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LANCE-MODIS Status. Aqua Oct 13, 2010. Element Lead: Ed Masuoka , GSFC Code 614.5 ( edward.j.masuoka@nasa.gov ) Presenter: Mike Teague, GSFC Code 423 ( michael.teague@nasa.gov ) LANCE User Working Group Meeting November 16, 2010. 1. Overview (1 of 2). Summary of Products

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  1. LANCE-MODIS Status Aqua Oct 13, 2010 Element Lead: Ed Masuoka, GSFC Code 614.5 (edward.j.masuoka@nasa.gov) Presenter: Mike Teague, GSFC Code 423 (michael.teague@nasa.gov) LANCE User Working Group Meeting November 16, 2010 1

  2. Overview (1 of 2) • Summary of Products • The following products are available from LANCE-MODIS: Level 1B (L1B) and geolocation; L2 cloud mask/profiles, aerosols, clouds, snow, sea ice, fire, land surface temperature, and land surface reflectance (LSR); L2G and L3 LSR. (See Back-Up material) • Performance Metrics • Latency • Since, on the average, the session duration for Terra is less than Aqua, the average latency for the former is less than the latter by approximately 20 minutes • The “slowest” products tend to be the Clouds and LSR which are generated 15-20 minutes after the L1B products • The typical average latency has been reduced in recent months by utilizing additional hardware and for Terra is 1.2-1.8 hours and Aqua 1.5-2.0 hours. Details are given in the Back-Up material • Volume Distribution • The typical distribution is 0.6-0.8 TB/day • Number of Users • The number of users has steadily increased since December 2009. There are presently approximately 96 users from U.S. civilian and military agencies, foreign agencies, universities, and the private sector including 7 new users in the last 2 weeks. 2 2

  3. Overview (2 of 2) • Performance Metrics (cont) • Data Availability • LANCE-MODIS tracks the problems and issues that cause the system to be degraded or experience downtime (See Back-Up material) • In the last 11 months at least one product has not been available within 3 hours 4% of the time. Excluding EDOS, Ground Station, and spacecraft problems this number is 2.5% (a typical monthly number is 1.5%) • Near-Real Time and Standard Products • These data are inter-compared on the LANCE web site in the form of side-by-side images and quantitative pixel analyses (See Back Up material) • Because of the sensitivity to the GDAS ancillary product, the clouds and aerosols products compare less favorably than the land products • Redundancy Status • The redundant system will be in operations by January 2011 (network architecture chart in Back Up material) • All codes will be running on both systems simultaneously • User Support • User support is available from modapsuso@sigmaspace.com or from 1-866-506-6347 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday) 3

  4. Changes since December 09 Workshop (1 of 3) • New Products: • At the request of users at the December workshop, a cloud-cleared Land Surface Temperature product has been added • A flood mapping product has been added to support the generation of Flood Maps by GSFC and the University of Colorado. Bands 1 and 2 from Land Surface Reflectance are sub-setted into 10x10 tiles in the GeoTiff format and are mosaiced. Products are currently being distributed for 16 tiles • Following discussion of the new Collection 6 (C6) MODIS products at the December workshop, both C5 and C6 products will be generated through the completion of the C6 reprocessing (estimated to be December 2011). It is expected that C6 production will start in March 2011 • Tools: • Following discussion at the December workshop, the following tools have been added to post process the MODIS products: band, geographic, and parameter sub-setting, reprojection, mosaicing, and GeoTiff format (NetCDF will be added in March) • A Tools web page will be added to the MODIS component of LANCE to support the use of these tools (December 2010) 4

  5. Changes since December 09 Workshop (2 of 3) • System Changes • The Rapid Response system is being transitioned into LANCE-MODIS • The majority of the functionality is currently running on an extended test basis. This includes swath images and geo-referenced subset images. The performance is acceptable • The Land Surface Temperature running in the Rapid Response system has been replaced by the Band 31 Brightness Temperature • In order to minimize impact on the end users, minimal changes have been made to the web pages; the current URL’s will continue to be available • The LANCE-MODIS Rapid Response system will undergo continued performance testing, external review, and the addition of other functionality such as Global Fire Maps and Fire Alerts for FIRMS through the end of 2010 • The LANCE-MODIS Rapid Response will be placed into operations when the redundant system is operative • Sample images are included in the Back-Up material 5

  6. Changes since December 09 Workshop (3 of 3) • System Changes (cont) • The Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) is being transitioned into LANCE-MODIS (See Back Up material) • The current system is running at the UMD • FIRMS makes fire-related information available through e-mail alerts, a web mapping service, images, plug-ins, and geo-referenced files • New hardware has been installed • The present system will be in operations in LANCE-MODIS by March 2011 with improved WebGIS and Burned Area capability • Further enhancements have been identified for the year beginning March 2011 including enhancements to the Web Fire Mapper, the Burned Area data, and the e-mail alert service and integrating the FIRMS fire text files with the files generated using the standard MODAPS products • A Web Coverage Service and a Web Mapping Service will be introduced in January to facilitate access to the post-processed and image data 6

