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Chinese Folk Legends: Mystical Tales of Ancient China

Explore the enchanting world of Chinese folklore with stories like Lady Meng Jiang, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, The Weaving-girl and the Cowherd, and Legend of the White-snake. Discover traditional beliefs, mythical creatures, and key figures that have captivated generations. Join us on a journey through time and imagination.

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Chinese Folk Legends: Mystical Tales of Ancient China

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Four Chinese Folk Legends _Throughout Chinese history, there are many great lengends revealingtheagriculturalsociety. _They existed in oral tradition long before any writen compilation. _Some have been presented in a number of major Chinese operas, films and television series. _Among them, the most famous ones are: Lady Meng Jiang Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai The Weaving-girl and the Cowherd Legend of the White-snake

  2. 孟姜女 Lady Meng Jiang

  3. Traditional Beliefs: The role of a woman: before marriage, after marriage The role of a man: an ordinary man, an emperor The mythical number: 3 The magic animals: swallow, crow, fish The Great Wall KeyFigures: LadyMengjiang EmperorShihuang

  4. 梁山伯与祝英台 ButterflyLovers: Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai Chinese Romeo and Juliet

  5. Traditional beliefs: Sworn brothers Annual village fair Arranged marriage A matchmaker The magic animals: mandarin ducks, goose Buddhist impact: Guanyin, the Goddess of Mercy Reincarnation KeyFigures: LiangShanbo ZhuYingtai

  6. 牛郎织女 Altair and Vega: The Weaving-girl and the Cowherd

  7. Traditional Beliefs: An ideal family with two children: a boy and a daughter 好 Abalancedfamily:husband,outside,woman,inside Familyrule:dividefamilyproperty The7thdayofthe7thlunarmonth:ChineseValentine’sDay Taoistimpact: TheQueenMotheroftheWesternHeaven Mortalsvs.immortals

  8. 白蛇传 Legend of the White-snake

  9. ChineseFestivals: PureBrightnessFestival DragonBoatFestival KeyFigures: XuXian BaiNiangzi XiaoQing FaHaiinacrab YueLao FamousPlaces: TheWestLake The BrokenBridge JinshanTemple,LeifengPagoda Folkcustoms: Onemonthcelebration

  10. Thankyou! LeiMa ChineseDeputyDirector TheWilliamandMary Confucius Institute lma@wm.edu

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