encounter Him. Do you love him? AUDIENCE: Yes! BRIAN: Do you really want Him? AUDIENCE: Yes! BRIAN: Do you wanna just read about Him and hear other people tell you about Him? Or why don’t we be like Job that says you know I’ve heard about you with the hearing of my ear but now my eyes see You. The Lord is going to give you eyes that see and ears that hear. Let me just pray as we begin. Father, in Jesus’ name I pray for the spirit of revelation, the Spirit of Revelation would open our hearts as we open up the pages of our Bible. Stir us, Lord. Give us faith. Give us faith that we not measure our life and say well I’m not good enough for Jesus to come to me. If that were the case we’d never be saved. But Lord, we pray that You will make us salty and thirsty and hungry for our own encounter with You. I pray it in Jesus’ name. Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen. 1/8

  2. BRIAN: The Holy Spirit wants to give you a fresh baptism. I have a very conservative evangelical background. For me to address you like this today and encourage you to seek God for a visitation is so foreign to what I was 20 years ago. I was a Bible person. I love the Bible. I actually memorized about half of the New Testament. I was completely in love with the Bible. The Trinity to me was God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Bible. AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BRIAN: And it was while we were missionaries in the jungle that I encountered “Ruach ha Kodesh,” the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Holiness. And the miracles and the dreams and my wife is such an amazing prophetess. She dreams 4 and 5 dreams every night. Many times before we go into a meeting or a church or a city the Lord will give us downloads about what He wants to do in that region. And so I’m just convinced that there is more in the supernatural waiting for you. There’s more than you’ve ever experienced. Can we leave our “know it all badge at the door? AUDIENCE: Yes. BRIAN: You know the worst thing that will cripple you in the spirit realm is to say well I’ve already had my encounter. I already know those things. You know what? You don’t know very much. Neither do I. And we don’t want just God in our mind. That’s a very small place for Him to fit. We want God inside of us. We want to carry like Mary. We want to carry like Mary. We want to dispense the divine. We want to be a carrier of the glory and to influence cities and regions because of the Christ in us. Christ in heaven is not the hope of glory. Christ in you. Christ in me. Christ in you this moment is the hope of glory. Say those words: Christ in me. AUDIENCE: Christ in me. BRIAN: Is my hope of glory. AUDIENCE: Is my hope of glory. BRIAN: You have a hope of glory this moment. And inside of that hope of glory is healing, miracles, its communication with God. What father would never speak to his son? What father would never speak to his daughter? You’re cherished. You’re loved. And our heavenly Father is going to speak to us and He’s going to give us divine impartation. If we will ask Him He will speak. So every time I go to bed at night. Most of the time I go to bed at night. Sometimes I’m so tired I forget. But I consec— you know what I do? I consecrate my pillow. And I say Lord, I touch this pillow. Make it into a pillar of glory. I wanna go up the divine stairway. Now Jacob had a dream like that, didn’t he? Jacob was running from his estranged brother Esau. And do you know where he ended up that night? He ended up at the very place his grandfather had built an altar. Bethel. And he had taken one of those altar stones, Jacob took an altar stone that had been anointed by Abraham his grandfather and he put that stone under his head and a stone became a pillow. And that anointed stone, who’s the anointed Rock? We need to put that under our head, don’t we? 2/8

