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Western Australian Guidelines for Career Development Services and Transition Support Services for all Schools in Western Australian (DET, AISWA and CEO). A response to the MCEETYA’s National Framework for Career and Transition Services 2003 & the National Career Framework 2007.
Western Australian Guidelines for Career Development Services and Transition Support Servicesfor all Schools in Western Australian (DET, AISWA and CEO) A response to the MCEETYA’s National Framework for Career and Transition Services 2003 & the National Career Framework 2007 Compiled by Peter Carey
The Career and Transition Services Framework, MCEETYA Taskforce on Transition from School, 2003 Framework Structure The Framework is underpinned by a number of key objectives and a set of operating principles. It comprises the following ten elements: • Learning Pathways Plan • Transition Plan and Portfolio • Exit Plan • Follow-up Support • Career Education • Brokerage: Vocational Education & Training (VET), Structured Workplace • Learning, Vocational Education • Career Information, Guidance and Counselling • Brokerage: Placement or Referral • Individual Support Approaches • Monitoring and Tracking The Framework provides a range of effective strategies, programs and activities that schools, community service providers, government agencies and industry bodies can use to support young people in making effective transitions through school and between school and post-school destinations.
WA Guidelines for Career Development Services and Transition Support Services • Background • Discussion Paper presented to CECWA • Cross System/Sector Working Party formed • AGQTP program “Promoting a Career Development Culture in Schools” developed to promote the WA Guidelines, and its tools for implementing Career Development- the Australian Blueprint for Career Development (ABCD) and Transition Planning
WA Guidelines- key objectives • To provide students with access to quality “career development services and information products” that will assist them to make informed choices about life, learning and work opportunities. • To promote a career development culture in Schools K-12
WA Guidelines for Career Development Services and Transition Support Services KEY PRINCIPLES Career development in schools needs to: • be a “whole school approach”. It is the responsibility of all teachers not just the Career Development Practitioner/Career Advisor. • have the support of the school’s Leadership Team • be part of the school’s ongoing strategic planning and evaluation- seen as an important education goal of the school. • have adequate resources allocated to provide essential services and information products The Australian Blueprint for Career Development(ABCD) is a significant tool for implementing a career development culture in the school setting. Fundamental to creating a career development culture in schools is transition planning. Transition planning has three main elements: Individual Pathway Plans – a Transition Portfolio – an Exit Plan
WA Guidelines for Career Development Services and Transition Support Services Essential Career Development Services in schools: • Transition Support: Individual Pathway Plans (IPPs), a Transition Portfolio and a Exit Plan • Follow-up Support • Career Development Support • Career Education • Enterprise Education • VET in Schools (VETiS), Workplace learning and Vocational Education • Career Information, Guidance and Counselling • Placement or Referral • Access and Equity- Individual Support Approaches • Monitoring and Tracking • Mentoring
What is Career Development? • Career development is the “process of managing life, learning and work over the lifespan” • Career Development involves “one’s whole life, not just an occupation…” • It is the acceptance of the notion of life long learning. • (Wolf & Kolb, cited in McMahon, Patton & Tatham, 2003, p. 4).
Career Development Managing life • To be literate and numerate • To feel good about oneself • To be a good corporate citizen • To be an active participant in the community • To be a lifelong learner having an opportunity for psychological success • To be resilient Manage Learning • To develop learning to learn skills, metacognitive skills … • To develop critical thinking skills • To develop social and personal skills • To navigate the curriculum to achieve WACE- lifelong career choices • To take responsibility for ones learning and career management Managing Work • Career exploration- IPPs, transition planning and exit plans • Develop appropriate career management skills in an unpredictable world Are these the responsibility of ALL teachers?
What is the ABCD? • The ABCD is a framework to help integrate and strengthen career development learning from childhood through to adulthood. • It includes 11 competencies that people need to develop in order to effectively manage life, learning and work. • Three Areas: A, B & C • Miles Morgan Australia 2003 Australian Blueprint for Career Development. Draft prototype Canberra: DEST
The Australian Blueprint for Career Development THREE AREAS A: Personal Management B: Learning and Work Exploration C: Career Building ELEVEN MAIN CAREER COMPETENCIES (A) Personal Management: Competency 1: Build and maintain a positive self-image Competency 2: Interact positively and effectively with others Competency 3: Change and grow throughout life (B) Learning and Work Exploration: Competency 4: Participate in lifelong learning supportive of career goals Competency 5: Locate and effectively use career information Competency 6: Understand the relationship between work, society and the economy (C) Career Building: Competency 7: Secure/create and maintain work Competency 8: Make career enhancing decisions Competency 9: Maintain balanced life and work roles Competency 10: Understanding the changing nature of life and work roles Competency 11: Understand, engage in and manage the career building process 11 Career Competencies are broad goals for career development
Transition Planning • Individual Pathway Plan (IPP) • For school students the Individual Pathway Plan is a plan for how an individual will navigate the curriculum to demonstrate career competencies and achieve career development outcomes. The IPP is a valuable tool for managing transitions. • Transition Portfolio • The Transition Portfolio is a student-owned product used to record and inform the student’s Transition Planning processes. The opportunity for students to develop a portfolio provides early intervention support that will: • give every student the opportunity to develop a skills portfolio document to record the development of skills and competencies; and • enable all education providers to develop the school-community (including business and industry) partnerships required to underpin successful early intervention and transition strategies. • Exit Plan • Young people will develop an exit transition plan assisted by schools and families which will outline the strategies for transition to post-school destinations including further education, training and employment
Individual Pathway Plan – Transition • A dedicated document prescribing specific activities and actions required to achieve a desired destination • Developed by a young person with support from the Career Practitioner and/or significant others • A final product of intensive support
Individual Pathway Plan – Transition GOAL : [eg] BUILDER OPPORTUNITY What exists in terms of local availability? Is the goal possible in terms of opportunity? CONNECTIONS Who is actually available to assist [eg] employers / Group Trainer 1. 2. 3. KEY CAREER DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS AND ACTIONS 1. Personal Management Who can help? What has to be done? - What clothing and gear will I need? - How can I improve my time management? - I need to overcome shyness - 2. Learning & Work Exploration - What opportunities exist in this field? - What skills will I develop in this field? - How do I get ‘promoted’ in this field? - 3. Career Building - What will my employer expect of me? - How can I improve financial management? - - 10 Point Action Plan Area What are my steps from here? Who’ll support me? - Clothing, work gear - Time Management - Budgeting - - - - - - -
A K-12 PORTFOLIO PROGRESSION POST SCHOOL Employment Portfolio YEARS 10-12 Personal Transition Portfolio Emphasis on post school options IPP that emphasises transitions to post school options Exit plans that showcase attainment of blueprint competencies and employability skills YEARS 8-9 Personal Transition portfolio Emphasis on career development and career exploration including development of resumes Development and monitoring of IPP that emphasises upper school and training options YEARS 6-7 Work sample portfolio Early identification of strengths and weaknesses Initial IPP YEARS K-5 Work sample portfolio Assessment and reporting emphasis Simple identification of strengths and weaknesses