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Ten Decades of Growth and Development of Public Library System in India: A Study of Public Libraries in Goa State. by B B Satpute and Sandesh Dessai. INTRODUCTION.
Ten Decades of Growth and Development of Public Library System in India: A Study of Public Libraries in Goa State. by B BSatpute and SandeshDessai
INTRODUCTION • Britishers in India gave importance for imparting education to masses, with starting of few public Libraries. • The real public library system in the modernsense was started in the princely state of Baroda. • Dr. S.R. Ranganathan made significant contribution towards the public library movement in India. • The portuguese ruled Goa for about 450 years. During their rule, they did two notable things. They started 1st printing press in Goa in 1556 and also established the 1st public library in Panaji in the year 1832. • It was started as “Public Livraria” by their Vice Roy Dom Manuel de Portugal e Castro. • This library is one of the oldest public library of modern India and Asian continent.
LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA PRE AND POST INDEPENDENCE. • Britishers started few public libraries in this country in the late 18th century. • Prior to these, there were libraries, but all those were purely private, owned by the native rulers. • They opened numbers of libraries in the state of Gujarat, West Bengal and Maharashtra. • The 1st significant date in the development of Libraries in India was 1808. • Baroda was the 1st state in the country to sponsor a scheme of free primary compulsory education in the state. • Maharaja SayajiRaoGaekwad III took lot of pain in providing Library Services to nook and corner of the state and within a span of 20 years almost all the towns and 1100 villages in Baroda State had libraries of their own.
A notable event of this period was the founding of the “Indian Library Association” in 1933. • During 1937 - 42 Orissa, Punjab, Cochin and some other provinces of states setup village Libraries. • Dr. S.R. Ranganathan made significant contribution towards the public library movement in India. • He prepared Library development plan along with the Draft Library bills for different states of India. • After Independence the Govt. of India took keen interest in providing public library services to the masses. • During the five year plan various schemes have been started by the planning commission in order to promote public library services in the country.
Some of the important developments are as follows:- • Establishment of district libraries in each state. • Government of India passed the Press and Registration of books Act. • Setting up of a National Advisory Board for libraries. • Establishment of a Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation. • Establishment of a library section under the charge of an Under Secretary, Department of Culture, Ministry of Education.
Appointment of a working group for the modernization of Library services. • Appointment of a committee on National Policy on Library and Information System under the chairmanship of D.P. Chattopadhayay. • Universalisation of elementary education, eradication of illiteracy in the 15-35 years age group. • National library, Calcutta undertook several initiatives. • Upgradation of existing libraries. • Establishment of National knowledge Commission.
PRESENT PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM • Group I: State Central and Regional/Divisional Libraries. • Group II: City Library System. • Group III: District Library System. • Group IV: Other Libraries.
LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT IN GOA PRE LIBERATION • In 19th century the portuguese established 1st public library at Panaji in the name of “Public Livraria” on 15th September 1832. • The above name was changed several times i.e. ‘Bibliotheca Public’, ‘Bibliotheca Publica de Mova Goa”, “National Library”, “Bibliotheca National Vasco de Gama”. • In 1889, SaraswatVidyapeethPustakalaya was established at Marcel in Pondataluka. • In 1898, Goa Hindu Pustakalaya was started.
In 1907, two public libraries were established. One was ShriMahalaxmiPrasadic Hindu VachanMandirPanjim and another ShriDurgaVachanMandir at Mapusa. • In 1912, GomantVidyaNiketan Library was started by the Saraswat Brahman Society at Margao. • In 1913, Shri. SaraswatiMandir Library, Panajim came into existence.
LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT IN GOA POST LIBERATION • After liberation the Bibliteca National de Goa was renamed as central library in 1964. • The present total collection of this library is 210000. • It has under its control seven taluka libraries, one district library and 12 village libraries. • At present this library is under the administrative control of Directorate of Art and Culture. • Gomantak Granthalaya Sangh was established with the aim of spreading the library movement in Goa under the president ship of Mr. B. D. Satoskar.
Due to efforts of GomantakGranthalayaSangh, Govt.started giving assistance to public libraries run by private institutes from 1964 onwards. In the year 1975 Govt. took initiative in starting Govt. Taluka and Village libraries. In 1978 the Govt. of Goa had constituted an expert committee under the chairmanship of Dr. K.S. Deshpande ,University Librarian, Karnataka University, Dharwad to suggest ways and means to improve existing library facilities in the state. “Goa Public Libraries Act” was passed in 1993. The Act was further amended on 24/04/1997 and its implementation started from 30/05/1997.
AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY • To assess the current status of public libraries in the state of Goa. • To identify and analyze the specific factors responsible for the inadequate library resources/services.
RESEARCH DESIGN • Questionnaire survey of librarians. • Interviews with librarians. • Discussion with users. • Observational visits to the libraries.
ANALYSIS OF DATA • The data collected through above mentioned tools was analyzed on standard statistical methods. The analysis and interpretation of the data is presented in the subsequent sections.
