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Sid Roth Interview Session with Joan Hunter

This is the conversation ofu00a0Sid Rothu00a0and Joan Hunter from the show Itu2019s Supernatural.<br>

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Sid Roth Interview Session with Joan Hunter

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  1. Sid Roth Interview Session with Joan Hunter sidrothshow.video.blog/2020/04/30/sid-roth-interview-session-with-joan-hunter By sid roth April 30, 2020 [music] SID: My guest prayed for a woman who was released from such torment of trauma that she instantly went from size 18 to 14, and then the next day she went to size 12! Is there a supernatural dimension, a world beyond the one we know? Is there life after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition of It’s Supernatural. SID: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I have been looking forward to interviewing Joan Hunter, and I’ll tell you why. We get more letters of people that have been physically healed when she’s on our show than any other guest. So if you need a physical healing, and Joan, I can feel the presence of God just as I said that. JOAN: It’s rolling in. SID: It just got thicker and thicker. For those that aren’t familiar with Joan, many of you perhaps are familiar with her parents; affectionately known had the “Happy Hunters”, because they were happy all the time. They led millions of people to the Lord. They had a phenomenal healing ministry. What I remember most about your parents is, your mother used to say, “If I can do it,” She sounded like a Jewish mother. ‘If I can do it, anyone can do it.’ JOAN: That’s right. SID: And you have built on her shoulders. You’ve come to a whole new level that I was never even familiar with through her ministry. So those that aren’t familiar with your parents, Charles and Francis Hunter, tell me briefly one of the greatest miracle type things you saw with your own eyes. With traveling with them for over 30 years, obviously there’s just hundreds and hundreds of thousands of testimonies. But one of the most incredible ones was when we were in Bogota, Colombia. And Mom and Dad were up there ministering, and then all of a sudden, Mom was just saying, ‘Father we thank you for the healing power falling,’ and just very generic prayer; didn’t really pray for anything specific. And all of a sudden these screams and screams were coming out from everywhere. And then we saw these wheelchairs being lifted over people’s heads and just one after the other, after the other, and moving wheelchairs forward, and we had 1/8

  2. stacks and stacks of wheelchairs all over the front, all over the platform everywhere, and we counted over 50 wheelchairs that were sent up because the people didn’t need them any more. SID: That day is coming so soon, even stronger than that because when I think of Kathryn Kuhlman, and I knew her, she prophesied a day is coming when people are going to be so filled with the glory and the presence of God they’re going to walk into hospitals and clear the whole hospitals out. President Obama’s healthcare program won’t even be necessary! Let that day come quickly. Joan, the thing that intrigues me so much is you went through a lot of pain. You went through a lot of trauma. You went through these hurts and you have learned in such a simplistic, really like your parents, a simplistic fashion of how people can get free even instantly from pain they’ve carried for years, and trauma. With you, when you were young you were abused by an uncle. And then you were married and found out that your husband, unfortunately was homosexual and he left you – the embarrassment, the pain that you must have gone through. JOAN: Oh the unbelievable pain in my heart and then the same time diagnosed with breast cancer. So all of this stuff, and I’m, like God, I was excited because I could die and go to Heaven and be with Jesus and not hurt anymore. And I realized I had four reasons to live: Charity, Spice, Melody and Abigail, my four girls. And it was like, okay God, I want to live for them. Yes, I know you’re going to use me, but I can’t live with this pain. And so I went after and I sought God, and I got rid of the trauma, the depression, the anger, the bitterness, the stress, the worry with a capital “W”, and so forth and so on. And when my heart got clean the breast cancer went away. Yes, I laid hands on it. Yes, I called my parents. They were the only ones I told about it because we had just been through enough in the home. And so I laid my hands on it. They prayed with me over the phone. That’s the only prayer I got except for the fact I went after the heart of God and said, “God, I can’t live with this pain. If you want me here on this earth then I don’t want to live the rest of my life in this pain and this trauma.” And so, and at that point, the worry left, the trauma left, the stress left, and in particular more than anything, the effect of that on my body. Because they actually have proven now medically that trauma has a major affect on your body. SID: You know it’s almost as if once you get rid of those things there’s no hook for that sickness to hang on. JOAN: It’s the root. You kill the root. You can mow and mow, and mow your yard, but until you kill the roots, you’re still going to have weeds in your yard. And that’s what’s important is that we get rid of the weeds in our heart and in our lives, and it’s just getting rid of any form of unforgiveness. SID: Speaking of trauma, we talked about your parents and all the wheelchairs. Tell me about someone that got out of a wheelchair in one of your meetings. 2/8

