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The University of Kent Careers Advisory Service. Bioscience Placements You can download a copy of this presentation at www.kent.ac.uk/careers/slides.htm. Sandwich Placements . Need to apply early in second year (e.g. some closing dates late October!)
The University of Kent Careers Advisory Service Bioscience Placements You can download a copy of this presentation at www.kent.ac.uk/careers/slides.htm
Sandwich Placements • Need to apply early in second year (e.g. some closing dates late October!) • Need to apply widely, not just to companies in Kent. • Placements page - lists placement sources and much more www.kent.ac.uk/careers/placements.htm
Advantages of a Sandwich Placement. • Gain lots of new skills: and have lots of evidence of these skills for final year applications. • Usually get higher degree class. • Gives you a chance to try out a career. • Gain greatly in self confidence and maturity. • Learn application and interview skills. • Some employers only recruit placement students. • May get a job offer for when you graduate • Much lower unemployment rate after graduation and usually in much better quality jobs. • Much better chance of becoming a scientist. • Helps applications for PhD places. • Can be well paid!
Emails from Department Kent University Vacancy Databasewww.kent.ac.uk/careers/jobs/index.htm Science Placements pagewww.kent.ac.uk/careers/ScienceJobs.htm Speculative CVs use Bioscience careers page www.kent.ac.uk/careers/bioscience.htm Prospects www.prospects.ac.uk Science Recruitment Agencieswww.kent.ac.uk/careers/sitephar.htm#agencies New Scientistwww.newscientistgraduate.com Sources of Placements
How to apply • Science CV for speculative applications and smaller companies. • See example science CV www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/sciencecv.htm • And example science placement CV www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/forensic-science-cv.htm • On-line application form for most big companieswww.kent.ac.uk/careers/applicn.htm • Pick up our CV booklet from the Careers Advisory Service
“Sell” your degree • List relevant modules (plus marks if good!) • Projects – especially if relevant • Laboratory skills/IT skills • Soft skills – evidence of teamwork, project management, problem solving etc. • For non-science jobs (e.g. banking) you would need a different CV focusing on your soft skills more than technical skills.
First Paragraph State the job you’re applying for. Where you found out about it. When you're available to start work (& end if it's a placement) Second Paragraph Why your interested in that type of work Why the company attracts you (if it's a small company say you prefer to work for a small friendly organisation!) Third Paragraph Summarise your strengths and how they might be an advantage to the organisation. Relate your skills to the job. Last Paragraph Mention any dates that you won't be available for interview Thank the employer and say you look forward to hearing from them soon. SCIENCE COVERING LETTERSwww.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/placementletter.htmwww.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/goodbadcovlet.htm
Competency Questions Describe a situation when you have worked effectively in a team Give an example of when you have successfully faced a significant challenge Use STAR to answer – Situation, Task, Action, Result For help see www.kent.ac.uk/careers/compet/skillquest.htm
Science Interviews • Science interviews www.kent.ac.uk/careers/interviews/ivscience.htm • Interview Reports www.kent.ac.uk/careers/ivreps/ivrepsmenu.htm
DVDs • APPLICATIONS • INTERVIEWS • ON-LINE APPLICATIONS • SELECTION CENTRES • All last about 25 minutes and are excellent! • now streamed on-linewww.kent.ac.uk/careers/IntVid.htm
What can I do with a Degree in Bioscience? • What graduates in your subject did after leaving Kent • Jobs related to your subject • Employers and vacancy sources www.kent.ac.uk/careers/bioscience.htm
Other points • Check you campus emails regularly as I will send you emails on vacation work, careers talks, vacancies etc. • Get actively involved in university life so you have evidence of teamwork, organising, leadership etc. skills for your CV. • Try to get a good degree: Upper Second class (usually 60% +) for most employers. • Get laboratory experience • Apply early: closing dates are often in the first term.
Location of the Careers Service Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays including vacations. The Careers Web Site www.kent.ac.uk/careers is available 24/7
BRUCE WOODCOCK • I’m usually on duty TUESDAY MORNINGS (10.30 am - 12.30 p.m.) and WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AFTERNOONS (2.00 - 5.00 p.m.) for short discussions. • Or to book an appointment for a formal interview ask at Careers Reception or ring 01227 823299 • Email: bw@kent.ac.uk
The University of Kent Careers Advisory Service You can download a copy of this presentation at www.kent.ac.uk/careers/slides.htm