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HIV/AIDS Initiative

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Project Crossroads’ HIV/AIDS Initiative in Mali

  2. Combating HIV/AIDS Serving Abandoned Women & Children

  3. Two-Fold Objective: • 1. ReNewthe Culture of Mali by • Combating the Spread of HIV • 2. ReNewthe Spiritual & Physical • Health of Those Suffering fromAIDS

  4. ReNew Culture through HIV/AIDS Awareness: •Education •Testing •Counseling

  5. ReNew Those Suffering from AIDS

  6. How do We Accomplish Our Two-Fold Objective? What is Our Strategy?

  7. A Relational Strategy One Founded on Partnership

  8. A Partnership Founded on: •Long-Term Commitment •An Incarnational Presence •Mutual Respect •Unconditional Love

  9. Long-Term Commitment

  10. An Incarnational Presence

  11. Mutual Respect

  12. Unconditional Love

  13. Two-Fold Objective Combat the Spread of HIV/AIDS Serve those Suffering from AIDS Partner with USFC Partner with EEPM Awareness & Education Financial Support Testing Child Education Counseling Training Women

  14. Our Goals ? What do We Expect to Achieve?

  15. ReNewed Lives by Bringing Spiritual Hope, Emotional Wholeness & Physical Well Being to the Afflicted

  16. ReNewed Thinking through HIV/AIDS Awareness & Education

  17. ReNewed Behavior through Biblically Based Decision Making

  18. ReNewed Action by Malian Believers that Powerfully Demonstrates God’s Love

  19. Okay Pastor John! How are we going to do this and where do I fit in?

  20. Lisa & Our Orphans How does this Incarnational Presence Work in Practice Anyhow?

  21. Can You Teach a Child to Read?

  22. Can You Teach: Nutrition? Hygiene? Sanitation?

  23. Teach he Bible to Women?

  24. Can You Teach Young Women to Sew?

  25. Can you encourage a young mother living with AIDS? Or, one who has lost all hope?

  26. Can You Cuddle a Child with AIDS but without Parents? Or, Identify with a Stranger?

  27. What about an Evangelism-driven Sports Camp?

  28. These AIDS orphans need to attend school, they need books, supplies & clothes – they need our help; they need our prayers.

  29. Madame Adalaid, Director & Founder, of United Sisters for Christ

  30. Dr. Yusuf Dembele, President, EgliseEvangeliqueProtestante au Mali

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