  3. JOAN: Oh this is so exciting. I prayed for this guy and he was paralyzed. He had been paralyzed since birth. And it was in Greenwood, Arkansas. I can still remember the moment. And I laid hands on him, and you know I said, “Father, in the name of Jesus,” etc., etc. And I said, “Thank you Jesus.” Then I turned to go to pray for somebody else who was waiting for me at the front. And in the back of my head I hear click, click. I turned and he went click, click to the feet of his wheelchair and got up, and just started walking, and was running around the church. I mean, talk about not a dry eye in the place. Same thing in Bogota – I mean, we went through every tissue that Mom had in her purse, I had in my purse. Everybody did. Same thing happened in Greenwood, Arkansas. And it’s not because we were in Bogota that God heals more, because God heals the same here in the United States, here in England, here in Canada, here in wherever you are. And wherever you are, the power of God is. SID: You know, the thing that I like about the way you pray, it’s not any long drawn out hours and hours of intensive prayer. I mean, you just, you have the childlike faith, you believe and it happens. How about a little later on, maybe when we come back, I’ll have Joan pray for that stress that you’re dealing with, that trauma that you’re dealing with, that pain that you’re dealing with! The healing and anointing is getting so strong. I’ve always heard that someone with a headache, that headache is gone. I’ve already heard someone with pain in their back, in their neck. If you’ll just walk into the anointing…! And we haven’t even prayed for the stress to leave yet! Don’t go away. We’ll be right back. [music] We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural. [commercial] [music] We now return to It’s Supernatural. SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Joan Hunter. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just take an eraser and erase the pain, the trauma of your past, the stress in your life. And some of you are shaking your head. Yeah, that would be wonderful. Joan, God has had you pray for people and so many people, it’s literally been erased. JOAN: It is. And what’s so awesome is it’s not me just praying for people and it happening to them. Oh that’s great, but what about me. It happened to me first. SID: If anyone had pain and trauma, and embarrassment, and shame, and every emotion, trauma that you could imagine, it was you when your husband announced that he was gay, and he was going to leave you and the family. JOAN: And all these things that had happened. I did an interview and one lady was asking me, “Are you talking about you?” And I said, “Yes, I’m talking about me.” Interrupted me again, “Are you talking about you?” “Yes, I’m talking about me.” And see, 3/8

  4. that’s how free I am from all of the stuff that the enemy has done and God has replaced it. And it’s kind of like Holy Ghost shock treatment, whereas you only, it takes out the bad, you only remember the good. And I also refer to it like as an Etch-A-Sketch, where you write on it, then you shake it and then it’s gone. SID: I notice even as you talk about it, I don’t see any shame, embarrassment. It’s like it’s been erased. JOAN: It’s like it happened to someone else. SID: It’s been erased. JOAN: It’s like it happened to somebody else. It didn’t even happen to me. It’s so far gone. And it’s like, in regards to my ex-husband, it’s like, okay, tell me about something about him. Brilliant, smart, was a great coach when I birthed my babies. SID: I have to ask you a question. When you hear his name don’t you just start going on and swirling on the inside of you and the hurt? JOAN: No. SID: That’s wonderful. JOAN: There’s none of that there. And it’s like when I hear his name, I’ll think about, oh this is so funny when we made carrot cake or when we went on vacation. That’s what’s there. That’s the only memory that’s there. SID: What a healthy way to live. JOAN: It’s awesome! You live longer, too, and less wrinkles. It’s great! SID: Some of you – do you remember sometimes that you spanked your children and you were angry, and you hit them? You hurt them and you kind of condemned yourself over that. But this woman was so over the top. What did she do to her sons? JOAN: She would beat her sons and beat them, and beat them. She came in one day and she says, “I just wish I had not beaten my boys. My life would be a whole lot better if I had just not beaten them.” And I said, “Let me pray with you.” So I prayed with her and I said, “God, I thank you for erasing the pain in her life and her sons’ lives and her sons’ memory.” So she says, “I’m going to go ask them one more time to forgive me.” She goes to them and they go, “You didn’t beat us, Mom. Yeah, you disciplined, but you didn’t beat us.” She had to seek counseling. Her children were almost taken away from her because she beat them so bad. SID: That’s how traumatic it was. 4/8

