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Human Biology Circulatory/Respiratory System

Human Biology Circulatory/Respiratory System. Ch.30. Three Major Functions of the Circulatory System. 1. Delivers ______ & _______ to cells. 2. Carries _______ & _______ away from cells. 3. Maintains _______ _______________. Three Components of the Circulatory System. Blood

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Human Biology Circulatory/Respiratory System

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  1. Human BiologyCirculatory/Respiratory System Ch.30

  2. Three Major Functions of the Circulatory System 1. Delivers ______ & _______ to cells. 2. Carries _______ & _______ away from cells. 3. Maintains _______ _______________.

  3. Three Components of the Circulatory System • Blood • Blood Vessels • Heart

  4. Four Components of the Blood • _______ (_______________) – carry oxygen w/ hemoglobin • ________(_______________) – fight diseases. • ________ – liquid portion of blood containing nutrients • ________ – clots blood

  5. Blood __________ produces the blood. ___________ help form clots that control bleeding.

  6. Blood Type

  7. Blood Type • Type A = has antigen A on the surface of the red blood cells • Type B = has antigen B • Type AB = has both antigen A & B • Type O = has no antigens Type O is the universal donor and Type AB is the universal recipient.

  8. Blood Vessels 1. _________ – thick, elastic; carries oxygenated (w/O2) blood away from the heart under great pressure 2. _________ – thin, not elastic; carries deoxygenated (no O2) blood back to the heart; low pressure 3. _________ – smallest & thinnest blood vessels; connect arteries to veins; where gas exchange occurs All blood vessels have _________ muscles that are controlled by the __________ nervous system.

  9. Muscle Pumps (for veins) • _______ in _______ prevent the backflow of the blood. • When muscles contract, they squeeze the veins allowing the blood to move up to the heart.

  10. Heart • Made of ________ muscles • Has ___ chambers. • Right/left _______ = collecting chambers • Right/left __________ = pumping chambers • ______ between atrium and ventricle prevent the backflow of blood

  11. The Structures of the Heart

  12. Pathway of blood flow Superior/inferior ____________ (biggest vein)  _________________  _________________  ___________ artery  to the lungs (pick up O2)  ___________ vein  __________________  __________________  _________(biggest artery)y)  to the rest of the body

  13. Heartbeat • Average heartbeat of an adult at rest = _____ beats/min - Sounds of a heartbeat “lubb” “dubb” come from the _______ opening and closing in the heart.

  14. Blood Pressure • Measure of the pressure that the blood exerts on the blood vessels • Systolic/Diastolic = ave. adult ____ mm Hg/____ mm Hg _________ pressure = ventricles contract; high _________ pressure = ventricles relax; low

  15. How is the heart beat regulated? • ___________ – generates electrical signals to regulate heartbeat - _______, or _________, stimulates atria to contract • _______ stimulates ventricles to contract • ______________– part of the the brain stem that controls the pacemakers.

  16. An increased risk of circulatory diseases -____________ -_____________ -_______________ -_______________ -diet low in _______and ____________,high in ______________ Plaque blocks blood flow in arteries

  17. Respiratory System • Function 1. Obtain ________ for metabolism. (cellular respiration) 2. Eliminate _______ ____ and water.

  18. Respiratory System Structures • Nasal Cavity (nose) -cilia trap dusts and purify the air • ___________(throat) -helps air to pass through and traps microorganisms • ___________ (voice box) -Makes the vocal cord vibrate and produce sounds. • __________ - Prevents food from going into respiratory tract • __________ (windpipe) - Main trunk of the respiratory system. • Located in the center of the chest cavity • _________/__________ (left & right) -Two branches at the bottom of trachea; branches into smaller bronchioles. • __________ – air sacs at the end of bronchioles; gas exchange occurs.

  19. Gas Exchange in the Lungs -Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by the blood to and from the ____________. -___________ diffuses from alveoli into capillary -Oxygen binds to ____________ in red blood cells -__________________diffuses from capillary into alveoli

  20. Mechanism of Breathing • Breathing results from the movement of rib muscles and ___________. ___________ = a layer of muscle tissue that helps in breathing by contracting or relaxing Inhalation – rib muscles ________ & diaphragm ________; increases volume of chest cavity; air rushes in Exhalation – rib muscles _______ & diaphragm ________; decreases volume of chest cavity; air rushes out.

  21. Diaphragm and Rib Cage Air flows from areas of ____ pressure to ___ pressure.

  22. Effect of Smoking • Smoking is the leading cause of lung diseases.

  23. Lymphatic System • ________ is collected from tissues and returned to the circulatory system. • The lymphatic system collects fluid that leaks out of the _____________. • Lymph vessels have _______ to prevent backflow. • Lymph nodes filter the _____ and destroy foreign matter. • Lymph vessels return cleaned fluid to the _________ system.

  24. The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system. • Structures in the lymphatic system help ____________________. • tonsils filter _______ and _________ • _______ develops white blood cells • _______ filters lymph, contains immune cells • _____________ or white blood cells help destroy pathogens, parasites, & foreign matter.

  25. The lymphatic system is a major part of the immune system. • Structures in the lymphatic system help fight disease. • tonsils filter bacteria and viruses • thymus develops white blood cells • spleen filters lymph, contains immune cells • Lymphocytes help destroy pathogens, parasites, and foreign matter.

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