  3. You know we need to get out of our minds. You need to be out of your mind for God. And it’s my mission in life, one of my assignments in life is to help people get out of their minds. It’s a very limiting place to put God, believe me. He wants to permeate every part of our being. Our soul, our emotions, our conscience, our will, every activity, every stirring of our heart He wants to hold the reins to that. So Jacob goes into a trance. It’s like a vision and a dream and a trance all rolled into one and he saw the divine escalator. I’m very visual so here’s the picture I want you to see. It was a strand of DNA going up into the heavenly realm. It was the DNA of heaven. God’s DNA. And Jacob saw. What did he see? Angels going up. Angels coming down. Right? These are not the angels you think. Did you know half of the time in the Bible when angels are spoken of it’s men? The Hebrew word, and interestingly the Greek word for “angel” can be either human or angels in the heavenly realm. What Jacob saw was not simply celestial angels. He saw people. Where did they start? They ascended and descended. Where did they start from? AUDIENCE: Earth. BRIAN: That’s where we live. They came from earth up that strand of glory into the heavenly realm. Received their destiny, their mantle, their scroll. They got their visitation and they came back. God wants you to ascend the hill of the Lord. The secret stairway of the sky, Song of Songs 2:14 speaks of. The highway of holiness that Isaiah presents. But you know that stairway is presented again in John 1. And Jesus sees Nathaniel and says here comes a true Israelite that has no guile, no bitterness. Remember that encounter? And Nathaniel is so astounded he said well how do you know me? And Jesus said I saw you under the fig tree. He had a word of knowledge. Jesus had a word of knowledge. I saw you before you came to me. You were sitting under a fig tree. And Nathaniel was so astounded Jesus said you think that’s something? You will see heaven open. And the angels of God ascend. Where do they start? AUDIENCE: Earth. BRIAN: Ascend and descend. Last Days intercessors are going to be mighty champions of God that have ascended the hill of the Lord and have gone into their place of visitation. You see unbelief limits us. Unbelief says well I’ve never been taught that. Well let’s start getting it. And we are, we are His chosen ones. We are His favored ones. How does it feel to be the fiancee of the son of God? You married up. AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BRIAN: Can’t get any higher. You know it’s as though the Trinity, it’s as though the Trinity were making room for the Bride to come as a mighty partner, a co-signer to the title deed of the universe. You know writing a commentary on Genesis I discovered how many encounters Abraham had. You flip every page. And the Lord appeared to Abraham. The Lord appeared to Abraham. Acts 7, verse 1 and 2 the God of glory appeared to Abraham. So the entire Hebrew family began with divine encounter. This is why in the DNA of the Jewish people there is a passion and a longing to encounter this God of creation. This God that appeared to their ancestor come to me Lord. The longing to appear before God 3/8

  4. and to have Him come to you. It’s legit. It’s okay. It’s legal to want. David said when will I come and stand before You? What about Moses? What about Jacob? We already talked about the stairway of glory, the escalator that went up. What about Isaiah, the throne room encounter. I mean for 5 chapters he speaks woe unto you, woe unto you, woe unto you. We’ve got a lot of the woes going on today don’t we? But in Isaiah 6 who did he speak the woe unto? “Woe unto me!” Until you have a throne room encounter all you have to say is “woe to them.” But when you see the Lord high and lifted up it’s not the whole earth is full of sin. The whole earth is full of glory. What are you made from? The whole earth is full of His glory. What about Ezekiel? I mean by the third verse of Ezekiel he’s in a whirlwind. The glory’s coming. I mean he couldn’t even wait to tell us. On his 30th birthday when he should have been a priest there was no Temple. He was in exile by the River Kebar which means the river of eternity, the river of long ago and he on the shore of that river, the bank of that river he has this vision and he sees the glory. What about Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Zechariah? The entire book of Zechariah is eight visions in the night and it even gives us in the early verses he gives us the date. We can actually pinpoint the date in Zechariah’s Journal, one night and he gives us the day I had eight dreams and visions and the entire book of Zechariah is one night’s visitation. AUDIENCE: Whooo! BRIAN: Daniel, he had insights. Unusual insights that we’re only now walking in to. The days of Daniel are upon us. The fulfillment of the prophetic writings. And Daniel said in the Last Days many will go here and there. Many will go here and there and revelation knowledge will increase and the books will be opened, 66 of them, and the spirit of revelation is gonna come upon us and no longer will the word of God be a dead dry manual of doctrines that only load more guilt to the soul but we’re going to understand the sweet breath, the heavenly wind that inspired the writings of scripture to impart life, strength, glory and that every verse of the Bible becomes an on ramp into the heavenly realm as we beat the book. We enroll into the seminary of divine glory. In a true sense you could call a prophet someone who’s met with God because if you’ve not met with God you’re not, you don’t have anything to say. And we have to be, the church has to be fed, taught, led and blessed by men and women that have had amazing encounters. Dreams that set in course our destiny. Visitations that align us with heaven and get us out of our own thoughts and limitations and put us in the stream of revelation, the books of Bliss that we walk in that realm where it’s heaven, not man. Dust and deity kissed and it’s you. Dust and deity have kissed and now you are a human being operating in two realms at once. I’m a bi-locational minister. AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) BRIAN: Every night I go to bed I consecrate my pillow. Make it a pillar. Take me. Speak to me. And if I’m too dense speak to my wife. AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) 4/8

