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S. Stephen Vos. Skills Presentation: Animation Major. S. Previous QUT Courses. S. Preferred Modelling & Animation Programs: Autodesk Maya, Zbrush Some experience with 3ds Max, Photoshop and After Effects Programming: Some experience in most languages Currently learning Unity
S Stephen Vos Skills Presentation: Animation Major
S Previous QUT Courses
S Preferred Modelling & Animation Programs: • Autodesk Maya, Zbrush • Some experience with 3ds Max, Photoshop and After Effects • Programming: • Some experience in most languages • Currently learning Unity • Good deal of experience using Eclipse (coupled with Corona SDK for Android Game development). Technical Skills
S • Fully confident in my knowledge of the Unreal Development Kit in respect both to interacting with the Editor as well as scripting within Visual Studio utilising nFringe IDE. • Have scripted a custom UDK game mode with Game, Camera and Character controls. • Have developed a script which uses a very basic algorithm to spawn a field of cubes which are used as a floor in the world. • Have valid UDK Licence NOTE## - As I become more confident with unity I will probably prefer to work with that Preferred Engine: Ureal Development Kit
S • Prefer to work with organic characters • Greatly enjoy creating character rigs and developing movement animations with these rigs. • Currently in the process of creating a character rig which I will then import into UDK to create a moveable custom character • Drawing: As is to be expected all my work starts off as a hand drawn concept. Artistic Skills
S • https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.games.blastreaction&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5nYW1lcy5ibGFzdHJlYWN0aW9uIl0. • Solely developed by myself using a Corona SDK license (now expired) within Eclipse. Example 2D Android Game: Blast Reaction
S • Thisis my current WIP of a custom character rig, the model was acquired online to use as a workable example. • This is a very basic arm musculature rig which deforms the character skin in relation to muscle movement. • I have previously worked with soft skin constraints and painted on weights for previous university tasks, but much prefer the natural deformation that comes with muscles Example: Rigging
S Example: Rigging
S Example: Rigging
S Example: Rigging
S Example: Drawing
S • The following is a link to my Vimeo account which was used for a large number of previous tasks in 2011. I’m not fully pleased with a number of these works particularly my main assessment pieces which I feel should not be used as an indication of my current level of skill. • https://vimeo.com/user4357978 Example: Previous University Tasks
S • While like most of you, I would prefer to work on my own game idea, I am completely happy working just as diligently on a project that I am interested in. • I feel my modelling / animating skills as they currently are at a level where you can feel confident I can bring to life any vision you may have. • Additionally my programming and scripting skills (particularity within UDK) will allow me to assist with bringing all the separate elements that other participants may bring into a completed product. • I am fully committed to working within the Games Industry and have invested a lot of time (and money) like many of you into the pursuit of this dream, I hope to one day to build a small team to create a small games company. I see this final project as an opportunity to possibly build this team and would love if this educational endeavour turned into a professional one. What can I bring to the group?
S • Email: stephenvos@hotmail.com • SMS: 0405487725 • Friday Tutorials 3pm-5pm • Feel free to contact me with any questions. Contact Information