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Lockout/Tagout. What This Training Will Cover:. Who needs training? What is hazardous energy? What is lockout/tagout? What are the different types of lockout devices? What is the requirement for tags? What lockout/tagout procedures are required?. 1. Who Needs Training?.
Lockout/Tagout What This Training Will Cover: Who needs training? What is hazardous energy? What is lockout/tagout? What are the different types of lockout devices? What is the requirement for tags? What lockout/tagout procedures are required? 1
Who Needs Training? • Authorized employees –people who lock or tag out machines or equipment to perform servicing. • Affected employees –people who use machines or equipment on which servicing is performed under lockout/tagout. • Other employees –people who work in the area of locked out machinery or equipment 2
What is Hazardous Energy? Hazardous energy is any of the following: Electricity – live or stored Moving machinery parts Stored mechanical movement in machinery 3
What is Hazardous Energy? Stored heat (steam lines or hot liquids) Hazardous chemicals in pipelines under pressure or force of gravity Any other active or stored energy sources that could harm a worker --such as: 4
Hazardous Energy Source Examples Live electrical lines Electrical capacitors Lasers Engines that move machinery parts Hydraulic lifts Pneumatic (air pressure) lines Pressurized water lines Springs 5
Lockout/Tagout and Confined Spaces Lockout/Tagout is important in confined spaces since it is easy to get trapped and hard to escape. Pipelines leading into tanks must be blanked off before entering the space. All electrical and mechanical hazardous energy must be addressed and locked out or tagged as needed. 6
Our Hazardous Energy Sources (examples) The following hazardous energy sources require lockout/tag-out procedures: • Examples: • Laboratory equipment (examples) • Field equipment (examples) • Inventory list example (handout) • Please refresh the inventory list for your laboratory or site 7
What kind of injuries can happen? Electrocution from live parts Scalding from steam or hot liquids Chemical burns or poisoning From machinery: - Deep cuts and gashes - Crushing injuries - Amputations All of these can be fatal when severe 8
Fatality Example A man working inside a supermarket cardboard compactor was crushed when the unblocked compactor suddenly came down on top of him. 9
More Examples Three men were doing maintenance inside an asphalt pug mill mixer. One employee was still inside the mixer when the power was turned back on, thereby starting the mixer. He was killed instantly. Cause: failure to disconnect power source and lock out. A cotton gin operator climbed into a jammed cotton cleaner/separator. The toggle switch controlling the operation of the gin was turned off but not locked out. For some reason, someone accidentally turned the machine back on, not knowing the gin operator was inside the gin. His leg was pulled through the feed rollers. Cause: failure to disconnect power source and lock out. A warehouseman was repairing an air-operated valve which he had turned off but not disconnected and locked out. During the repair operation he slipped and inadvertently turned on the switch which let air into the valve. His hand was caught and crushed in the valve. Cause: failure to disconnect power source and lock out. 9
More Examples A maintenance employee was changing V-belts on an exhaust fan. He de-energized the fan before starting work. However, he did not block the blades of the fan. The suction in the duct work turned the fan blades, and his hand was caught in the V-belt drive. Cause: failure to block out potential energy sources. One study on servicing equipment injuries found that 80 percent of the workers surveyed failed to even turn off the equipment before performing the service work. There is a difference between turning off a machine and actually disengaging or de-energizing a piece of equipment. When you turn off a control switch, you are opening a circuit. There is still electrical energy at the switch, and a short in the switch or someone inadvertently turning on the machine may start the machine running again. Of the 20 percent of the injured workers who did turn off the machinery, about half of them were injured when someone, generally a coworker who was unaware that the machine was being serviced, accidentally reactivated the machinery. 9
More Examples Of those workers who turned off the control switch, another 20% were injured by the energy still in the machine which should have been blocked. The moving parts of the machine either continued to coast, or the parts moved when a jam was cleared. In an accident in California, a table saw was turned off, but the saw blade was still silently coasting and had not come to a complete stop. An employee began cleaning the machine, and his finger was amputated by the blade. Other accidents have occurred when the control switch on a machine was turned off, but a short in the switch restarted the machine. Accidents have also occurred even when workers did take the necessary steps of disconnecting the main power source. But they did not perform a crucial step for a complete lockout procedure: They did not test the equipment to make sure the machinery was, in fact, de-energized. One case, the lockout had been done on the wrong power line. In another case, a second power line had been spliced into the wiring beyond the point of the lockout. 9
When is Lockout/Tag-out required? When someone will be servicing or repairing machinery or equipment AND the unexpected machinery start-up or release of stored energy could cause injury 10
Service and Maintenance Examples Installing, constructing, adjusting, modifying, unjamming, cleaning, lubrication, inspecting, setup - preparing for normal function These activities often require a worker to place all or part of their body into the machine’s hazard zone (“the line of fire”). 11
What is an energy-isolating device? A device that physically prevents transmission or release of energy such as: An electrical circuit breaker, A pipeline valve, A machine block, Anything else that positively blocks or isolates energy. 12
What is a Lockout Device? A device that positively: prevents a machine from being started up or turned on, prevents a machinery part from moving, prevents electrical energizing, blocks a pipeline, steam line or air line 13
Electrical Lockout Devices Locked out circuit breaker Locked out electrical panel Locked out electrical plug 14
Physical Blocks Punch press blocks Truck bed lockout 18
Group Lockout Devices Used when more than one person doing maintenance or repair on same machine or equipment. Machinery or equipment can’t be started up until all locks are removed. Each person places and removes their own lock. 19
Lockout Devices We Use Personally-identified lock E-Z Panel LocTM snap-on breaker lockout device More examples? 21
What is Tag-out? Tags are warning devices only They don’t provide the same level of protection as lockout devices. We only use for information, along with a locked device. They can only be removed by an authorized person. They must be legible (use a sharpie), securely attached (e.g., zip-tie not string) and resistant to degradation. 22
Energy Control Program • Our energy control program consists of: • Training for Authorized and Affected employees; • A current inventory of equipment requiring lockout; • A description of general energy control procedures, • Development and use of a specific written stepwise procedure for all equipment on the inventory; and • Periodic inspection of the implementation of the energy control procedures 23
Lockout Procedures Six Steps to Follow: • Notify affected employees (anybody in the area) that the machine or equipment will be shut down and locked out • 2. Shut down the machinery or equipment using normal procedure • 3. Isolate energy sources with energy-isolating devices 24
Lockout Procedures Six Steps 4. Lock out energy-isolating devices with assigned locks. 5. Release or restrain stored or residual energy (capacitors, pressure, vacuum, blades, etc.) 6. Test machinery to make sure it can’t start up (use the normal start procedure) 25
Lockout Steps Isolate Energy Shutdown Equipment Notify employees Release Stored Energy Attach Lockout Device Verify Lockout Service & Maintenance 26
Examples of Release of Stored Energy • “Slowly open the receiver tank port and bleed off any internal pressure.” • “Loosen both line valves to relieve all pressure in the cooling circuit.” • “Ground out capacitor…” 27
Examples of Attempt to Operate • “…adjust the temperature cycle thermostat to check that all electrical inputs have been shut off.” • “Push the start function button to verify that electric power has been removed.” • “Crack the steam inlet and discharge line outlet valves…” 28
Start-up Procedures Only Authorized employee can do startup Warn everyone present to stay clear Remove all tools, locks and tags Remove, reverse, open or reactivate isolating devices Visual check that all is clear Start up machine, process or line flow 29