PRESENT STATUS OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN GOA. • There are 120 public libraries, which is just around 34.58% of the total villages of Goa, catering to the needs of the society, there are 21 government public libraries as follows:- • Government Public Libraries • State Central Library, Panaji • District Library, Navelim-Margao • Government Taluka Libraries----- 7 (Curchorem, Sanguem, Canacona, Mandrem, Bicholim, Ponda, Valpoi) • Government Village Libraries--- 12
All these government public libraries are under the control of State Central Library for administrative purpose. Besides the above government public libraries, there are 99 non-government public libraries, these are: • Village Panchayat Libraries---- 38 • NGO’s Libraries ---- 61 • All these non-government public libraries are under the control of Directorate of Arts and Culture, Government of Goa.
Urban Public Libraries • State Central Library, Panaji • District Library, Navelim (Margao) • Government Taluka Library, Valpoi • Government Taluka Library, Ponda • Government Taluka Library, Bicholim • Government Taluka Library, Mandrem • Government Taluka Library, Canacona • Government Taluka Library, Sanguem • Government Taluka Library, Curchorem • Sri SaraswatiMandir Library, Panaji • GomantVidhyaNiketan Library, Margao
The State government has constructed a new and very spacious and modern functional building for State Central Library, at Patto Panaji by spending Rs32 crores. This ultra modern library was opened on 01.12.2011. • Present total collection of the State Central library is around 210000 books. The library has total 16456 members including children. • Another first district library is also constructed by the state government by spending Rs.20 crores at Navelim Margao, South Goa. This ultra modern public library was opened on 21/11/2010 to the public . • The district library is having its collection of around 46400 books. This library has total 3700 members including children.
Both these libraries provide various modern services to its users & the following facilities for its readers: • Book issue / Return Counter • Book Drop Box • Braille Section • Audio Visual Section • Kids Internet Browsing Centre • Children Section • Book Stacks • Rare Book Section
Reference Section • Portuguese Section • Maps and Glob Section • Newspaper and Periodical Section • Data Imaging Centre • Fumigation Chamber • Preservation Laboratory • Microfilm / CD ROM Browsing Centre • Research Cubicals • Conference Room
Urban Public Libraries • Human Resources • 60% of the librarians are highly educated and are having professional qualification . • The strength / pattern of staff in these libraries are better than the village libraries. State central library and district library have enough staff to face the users. • The facilities provided for staff in these libraries are very good.
Physical Resources Most of these libraries are housed in the government owned buildings. The stack room and reading room of most of the libraries is common. Seating arrangement is not up to mark. 70% of the libraries are facing space problem for discharging their normal library functions 80% of the libraries do not possess moderate library furniture. The collection of 10 % libraries is less then 1000 and 20% libraries have the collection in the range of 5000 to 10000,rests of the libraries are having above 10000. 50% of these libraries do not possess non-book materials. No photocopying facility/ computer based library services are provided by these libraries except State Central Library and District Library. Financial Resources There is no limit of funds to taluka , district and central library.
Rural Public Libraries • Human Resources • Majority of librarians in these libraries do not possess professional qualification. • Majority of the librarians does not have professional experience. • 40% of these libraries are having one staff member and 60% of these libraries have two staff members. • Physical Resources • Majority of these libraries are functioning in rented building/ primary school building. • The libraries are managed by non professional members. • Except one library, all the other libraries are functioning in a single room. They do not have any other section except reading and stack room. • Since these libraries function in one room their exist the problem of spacious reading hall. Due to which most of the readers do not visit these libraries.
These libraries do not have moderate library furniture. • Majority of these libraries are lacking in sufficient ventilation, windows, electrical equipments like tube lights, fans etc. • The collection of 18.52% libraries is less than 1000 and remaining libraries have the collection from 1001 to 7000. • Majority of the rural libraries have inadequate library materials i.e. books, periodicals and non book materials. None of these library possess audio visual materials. • Financial Resources • The salary/ remuneration paid to the village librarians is very less due to which they do not get professional person. • These libraries are not getting enough funds for the development of the library collection. • Due to insufficient salary professional / qualified candidates are not interested in joining the rural libraries.
Library Services • No rural library is providing library catalogue for the users. • The books are not classified as per the standard classification scheme • Extension services / activities in the rural libraries are also not organized. • Book selection in these libraries is done by non-professional. • Only book lending service is provided by these libraries. • No other readers services are provided by these libraries in order to attract the users/readers.
Findings • Physical resources are very poor in rural libraries compare to urban libraries. • Due to poor salary and no-job security, qualified personnels are not interested in joining rural libraries. • Due to insufficient finance rural libraries are not in a position to develop their library resources / services. • Rural libraries are not able to provide qualitative library services to users/ readers. • State Central Library is working hard for providing best physical as well as human resources to both the libraries (Rural and Urban). But all depend on State Government for its implementation.
Suggestions • Public library system in Goa needs government attention for its overall development. • State government should provide sufficient fund for the development of library collection / infrastructure. • All library staff (Urban and Rural) should be paid attractive salaries as per 6th pay commission. • Staff members must undergo the professional training time to time.
Conclusion • The main reason of public library movement not reaching the take-off stage is the acute paucity of funds. Finance is essential for smooth functioning of any organization. Investment in the infrastructure of public libraries means investment in education. Investment in education and human resource development is an effective tool in the socio-economic development of a nation. Investment in public library has to be considered as most productive and useful. Public libraries of Goa requires good infrastructure to provide quality library services. Therefore state govt. has to take appropriate initiatives for the growth and development of public libraries to take knowledge to the door step of the community.
THANKS SandeshDessai Librarian Goa Engineering College, Farmagudi.