  5. BRIAN: Help her. It’s so amazing. When I’m not hearing from God the Lord busts me by giving my wife a word for me. But I love being married to someone that loves Jesus and wants to hear His voice like I do. Throughout contemporary history men and women have had encounters with God. Life changing that altered the world. Our church fathers wrote, such as Augustine, Luther, Wesley. All of them had tremendous deep encounters with God that changed their lives. The writings of Jonathan Edwards, Count Zinzendorf, Charles Finney, who is one of my favorite role models. Maria Woodworth Etter, D.L. Moody and Billy Graham have all been marked with encounters. After, I hope it’s many, many years from now, but after his passing there will come out the supernatural realm that has been operating with Billy Graham. Psalm 42, I long to drink of you of God, drinking deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from Your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of God. My soul thirsts, pants and longs for the living God. And then he says these words. I want to come and see the face of God. I wanna give you a few points before we leave. You can have an encounter with God. You can expect it, ask for it, wait for it. Don’t believe that it won’t happen to you. Or let me say it positively. Believe that you’re in line for a visitation. And understand that it will come when you don’t expect it. You do not choose. He does. The second thing is you can have a supernatural encounter and initially not realize what’s going on. Two disciples were walking with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. And by the way it gives the name of one of them, the name Cleopas. It’s a woman. It’s never been translated properly. It was a woman. Some scholars believe it could have been Peter and his wife, but her name got mentioned. And what did they say about walking with Jesus? It said as He opened up the scriptures that their heartsà what was it? AUDIENCE: Burned. BRIAN: Burned within them. And they didn’t even realize. It’s 17 miles from Jerusalem to the present day city of Emmaus. It’s not really a city, it’s just a place there. I drove right by it. I asked our guide to point it out to me. And in our tour bus we really were kind of going the road to Emmaus. It was very fascinating. And Emmaus is a word that means “the burning place.” So on the way to the fire, the “glory fire,” their hearts began to burn and they didn’t even know it was Jesus! It’s like Jacob. God is in this place and I knew it not. You see God can be in this place and you’re not even aware of what’s going on! And the third, it will happen when you are ready. Your idea of when you’re ready and God’s idea of when you’re ready, there may be a slight difference. You’re idea of being ready is when you’ve prayed, fasted, no sin in your life, you drive right. You know you kissed your wife good morning and good night and you’ve done everything you’re supposed to do. You’ve been a good man, a good woman in the church, then you’re ready for His visitation. It’s the opposite. Jacob got it when he was running from God, running from his destiny. People can get it in lonely places. Some of the desperation that you may feel crowding into your heart right now is the preparation of heaven for your visitation. Bless the Lord for all that He’s bringing into your life. Praise Him. Praise your way up that stairway and expect the Lord to bless you, to enrich you. Jacob said the words “how astonishing and awe inspiring is this place.” I was taken to the Sea of Glass. It was the most amazing blue. Well let me back up and tell you how it happened. For years I was praying and I would 5/8