  7. User-Suggested Upgrades for Discussion • The Use of Direct Broadcast Data for Reduced Latency • This topic will be discussed by Bruce Davis from an user perspective under Candidate Enhancements • The objective would be to use Direct Broadcast data for CONUS to support a variety of applications including flood monitoring • The use of international data to support applications such as fire and flood monitoring would be investigated • This activity would make use of the existing MODAPS code for ingesting Direct Broadcast data to support standard MODIS processing • The Generation and Distribution of Flood Maps (see Back Up material for example) • This topic will be discussed by Fritz Policelli from an user perspective under Candidate Enhancements • The objective would be to generate and distribute global flood maps between 60 deg North and 60 deg South • The WebGIS/WMS used for FIRMS/Rapid Response, the land water mask and the DEM being used for MODIS C6 can be applied to this effort • The Generation and Distribution of the NRL Assimilation Aerosol Product • This topic will be discussed by Kim Richardson from an user perspective under Candidate Enhancements • The Generation of AMSR-E Images using the Rapid Response System • This topic was presented by Helen Conover 7

  8. Western Russia Aqua 29 Jul 10 Back-Up Material

  9. Content • Products List • Product Latency • Problems and Issues • Comparisons of Near-Real Time and Standard Products • Product Dependencies on Ancillary Data • Redundancy Architecture • Example Rapid Response Images • FIRMS • Example Flood Map 9

  10. LANCE-MODIS Aqua Products 10

  11. LANCE-MODIS Terra Products 11

  12. Product Latencies for Aqua Numbers in Parentheses indicate Latencies for Standard Production LANCE-MODIS latencies measured over the interval 11/1/10 through 11/12/10 12 12

  13. Product Latencies for Terra Numbers in Parentheses indicate Latencies for Standard Production LANCE-MODIS latencies measured over the interval 11/1/10 through 11/12/10 13 13

  14. LANCE-MODIS Problems and Issues 14

  15. Comparison of Standard and NRT Products Standard Processing Near-Real-Time Processing Cloud top temperature over Midwest. Thin clouds over lake Superior show sensitivity to GDAS ancillary data.

  16. Accuracy of Retrieval For Atmospheric products (C5 operational product used as Truth) (Terra Day 2010-094) Statistics are computed for values retrieved within the valid range. Data values that are fill in both dataset it is not included in the analysis. Small relative error (a count of 2) in small base values (in the range of 0-200) are set to zero., to account for noise resulting from round off error or machine differences.

  17. Accuracy of Retrieval For Atmospheric products (C5 operational product used as Truth) (Terra Day 2010-094) Statistics are computed for values retrieved within the valid range. Data values that are fill in both dataset it is not included in the analysis. Small relative error (a count of 2) in small base values (in the range of 0-200) are set to zero., to account for noise resulting from round off error or machine differences.

  18. Land Surface Reflectance: USA and Mexico Near-Real Time Standard

  19. Accuracy of Retrieval (C5 operational product used as Truth) Match – For LSR it is the percentage of retrievals within 0.25% error margin when compared to operational C5. For other products it is the pixel to pixel exact match between NRT and C5. Omission and Commission Errors are computed as percentage of snow/ice/fire in the C5 products

  20. Product Dependencies on Ancillary Data • The L2 codes will search back for ancillary data a maximum of the times indicated on the arrows • The L2 Snow, Sea Ice, and Fire do not use ancillary data products Cloud Mask L2 Aerosols 4 weeks 120h(optional) 7d 12h 21d 36h GFS Reynsst SeaIce NISE GDAS TOAST 14d 14d 14d 8d 7d 60h UnchangedFrom Standard L2 LSR L2 Cloud 20

  21. LANCE MODIS EBnet LANCE B32/C101 EBnet MODAPS B32/S009 RAID 6 39 TB RR Images RAID 6 18TB LANCE Web server ftp server PDR server GigE network switch Database server Scheduling host • Two independent processing and distribution strings with independent network segments in separate locations • Computers and network switches have redundant components to increase reliability • Additional compute servers to support testing new applications and failure of servers w/o long-term impact on latency RAID 6 9TB 37 compute servers Masuoka Nov. 2010

  22. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill 2010 In these photo-like images, only the thicker portions of the oil slick stand out, and only in certain lighting conditions. Terra 17 May 2010

  23. Volcanoes Users include: Air quality agencies Civil and military aviation Eyjafjallajokull Volcano, Iceland – Aqua 17 April 2010

  24. Smoke and Fires in western Russia Terra 9 August 2010

  25. FIRMS Fire Information for Resource Management Fire Information for Resource Management • FIRMS provides the MODIS fire information in small, easy to use formats through the internet and fire email alerts. • Capabilities • Interactive Web GIS • Email alerts (sent to over 100 countries) • Subsets of MODIS images • Active fire data downloads (KML, Shape, Text files and plug-ins for Google Earth and NASA World-Wind) University of Maryland, NASA GSFC, Sigma Space, UN FAO 25

  26. Example Flood Map 26

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