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What is React Native & How it is used in Mobile App Development?

There are so many frameworks, resources, and tools that developers use to develop mobile apps. Various tools provide varied functionality to effectively solve the problems of the users. Among the tools, one of the most widely used tools is React Native. To know more about react native visit at https://www.zenesys.com/blog/reactnative-uses-in-mobile-app-development

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What is React Native & How it is used in Mobile App Development?

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  1. What is React Native & How it is used in Mobile App Development?

  2. Mobile apps have become a regular in an individual’s life. There are so many apps available in the mobile app store for various purposes. All the apps are categorized according to the purpose of their usage. Mobile apps have made life easier. From interaction and communication through chat apps to making friends on social media - everything happens through the mobile app. There is an app practically for everything. The more the apps seem user friendly and interactive, the more goes in the back of the app to make it seamless and effortless. There are so many frameworks, resources, and tools that developers use to develop mobile apps. Various tools provide varied functionality to effectively solve the problems of the users. Among the tools, one of the most widely used tools is React Native. What is it? Let us take a look.

  3. If you want to jump into React native app development, then the react native framework is the best tool you can use. With react native, also known as RN, you can develop mobile applications using JavaScript. In a normal situation, the mobile apps use Java while developing an Android mobile app while Swift or Obj-C for app development for iOS.  What is React Native? With React Native, you can develop mobile apps that function efficiently on both platforms. Additionally, the development time is reduced significantly as the coding is done in the same language, regardless of the platform. React Native is a framework launched by Facebook around the year 2015 as an open-source. Facebook had also launched ReactJS, also known as React, for mobile development. 

  4. Importance of Using React Native 

  5. Sustainable Code • As React Native supports cross-platform development, one codebase can work to develop apps for Android and iOS platforms. To develop a native mobile app, you need to write different codes for changing platforms. This requirement is eliminated by using React Native app development. Thus, a React Native Android App doesn’t need to be reframed to develop a React Native iOS app.Looking at the benefits of React Native, it is not hard to guess why it is widely preferred for mobile app development. Similar to React Native launched by Facebook, there are various other mobile app development frameworks provided by various companies. The same tools also offer cross-platform compatibility. Following are the frameworks under consideration:

  6. Flutter Google also released an open-source framework called Flutter which aided developers in building cross-platform compatible mobile apps. With Flutter, it is easy to work with a new feature set while putting a fast refresh feature of it to good use. You can instantly see the changes made by the developer without restarting the app. Comparing Flutter vs. React Native, Flutter can stand along with React Native because of the benefits it has to offer.  Xamarin Microsoft also came up with its open-source solution which enables the developers to share from 75%-90% of the code between the apps. Since it is developed using the language called C#, it is difficult to be adopted by the developers. The developers that intend to work with xamarin development need to learn C# which is a little more difficult compared to JavaScript. When we talk about Xamarin vs. React Native, the latter happens to be the most preferred framework for mobile app development.  

  7. Examples of Apps That Use React Native: Since the launch of React Native in 2015, so many companies have used the framework to develop native-looking mobile applications. Let us take the examples of React Native apps to see how we have been using them without knowing React Native: Facebook: Facebook used react-native to develop its mobile app. Skype: Skype was redesigned and redeveloped from scratch in 2017 using React Native. Instagram: To integrate push notifications, Instagram used React Native into an already existing Instagram app.Walmart: Walmart used react native to design and develop its application from scratch by writing the entire code in react native.

  8. UberEats: UberEats is one of the apps that form the list of apps that use react native for its development. Their development team did not have experience working with Android and iOS and the selection of React Native happened obviously.  Pinterest: Pinterest initially worked with Gestalt. Since Gestalt and React Native were part of the same game, the development of Pinterest did not take a lot of time and effort. 

  9. React Native has been elemental in mobile app development since its inception. If you are looking to develop platform-independent mobile app development, then React Native is an answer. If you look at the benefits and importance of React Native, you can see how you can save time, cost, and effort for mobile app development. All the popular apps that we use on a day to day basis have started using React Native to encompass all the benefits it has to offer. 

  10. CONTACT DETAILS  Web: www.zenesys.com Address: 2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300 Frisco, USA Email: sales@zenesys.com Phone: +1 (323) 565-1141

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