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Pay and Leave. WebTA Overview. Who We Are. TED NYKIEL PAY & LEAVE PROGRAM MANAGER TEL: 301-504-4426 Email: ted.nykiel@ars.usda.gov TERRI PONTE HR SPECIALIST, COMPENSATION TEL: 301-504-1474 Email: terri.ponte@ars.usda.gov
Pay and Leave WebTAOverview
Who We Are TED NYKIELPAY & LEAVE PROGRAM MANAGER TEL: 301-504-4426 Email:ted.nykiel@ars.usda.gov TERRI PONTEHR SPECIALIST, COMPENSATION TEL: 301-504-1474 Email:terri.ponte@ars.usda.gov MICHELYN BOYD HR SPECIALIST, COMPENSATION TEL: 301-504-1466 Email: michelyn.boyd@ars.usda.gov LAURA O’HAREHR ASSISTANT, LTP COORDINATOR TEL: 301-504-1468 Email: laura.ohare@ars.usda.gov
Training WebTA training and user guides for Employees, Timekeepers, Supervisors and HR Administrators are now available via AgLearn. To access, login to AgLearn and select the Catalog tab. In the "Subject Area Menu", scroll to the end and you will find webTA Training (4).
WebTA FAQ’s • What is webTA? • Web-based, paperless, employee entry, e-leave slips and premium pay requests, project cost accounting • How will we access webTA? • E-Authentication. Passwords reset by… • User timed out after 10 minutes • Will submission timeline for T&A’s remain the same? • Yes. • How does webTA work? • Role based, Timekeeper, Supervisor, Master Timekeeper, Master Supervisor, HR Administrator
WebTA FAQ’s • What is the workflow? • Employee → Timekeeper → Supervisor → NFC • Validate → Validate → (De)Certify → Built • What is the supervisor’s role? • Certify all T&A’s, approve or deny premium pay and leave requests through webTA. • What reports/summaries are available in webTA for supervisors? • Leave audits, default schedules, certified T&A’s, leave and premium pay requests.
WebTA FAQ’s • Can a supervisor create or edit an employee’s T&A? • No. Supervisors requesting changes will need to direct employee or timekeeper to make required changes. • Can a record be changed after it is certified? • If theT&A record has not been sent to NFC supervisor can Decertify for timekeeper/employee to make changes. (Or corrected T&A can be done---subsequent T&A’s updated) • Can past certified T&A’s be viewed and printed? • Employee, Timekeeper, Supervisor can print individual T&A’s. Right click or Ctrl P to print.
WebTA FAQ’s • Can a T&A record be deleted? • No, a regular T&A cannot be deleted. Edits can be made to current record prior to the Certified record being (Built) sent to NFC. Supervisor can Decertify. Uncertified corrected T&A’s can be deleted. • How will we know a T&A has been received by NFC? • View summary of certified T&A’s. System indicates a record has been “Built” with a time and date stamp.
WebTA FAQ’s • What if my timekeeper or supervisor is out of the office when T&A’s are due? Will I still be paid? • Every timekeeper and supervisor should have at least one delegate at all times. • No limit. • Master Timekeepers and Master Supervisors can delegate. • Timekeepers cannot be delegates for supervisors---cannot certify T&A’s. • All delegates will receive all system-generated emails (to e-auth email).
WebTA FAQ’s • How does webTA know how many hours of annual leave to accrue each pay period? • SCD is placed in T&A profile screen or timekeeper can override leave category. • Who will do the initial input of accounting codes? • NFC, based on what’s currently in the database. • Will it be possible to link employees to specific accounting codes? • Timekeepers will access the webTA “Account Table” to enter accounting codes available to their employees. Local, manual, stored accounting.
WebTA FAQ’s • What are the salary cap fields in the employee profile? • Those fields will not be used in webTA. There are rare exceptions. HR will notify. i.e. employee stationed overseas receiving danger pay. • What is the “on hold” field used for in the employee’s T&A Profile? • Employees on extended LWOP. • Where is an employee’s T&A marked final? • In the T&A Profile. See Status Change & Misc.
WebTA FAQ’s • Will there still be a master schedule and T&A file for employees? • Yes. File should be used for master schedules, doctors notes, jury duty notices, etc. • Can employees have a default schedule in webTA? • Yes. Employee’s T&A Profile must have “retained data” field completed in addition to default schedule. Enter time: 15, 30, 45. • Will REE use Positive Entry or Exception based entry in webTA? • Positive entry (TCs & Accounts in Retain Data field) is recommended (Common codes set up by Timekeeper, employee fills in # of hrs)
WebTA FAQ’s • What is the Task List? • System generated and user request messages. i.e. leave requests, delegation changes. • How would a reassignment be handled in webTA? • The receiving timekeeper will do a “Take Over” of the T&A. (Individual or Group) • Timekeepers should do a Search before adding a new employee.
WebTA FAQ’s • Will leave slips be required for ALL leave used, regardless of amount? • No, webTA will generate “warning” message. • Are leave donations automated? • Yes. Go to “Leave/Premium Requests” • Does webTA generate leave audits? • Yes. Employee, timekeeper, Supervisor.