  6. see blue. I would go into blue. I’d close my eyes and I’d just see blue, this deep, deep blue. And I didn’t know what it was but I prayed my way through it. And then finally one day I realized this is like sapphire blue. This is like heavenly blue. So I decided to yield to this blue. I called it going into the blue. Until one day I actually went right and stood on the sapphire pavement. I saw the throne of God. It was far but near at the same time I can’t describe it. The heavenly activity that was sweet and terrifying at the same time. Seven torches burning on the sea of glass. And the Lord spoke my name and motioned me to come. He stood from the throne. I mean this is like heart-stopping. What am I here for? What’s is going to happen to me? Why am I summoned? And I stopped at a proper distance from the throne. And the Lord spoke to me. His lips were moving but I could not hear what He was saying. It wasn’t in a different language. I just like I couldn’t perceive what He was saying to me. He realized I was clueless so He called for an angel, a messenger. He wrote down on a scroll what He wanted me to hear and He handed it to the angel who gave it to me. As I opened up the scroll it said Philippians 1:21 “for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” That was the message. It’s been my life message. Wouldn’t you like to have a scroll with your life message on it? You guy’s okay? You with me? AUDIENCE: Yes. Yeah. BRIAN: And those of you watching today as we finish we just want you to be hungry. And I’m sharing some of the stories of my life to help you understand that you likewise are as cherished by God as any other human being. You’re loved. You’re His favorite one. Song of Songs, 6, verse 9, read it in the [ ] translation. You are His favorite one. See, I’m His favorite one. But you can say it too. Go ahead and say it. Let’s have heaven practice. AUDIENCE: I’m His favorite one. BRIAN: Oh, say it again. That’s better than Mufasa. AUDIENCE: I’m His favorite one! BRIAN: I’m His favorite one. No, I’m His favorite one. AUDIENCE: I’m His favorite one! BRIAN: You see God doesn’t play favorites. We’re all His favorite. And just like John identified his life he says I’m the one that Jesus loved. I’m the disciple that Jesus loved. He didn’t say I’m the one He loved more than you. He just identified himself as being loved by God. Every person in this room and everyone watching can say I’m the one that Jesus loves. And John chose to identify himself in that way and so you can you. So expect tonight heavenly dreams. Take your dreams more seriously. Write them out. My wife has written out literally thousands and thousands of dreams and we take them seriously. We pray over every one of them. And I’m not here to teach on dreams but just to say that the New Testament began with 5 dreams. If you look at the first two chapters of Matthew carefully, count them yourself, there were 5 prophetic dreams. The New Testament began with the spirit of revelation. And the Last Days Church is going to have 6/8

  7. the fullness of the lampstand. The 7 torches burning, the 7 branches of the lampstand are going to be shining on us. Now the lampstand has 7 branches, three on each side. Okay? And on each branch was engraved fruit. Three stages: bud û blossom û fruit. The 6 lateral branches of the lampstand, bud û blossom û fruit, it had that sequence 3 times. Each branch had 3 stages of fruit times 3. 3 times 3 equals 9 fruit of the Spirit. 9 fruit on every branch. Every branch is a fruit bearing shaft. Now the central shaft was taller and it had the bud û blossom ûfruit sequence 4 times. 4 times 3 equals 12. AUDIENCE: 12 BRIAN: Very smart! 12 is the apostolic, it’s the governmental number. 12 tribes of Israel. 12 Apostles. So it is Christ, the Chief Apostle. He’s the anointed one above all others. Right? Well, so this is a fruit bearing lampstand. It’s, it’s the Tree of Life. It’s the burning bush that Moses put into the Tabernacle. So it’s 6 branches with 9 fruit each. 6 times 9 equals— you didn’t know you were coming for a Math lesson— 6 times 9 equals… AUDIENCE: 54! BRIAN: 54. The central shaft had 12 expressions of fruit. 12 plus 54 equals 66 books of the Bible. Thy Word is a lampstand unto my feet, a light onto my path. Would you stand and I wanna pray the spirit if revelation of the Lord over you. Secrets of the Lord are being revealed. You gotta get on His couch. It’s a good place to be, to be on the couch of the Lord. Whooaa (prays in tongues) Holy Spirit (prays in tongues) come upon us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I release over you the spirit of revelation, discovery, the secrets of the Lord revealed as you sit on the couch of eternity with Him. Let the whispers of the night capture you. Let the glorious secrets of the God’s heart of love for you win you over. May you have your personal encounter. May you receive heavenly downloads. Impartation of the Holy Spirit. Fresh vision for your future. Hope that burns bright. And for anyone here in this room or watching this mentoring session, if you have a family member, I see right now there are families that are literally disintegrating and God is saying I want to put hope back into your heart. I want to release the burning bright hope of a new day. So I release to you hope. Everybody say “hope come back!” AUDIENCE: Hope come back! BRIAN: Hope burn bright! AUDIENCE: Hope bun bright! BRIAN: So Lord, may the God of glory, may the God of hope and the God of peace seal this prayer over each of us today in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen. (APPLAUSE) This Conversation is from Sid Roth Show It's Supernatural. 7/8

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