  5. JOAN: It was really bad. And they’re like, ‘no, you spanked us, but you didn’t beat us.’ The she talked to her husband. ‘I’m so sorry I beat our boys.’ And it’s like, ‘you didn’t beat them.’ He’s the one who took her and made her go to counseling for fear that the boys would be taken. He didn’t remember any of it. And these people have great memories. SID: Joan, that’s outrageous! JOAN: No! What’s more outrageous is that now she has two grandchildren who she baby-sits for, and there’s no fear in her son’s mind that she is going to beat his children. That’s a miracle. It’s gone. All the pain of her past is gone. SID: You know Jesus talks about freedom. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Joan, tell me about the guy that was in Vietnam in the helicopter. JOAN: Oh, this is so incredible. He came to a service and he had a lot of pain in his neck, and it was because his helicopter had been shot down in Vietnam over 42 years ago. And he has not known a day without excruciating pain. I laid hands on him here on his heart first, cursed the trauma, commanded it to go. Then I prayed for the neck and all the pain to go, and he actually grew like two inches right there in height because gave him new vertebras and discs in his back. So he got taller. Pain left instantly. And then I prayed for God to erase the pain of his past, and it was amazing. At that point after praying for him, he let out like a black smoke that was invisible. It’s hard to describe it. SID: You saw it in his spirit. JOAN: Oh yeah, and he did, too. It was like, wow. And it was just like, (blows) left him, and totally, completely set free. Had not had a good night’s sleep in 42 years. Pain, number one, memory, every night he would go to sleep and he’d crash again, and he’d fall asleep. He’d crash again. No more. It’s gone. The pain is gone. The height is restored. Vertebras and discs in his neck restored and no more nightmares, no more nothing, no more trauma. And he remembers some of the friends he made in Vietnam. And he knows that he went down in the plane, but the experience of actually crashing, every night, day after day, after day, it’s not there. SID: You see what I said a little earlier. Joan is building on the shoulders of her parents, Charles and Francis Hunter. And by the way, I have to ask you a question. I understand because of the trauma you went through and God’s love for you, that He brought you a new husband. JOAN: We’ve been married right at seven years; a very godly man, who loves God and I’m like second right there – right behind that. SID: There is such a presence of God in this studio. When we come back I promise you there’s going to be an explosion of miracles. And I’m going to ask Joan to pray to erase that stress in your life, that trauma in your life, that pain in your life, that hurt in your life; those horrible memories in your life. And it will be done supernaturally. Don’t go away. We’ll be right back. 5/8

  6. [music] We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural. [commercial] [music] We now return to It’s Supernatural. SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Joan Hunter. And this is hard to believe. A woman lost, what was it, how many dress sizes, Joan? JOAN: From 18 to 14 instantly. SID: Did you get that? 18 to 14 instantly! But it’s even better than that. She had the tumors. JOAN: She had fibroid tumors. She had somewhere around 37, is what I believe, the exact figure, 37 tumors in her intestines and female organs. And she looked like she was about eight months pregnant. She just went from a size 18 to size 14 instantly. And within the next week she went down to size 12. On the way home from the service she had to stop and get some pants so she could come to church the next day because it was such a dramatic change. SID: Joan teaches on what’s called cellular memory and trauma. And it literally gets stuck in your body. I mean, it could have happened at birth. It could have happened as a two- year-old. Your memory knows nothing about it, but your cells have a memory. Explain that. JOAN: Every trauma that comes in, it’s kind of like a physical earthquake within yourself. And the trauma comes in, and actually we’re studying right now, the government is, studying the affect of trauma on your body. And everything that ever happens to you, your cells retain that primarily in your lymph nodes and it causes lymphatic cancer and different things like that. And so it’s important there is nothing medically that can be done about the trauma. Only God can take a trauma out of your cells. SID: A doctor will say you have stress. That’s the best he can come up with. JOAN: Right. And he’ll give you some pills so you don’t care that you hurt, because they don’t have pills for that kind of pain. And so what happens, you can Google “cellular memory” and find out all kinds of amazing things. But also, like in a situation with a heart transplant, there was this lady that got a heart, she was so excited to get the heart, started having nightmares of a license plate, and I’ll just say, 1-2-3-4-5-6. So the next night she had a dream, a nightmare about 1-2-3-4-5-6. So what they did is they went and they called the police in. They looked up that particular license plate number, found the guy who owned the car, checked out the trunk and looked at the car and there was blood stains in the trunk that matched the donor of the heart’s blood. Turned out that it 6/8

