Project Crossroads’ HIV/AIDS Initiative in Mali
Combating HIV/AIDS Serving Abandoned Women & Children
Two-Fold Objective: • 1. ReNewthe Culture of Mali by • Combating the Spread of HIV • 2. ReNewthe Spiritual & Physical • Health of Those Suffering fromAIDS
ReNew Culture through HIV/AIDS Awareness: •Education •Testing •Counseling
How do We Accomplish Our Two-Fold Objective? What is Our Strategy?
A Relational Strategy One Founded on Partnership
A Partnership Founded on: •Long-Term Commitment •An Incarnational Presence •Mutual Respect •Unconditional Love
Two-Fold Objective Combat the Spread of HIV/AIDS Serve those Suffering from AIDS Partner with USFC Partner with EEPM Awareness & Education Financial Support Testing Child Education Counseling Training Women
Our Goals ? What do We Expect to Achieve?
ReNewed Lives by Bringing Spiritual Hope, Emotional Wholeness & Physical Well Being to the Afflicted
ReNewed Action by Malian Believers that Powerfully Demonstrates God’s Love
Okay Pastor John! How are we going to do this and where do I fit in?
Lisa & Our Orphans How does this Incarnational Presence Work in Practice Anyhow?
Can You Teach: Nutrition? Hygiene? Sanitation?
Can you encourage a young mother living with AIDS? Or, one who has lost all hope?
Can You Cuddle a Child with AIDS but without Parents? Or, Identify with a Stranger?
These AIDS orphans need to attend school, they need books, supplies & clothes – they need our help; they need our prayers.
Madame Adalaid, Director & Founder, of United Sisters for Christ
Dr. Yusuf Dembele, President, EgliseEvangeliqueProtestante au Mali