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Cold & Flu Season

Cold & Flu Season

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Cold & Flu Season

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  1. We can help with some of the symptoms of a cold or the flu. Most cold and flu patients are not drinking and eating as much as normal, which can lead to dehydration. IV fluids will help tp get you back on track. Dehydration can lead to lethargy, confusion, headaches, poor urine output and many more symptoms. We recommend the Myers Cocktail for a cold or the Immunity Boost for the flu with high Vitamin C and max Glutathione, Magnesium, B vitamins, and B12. Both packages help strengthen the immune system and provide an energy boost, with the Immunity Boost giving an even larger boost to the system. If you are having body aches and/or headaches our nurses can administer a non steroidal anti- inflammatory that helps with moderate to severe pain. If you are experiencing any nausea, we will also have Zofran and Reglan that can help with those symptoms. We are 100% mobile so we will come out to your home. Each appointment lasts about 40-50 minutes and our nurses can provide IV hydration to multiple people per appointment. t’s common wisdom we’ve all heard when sick with a cold or the flu: Drink plenty of fluids. Depending on who you ask, keeping up a steady intake of water, tea, or the occasional Pedialyte will supposedly help you recover hangovers and ease your symptoms. But at some point—perhaps after your fourth trip to the bathroom—you've probably wondered: Is chugging all this H20 actually helping? The short answer: yes. And the main reason may not surprise you. “When people are sick with the flu, they lose fluids,” says David B. Banach, head of infection prevention and a hospital epidemiologist at the University of Connecticut. “Often from the high fevers, which can contribute to dehydration.”

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