  7. was that man’s niece that he had beaten to death took her and dumped her for dead. But she was in a coma. They brought her back to the hospital, tried to help her and so forth, and couldn’t. She eventually died. At that point harvested her heart, and what had happened is that the trauma, the last thing that that person was the license plate going in, and she was traumatized, and that was burned and etched on to her heart. She didn’t the eyes transplanted. She got the heart transplanted. And whenever you have, the uncle was, well is actually in prison right now. But what happens is anything, like you’re in a car and you have an accident, the first thing you do is you grab your chest and it goes right to your heart. And it’s so important that we keep our heart clear of any kind of trauma and to get free, because the trauma settles in. It opens the door for sicknesses to come in. The main one, I’ll just list off five. Fibromyalgia, it can go back and pinpoint a traumatic time, about a year before they were diagnosed. Schizophrenia, bi-polar; agoraphobia. People are coming to the services and they’re getting instantly, completely healed. SID: I don’t know about you, but I want Joan to pray that supernatural prayer for you and for me. How about that? I want to get in on that. Joan, would you pray for our audience now? JOAN: I will. What I want you to do is put your hand on your heart, and I’m going to put my hand on my heart. But I’m going to send a word of healing to you right now. Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I send the word of healing to every single person that is watching this program. Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I curse trauma in their heart, in their life, in their entire body. I command every bit of that to go in Jesus’ name. Along with that, I curse any form of bi-polar and schizophrenia, agoraphobia, whatever it is, fibromyalgia, I curse it, I command it to be gone. I command the electrical and magnetic frequencies in your body to return to perfect harmony and balance in Jesus’ name, and I command your hormones to return to perfect harmony and balance in Jesus name. And Father, part of this trauma that the people have gone through, it’s like such a visual in their head constantly. And if that hadn’t happen I could do this because all I could do is think about this, this and this, all the traumas. Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I thank you that you’re going through this camera right now and erasing all those memories that are bad, going through and erasing all the pain of the past. That there’s no pain in their heart. There’s no pain where they were hurt as they were beaten. There’s no pain in their head from what the people had said. There’s no pain and trauma in their heart of things that were spoken over them. Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I thank you for completely, just like totally wiping out every bit in Jesus name. Thank you, Jesus. Say, thank you Jesus. SID: Thank you Jesus! I’m sure you’re saying, thank you Jesus, because you’re going to be a new person. You say, how can it be so simple? Jesus said you have to become like a little child. Children do not want complex things. In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must become like a little child. Joan, there’s such a healing anointing here that’s been released. I heard, I don’t even understand it, but I heard electrical in the heart is being healed. 7/8

  8. JOAN: The heart will be normal. SID: The heart is going to be normal, hearing. JOAN: Lots of digestive problems. SID: Digestion. Are there any other things that you’re hearing, Joan? JOAN: I’m hearing just like heartache, strokes, high blood pressure, like I said, digestion, which is everything that comes in and goes out, and everything between, acid reflux, IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcers. And see, here’s the thing about ulcers. Ulcers is like, this is what’s eating your stomach. And what you’re eating is eating your stomach. No, it’s what’s eating you is causing those ulcers. SID: You know, speaking of erasing the pain of your past, I’m reminded of Jeremiah 31:31, in which God says, “I, God, will remember your sins no more.” They’re going to be erased. That giant eraser is coming from Heaven. If you believe in Jesus and the blood of Jesus, and you tell him you’re sorry, I mean, it’s time for real repentance, and repentance is to turn from your sin and turn to God. Why? Because God is the only one that has the power to give you the victory in that sin area! If you’ll just tell God the sins you’re struggling with, that you’re ashamed of, that you don’t want to be involved in, the addictions that you have, and believe the blood of Jesus washes it away, and it’s really more than even just washed away. Just as it’s not in Joan memory of the abuse she had, it will not be in your memory. It will not be in God’s memory. Even better! Right? [music] [commercial] [music] SID: Next week on It’s Supernatural. My guest can supernaturally see the potential of people. She even knows their future. She now has revelation on how you can reverse your wrong directions so you can fulfill your destiny. This is the conversation of Sid Roth and Joan Hunter from the show It’s Supernatural. 8/8

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