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Identity and cultural diversity. Global Education an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the cultures of others. Identity and Cultural Diversity. A reading of the rubric. English not social studies. Babakiuaria. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7QGPXEycNQ.
Identity and cultural diversity • Global Education an understanding of self and one’s own culture, and being open to the cultures of others
Identity and Cultural Diversity A reading of the rubric
English not social studies Babakiuaria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7QGPXEycNQ
The Identity Problem What is it? • Personal identity - conception and expression of one’s individuality – a modern concept only • Group/ collective identity (sense of belonging) • Cultural identity Etymology
Fragmented Self http://www.flickr.com/photos/tantonr/6936129763/
Identity as cultural supermarket • http://menzelphoto.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Namibia/G0000TEmedryojCg/I0000yHeW.qSAFKo/C0000V2mTAkuxmWo
Theoretical perspectives • Orientalism (Said “When a human being confronts at close quarters something relatively unknown and threatening and previously distant … one ha recourse to what in ones experience the novelty resembles but also to what one has read about it.” • Media studies(McLuhan) • “Global village”
Frederic Jameson and globalisation In discussions of globalization at the political level, one question has predominated: that of the nation-state. Is it over and done with, or does it still have a vital role to play? The standardization of world culture, with local popular or traditional forms driven out or dumbed down to make way for American television, American music, food, clothes and films, has been seen by many as the very heart of globalization. ‘natural’ resistance of an Indian or an Arab public, for example, to certain kinds of Hollywood fare. http://newleftreview.org/II/4/fredric-jameson-globalization-and-political-strategy
Cultural hybridity • Cultural hybridity has been a term to describe societies that emerge from cultural contacts of European "explorers" and those "explored". Instead of explaining these contacts as mere imposures of a major culture onto a minor culture, hybridityemphazises their mutual intermingling. According to Roland Barthes a "third language" evolves that is neither the one nor the other • http://www2.hu-berlin.de/amerika/asc/multiplecultures/mc_abstrax_raetzsch.htm
Stage 4 Outcomes 1,3,5 • Outcome 1 • interpret the stated and implied meanings in spoken texts, and use evidence to support or challenge different perspectives • understand, interpret and discuss how language is compressed to produce a dramatic effect in film • Outcome 3 • explore texts that include both Standard English and elements of other langauges • Outcome 5 • explore the ways individual interpretations of texts are influenced by students' own knowledge, Values and cultural assumptions
Stage 4 Outcome 8 • consider the ways culture and personal experience position readers and viewers and influence responses to and composition of texts • identify and explain Cultural expression in texts … • investigate texts about cultural experiences from different sources, eg texts from Asia and texts by Asian Australians, and explore different viewpoints • respond to and compose texts in a range of different modes and media recognising and appreciating cultural factors, including cultural background and perspectives • recognise and explain differing viewpoints about the world, cultures, individual people and concerns represented in texts
Key Questions • Why is global film so important? • Is global film about difference or similarity? • Is the impact of the visual so powerful that it transcends cultures?
Possible concepts to lead unit design • Perspectives • Representations • Identity • Communication • Visual literacy • Voices • cultural expression • Intercultural understanding
Assessment • Write a reflection on the importance of watching global film • OR • Extended essay: respond to this statement using the films studied in class Global films are a window into other worlds. Do you agree? OR Global films show us that we are living in a global village. Do you agree? In your answer you need to refer to how the films studied in class position you to your point of view
Sample activities: 1. Exploring assumptions What does the film cover imply the film is about? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5c/The_Way_Home_film.jpg 2. How does the English title The Way Home change your expectations of the film?
The Way Home: trailers • How does each trailer position the audience? • Trailers in English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHZHdgXIl2E • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x36wqfOh7tE • Trailer in Korean • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kitpGdUB_-c
Other activities • Research Korean youth and technology addiction and consider what the purpose of this film may have been. • Look for oppositions in ideas and in film techniques eg dark- light; traditional – modern • Follow motifs such as the road • Consider the importance of silence and music in the film • Explore characterisation
Stimulated by the Organisers Year 8 Explore the ways that ideas and viewpoints in literary texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts may reflect or challenge the values of individuals and groups (ACELT1626) Explore the interconnectedness of Country and Place, People, Identity and Culture in texts including those by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors (ACELT1806) http://www.flickr.com/photos/tantonr/6936129763/
The Interrogation Of Ashala Wolf • Written by AmbelinKwaymullina, published July 2012 with the sequel released in Nov, 2013. • Highly engaging intercultural romantic, psychological thriller that is both dystopian and ecotopian whilst exploring Kwaymullina’s indigenous heritage. • The setting: in a post- cataclysmic world where civilisation has been devastated by an environmental catastrophe called The Reckoning that happened 300 years prior. • The new world that emerges is devoid of war, poverty and hunger. • There are people with strange abilities – Firestarters, Rumblers and Sleepwalkers . • The Government, is greatly concerned about these ‘gifted’ individuals and great energy is committed to keeping the Balance, against these people frighteningly labelled “Illegals”.
