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Biomass & Bioenergy Potential and Technology Claus Felby, Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen. Forestry and agriculture converts solar energy, water and CO 2 to biomass. Bioenergy. Energy consumption and reserves 2005 –Gton oil Equivalent. Terrestial biomass potential 2.5-11.
Biomass & BioenergyPotential and TechnologyClaus Felby, Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen
Forestry and agriculture converts solar energy, water and CO2 to biomass Bioenergy
Energy consumption and reserves 2005 –Gton oil Equivalent Terrestial biomass potential 2.5-11
Full speed ahead on bioenergy industry and technology! • Biogas has been running for more than 20 years • Biodiesel is an established industry • 1st generation bioethanol is an established industry • 2nd generation bioethanol in commercial scale within 5 years • New technologies for 3 gen. on the shelf But without biomass no bioenergy!
’Green’ Reaction to biofuels For environmental groups like Friends of the Earth, it's a ‘no brainer’. BUT, -there are many ways of making biofuels!
The basic limitation is the available land area Ecosystem 2008 Humans Energy Livestock 2020 Area in Gha
Bioenergy carriers: Solid, liquid and gas Solid fuels for heat & power Liquid fuels for transportation Gaseous fuels for transportation and heat & power
The biosphere is made from sugar • Plants store solar energy as sugar • 75% of plants are sugar • The sugars in plants are mainly found as polymers. To convert sugar we need monomers • Two types of sugars: • Nutritional sugars –starch and succrose • Constructional sugars –cellulose and hemicellulose
1 ton of biomass Solid fuels Overall efficiency 65% Net area use 1 Bioethanol Overall efficiency 60-65% Net area use 0.2-0.7 • Ethanol • Feed • Heat & power • CO2 • Heat & power • CO2 BTL Overall efficiency 45-65% Net area use 1 Biogas Overall efficiency 50-75% Net area use 1 • Diesel • Heat & power • CO2 • Methane • Heat & power • CO2
What about plant oils for biodiesel? • Easy to make (pressing) • 100% compatible with existing engines • Can be used in existing infrastructures • Less harmfull particles compared to fossil diesel • But only 900 l/ha and 4 year rotation • Poor land use!
Integration of conversion technologies Biogas Converts 40-80% of the biomass Bioethanol Converts 70-80% of the biomass Feed Solid biofuel Converts 100% of the biomass
Bioenergy technology development Land area needed to supply the danish transport sector (figures not corrected for feed production) Danish agricultural area
CO2 ranking Animal fat biodiesel Corn bioethanol Straw bioethanol Biogas 2 G sugarcane bioethanol New Energy carriers Palmoil biodiesel Rape seed biodiesel Wheat bioethanol Bioenergy from algea Biomass for heat & power 1 G Sugarcane bioethanol - + No reduction of greenhouse gases Large reduction of greenhouse gases
Why biofuels? Is it more efficient to produce heat and power? • Difference between technical or economical efficency. • Need for a balance between energy and food –we can’t just burn it all • 1 billion cars! A 747 on steam and batteries? • Alternatives to biomass for heat & power: Wind, waves, nuclear, hydro etc. • We need the technology behind liquid fuels • The optimal situation is a mix of solid and liquid biofuels
6 to do’s in order to reach the land of milk, honey and bioenergy • High yield agricultural systems • Efficient conversion technologies • Technologies should conserve protein • Sustainable production by perennial crops • Mantain or increase soil carbon levels • Find the balance between humans, energy and livestock
There is no silver bullet technology • We need:Wind mills, fuel cells, bio-hydrogen, wave power, liguid biofuels, hydro power, geothermal power, nuclear fussion and fission, solar photovoltaic cells, solar heat collectors, biomass from forests & fields, algae farms etc.....
The food and energy fields of the future: KU´s experimental farm in Tåstrup
Your harvest depends on your seed! • Some plants are better solar collectors! C4 C3
The energy field 2015-Ethanol, heat, electricity and feed Perennial grass for silage 6-7000 t ethanol pr. ha Balanced feed production both energy- and protein feed Willow for heat and power on 10% of the area Reduced leaching higher biodiversity! To supply the danish transport sector we need 0,9 mill ha
Sugar • technology • for bioethanol
Two roads to bioethanol: 1st og 2nd generation 1 gen. • 1 generation : Just kernels and sugar • 2 generation: The whole plant 2 gen.
Basic Ethanol Proces Feed molasses Pretreatment (release of sugars) Enzymer Hydrolysis (breakdown to fermentable sugars) Fermentation CO2 Feed (Vinasse Distillers grain) Destillation Ethanol
The IBUS Concept–Energy systems integration Surplus steam Straw Grain Wholecrop Molasse Bagasse Sugar cane Household waste High quality solid biofuel CO2 reduction in the transport sector 170%
Bioethanol: What do you get from 1 ha?Multiple use 2. Generation 1 ha landbrugsjord med foderhvede kan producere 3500 Feeed units 1,9 tons of ”coal” 3600 kg Ethanol To supply the danish transport sector we need 1,6 mill ha
Bioethanol: What do you get from 1 ha?Single use 1. Generation 1 ha landbrugsjord med foderhvede kan producere 7,5 tons of ”coal”
Biodiesel: What do you get from 1 ha? 2800 Feed units Biodiesel 1 ha landbrugsjord med raps kan producere 2,4 tons of ”coal” 900 kg Diesel To supply the danish transport sector we need 13 mill ha
How far can agriculture and technology lead us? • Year 2032: • 40-50% of out transport fuels from biomass • Balanced production of food, feed and energy • Improved energy efficiency in all sectors
Sustainability: Intensive or extensive agriculture for energy production? • Should we reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers? • The largest amount of energy is used for conversion, not agriculture • The technologies are under contineous development 2 gen. bioethanol output energi, sammen- holdt med energiforbrug til gødning (hvede)
Energy ratios – animals or energy? Food of the Western world . 1 gen. ethanol . . . 2 gen. ethanol CHP wheat CHP wood 70% of our agriculture is used to feed animals
Conclusions • We need biomass for energy, materials and chemicals • Delicate balance between humans, animals and energy • 20% or more of our energy supply will come from biomass • Avoid oil crops for biodiesel • Large advantages for environment, climate, biodiversity and economy if we choose the right technology