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B A T M A N VS . H E R C U L E S

P L A C E O F B I R T H : Thebes, Greece. P L A C E O F R E S I D E N C E : Olympus. O C C U P A T I O N : Demigod. S T R E N G T H S : Strong, brave, sneaky. W E A K N E S S : He killed his children because he was under a spell made by Hera; and l ove.

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B A T M A N VS . H E R C U L E S

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PLACE OF BIRTH: Thebes, Greece. PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Olympus. OCCUPATION: Demigod. STRENGTHS:Strong, brave, sneaky. WEAKNESS: He killed his children because he was under a spell made by Hera; and love. WHAT CITY DOES HE DEFEND AND WHY?: Greece, because he is a demigod and that’s his duty. WHY IS HE A MYTH: Hercules is a myth because he is a fantastic character. PLACE OF BIRTH: Gotham City. PLACE OF RESIDENCE:Gotham City. OCCUPATION: Business man. STRENGTHS: Strong, smart, brave. WEAKNESS: He is old and he is traumatized by his parent’s death. WHAT CITY DOES HEDEFEND AND WHY?: Gotham City, because people want to attack the city and he is the only one who can save it . WHY IS HE A MYTH?: He is a myth because he disappeared for a long time and people started to doubt about his existence. BATMAN VS. HERCULES

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