Working with the Conceptual Framework How does it fit? Perspective- Indigenous cultural perspective delivered in a powerfully engaging way. Examination of the writer’s craft to offer us a fresh Indigenous cultural perspectivethat invites us to reconsider the significance of Kwaymullina’s indigenous heritage. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tantonr/6936129763/
As Dystopian and Ecotopian Fiction • Keith M. Booker, dystopian literature is used to "provide fresh perspectives on problematic social and political practices that might otherwise be taken for granted or considered natural and inevitable". • Danny Bloom coined the term "cli fi" in 2006
Indigenous Perspectives and Allusions • Spiritual wisdom • Powerful connection to the land- her ‘Tuart forest’ • Indigenous Australian idea of learning from and spiritual connection with Elders. • The Dreaming figure of the Serpent. • Importance of tribal ritual and practices. “ Dad didn’t fish anymore. He drank instead”.
Introduction to the Text. • Ambelin is a successful lawyer, lecturer and illustrator. Daughter of Sally Morgan- My Place. • ‘The Tribe’ series is designed to entertain and provoke discussion about ‘the nature of human societies and the world”- the potential for human societies to destroy themselves. • Positions us to give value to Indigenous attitudes and concerns. • The materialistic and hi-tech world of Neville Rose offers nothing but further marginalisation and intimidation for the indigenous- the style is fraught with anxiety when comparing experience to reality.
Racism linked to death of the Species “Before the Reckoning? There weren’t any Illegals back then. There were different peoples, though, different ”races”. Ember had told me about it, once – how things like my skin not being the same colour as hers, or the way Pen’s eyes were almond shaped, used to mean something. After the end of the old world, when there were so few humans left, everyone stopped worrying about things like that.” http://www.alternet.org/files/story_images/racism.jpg
Ecotopian Concerns Position us to Re-evaluate the Indigenous Perspective “I mean, everyone knew the dangers of advanced tech. It had isolated the people of the old world from nature, shielding them from the consequences of imbalance, and yet they’d believed, right up until the very end, that it would save them.” http://www.ournakedaustralia.com.au/experience-valley-of-the-giants/valley-of-the-giants-2013-02-15-010/
Voice of the Serpent “My kind took many forms, granddaughter. He sighed deeply and that sigh seemed to flow out of him through the Firstwood, stirring the leaves in the trees. When the great chaos began, I was sleeping deep in underground water. My resting place broke apart and I was cast out into the end of everything. I journeyed for a long time, gathering all the scraps of life that I could find. I brought them here. Then I sang, reminding life of its shapes, strength, and its many transformations. I am one of the old spirits of the Earth granddaughter…I live in all worlds, and in the spaces between them’.
The Connection to Land Through incongruity- “I was back in the tree holding on tight to the tuart and looking out to where the distant dog beast was squatting on his haunches.’ ‘Towering tuarts’. Cleansing water imagery. ‘I’d always loved the way the lake was so unfathomably deep and mysterious. ‘ ‘…the blue water lit with dazzling light where the sun hit it, and coloured with purple shadows where it was shaded by the overhanging trees.’
Connection between Self and Story ‘Ember says everyone has a tale they tell themselves about who they are. And , if your tale is true, then you see yourself clearly, like looking into still water. But if it’s not , then it’s more like the waters all rippled, so you can’t see yourself at all.’ Integrity of the Narrative ---as a way to understand the self
Providing Invigorating Learning Opportunities. • ‘Create Driving Questions’- allows for student choice and voice • Consider using Edmodo to create small groups for the students that document the collaborative online process. Students can do peer or self evaluation of their involvement in this process. • Create group notes based on individual exploration of the text and collaborative discussion. Each student then takes the driving question and fleshes out a response.