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Founded in 1996 by Ms. Sangeeta Goel, Sim And San, Attorneys At Law, is a full-service law firm in India and Dubai. In India, the Firm is strategically located in the National Capital Region of Delhi. The firm has also set up its first international office in Dubai, UAE in the year 2015
About Us Foundedin1996byMs.SangeetaGoel,SimAndSan,AttorneysAtLaw,is afull-servicelawfirminIndiaandDubai.InIndia,theFirmisstrategically locatedintheNationalCapitalRegionofDelhi.Thefirmhasalsosetupits firstinternationalofficeinDubai,UAEintheyear2015.
ATTORNEYS Lawyers associated with the firm have international work experience and multi- disciplinary qualifications. They enhance their expertise and experience by being seconded from time to time to work overseas in international law firms and in-house with our corporate clients. Sangeeta Goel Founding & Managing Partner Mohit Goel Partner Sidhant Goel Partner
Ambition Workingasateamandthusprovidingclientsaccesstoprompt andcost-effectivelegaladviceiswhatweaimfor.Asinternational cross-bordertransactionsincreaseinnumberandcomplexity,Sim AndSan,withitsIndianandInternationaloffices,iswell-placedto assistclientsinfindinginnovativeandcommerciallysound solutionsfortheirbusinessrequirements.
Mailing Address GET IN TOUCH 176, Ashoka Enclave Part 3, Sector 35, NCR, Faridabad, Haryana Phone Number +91 9811014738 Email Address admin@simandsan.com