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The Power of Trust– Why do we trust our customers? Konrad Scheiber, CEO

The Power of Trust– Why do we trust our customers? Konrad Scheiber, CEO. Values How to create values? How to secure values? How to appreciate values?. Categories of Values Quelle Dissertation Max Kunze, ISBN 978-3-8349-0880-3. Trust The Power of Trust. Trust - definition.

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The Power of Trust– Why do we trust our customers? Konrad Scheiber, CEO

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  1. The Power of Trust– Why do we trust our customers? Konrad Scheiber, CEO

  2. Values How to create values? How to secure values? How to appreciate values?

  3. Categories of ValuesQuelle Dissertation Max Kunze, ISBN 978-3-8349-0880-3

  4. Trust The Power of Trust

  5. Trust - definition Integration of trust in the economic framework of actions • The basis is the decision theory, which considers factors of certainty, risk and uncertainty in the decision process (for instance positive recommendation for a certificate). • Thus it enables the consideration of trust as a risky advance performance(for instance to issue certificates). • In general, trust means, that you can rely on one person or on a group of persons • in the expectation of a gain (or other advantages) you take also a risk (for instance abuse of certificates). Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König

  6. Trust in the Accrediation • National Administration Body • Independant from the customers´ expectations • Impartial and neutral body • High Level in the realisation of the accreditation and strong contribution to the continous improvement of the own performance • Certificates, which have been issued according to the accreditation are worldwide highly accepted and appreciated. Source BMWFJ

  7. ISO 9001 Certificates issued since 1989 qualityaustria Trust Index More than 10,400qualityaustria ISO 9001 Certificates have been issued since 1989

  8. Withdrawalof certificates by qualityaustria Loss of customers due to insolvencies worldwide in Austria Insolvencies in Austria Total 2007 6 2 3.023 (0,07%) 2008 19 8 3.270 (0,25%) 2009 37 9 3.756 (0,24%) 2010 8 2 No data In% of the qualityaustria customers, which have become insolvent qualityaustria Trust Index

  9. qualityaustria Trust Index • More than 1.200 qualityaustria customers are 3 to 6 years certified • More than 600 qualityaustriacustomers are 6 to 9 years certified • More than 750 qualityaustriacutsomer are 9 to 20 years certified. qualityaustria has trust in its customers Customer have trust in qualityaustria

  10. EMS as part of sustainability mgmt & social responsibility EMS and improvement of environmental performance EMS and compliance with legal & other requirements EMS & overall (strategic) business mgmt  MSS alignment EMS and conformity assessment EMS and the application in small organizations EMS and environmental impacts of products and services (in the value chain) EMS and engaging stakeholders EMS and parallel or subsystems (‘sector- and aspect-specific systems’) EMS and external communication (including product information) Positioning of EMS in (inter)national policy agendas Trust in the Standardisation One Task Group discusses the topics for the next revision: … the future of the ISO 14001

  11. 1-01 Integration of risk management 1-02 Enhanced focus on product conformance 1-03 Financial resources of the organization 1-04 Maintenance of infrastructure 1-05 Alignment with business management/ practice 2-01 Process Management 2-02 Knowledge management 2-03 Results/Improvement/Effectiveness 2-04 Life cycle management (LCM) 2-05 QM – Principles (QMP) / Leadership 3-01 Competence 3-02 Supply Chain Management (and Outsourcing) 3-03 Quality Tools 3-04 Communication 3-05 Improvement and innovation 4-01 Structure of QMS and Relationship with MSS Work 4-02 Time, Speed, Agility and Related Aspects 4-03 Impact of Technology and Changes in Information Management 4-04 Role of Top Management in the QMS 4-05 Expanding the concept of Customer Trust in the Standardisation … the future of the ISO 9001

  12. Trends The Power of Trust in the Future

  13. Trends, mentionned 4 years ago • Increase of Global:RegionalRegional conurbations • Welfare state 2.0 (new): Aging, breaks in the social systems • Technical Revolution: Internet, nano, biomedicine, … • Hunting the best brains: Dedicated talents, high qualified persons • Be always kindly: Social accountability and profit: no contradiction • The Prius Effect or Efficiency factor 4 to 10: Saving energy, preserving ressources • Enterprises – slender is a must:Big and small need each other • Economy becomes science: Software enables better decisions • If we know, what we know:Knowlwedge as basis for a competitive edge Conclusion: Nothing has changed, even not in the crises (Source: 10 Wegweiser – McK Wissen 17, 06/2006)

  14. Focus economy – 4 perspectives Talent, qualification, motivation Strong lever, costs or investment • Storm of information and self-organisation  New understanding for stability and velocity • Innovation is a driving force The unexpected connection of creativity and structure • Globalisation and Re-Regionalisation  we decide if threat or chance

  15. 16. qualityaustria Forum - TED In his speech „Trust in the Future“ Dr. Franz Peter Walder described 4 scenarios and perspectives, which contribute to the trust in the future. Here you see the 4 choices summarized. Which of the 4 has the hight relevance for your organization? Here are the results in %.

  16. 16. qualityaustria Forum - TED Trust in competences and management systems – options and range for innovations What are the are for you the most important preconditions to grow through innovations? Please choose the three most important factors? Here are the results in %

  17. 16. qualityaustria Forum - TED Do you see in the next 3 to 5 years still range for innovations in the environmental area or rather not? Would you say that you see an innovation potential in the environmental area in your company? Here are the results in % 60% of the participants of the qualityaustria Forum see a big or very big range for innovations in the environmental area in their company.

  18. Trust in the Future The Power of Trust… • Trust in quality work: • Quality of products • Quality of services • Quality of organizations • Trust by transparency, frankness and honesty • Trust in integrated management systems • Trust in the competence of managers and experts • We trust in your courage for assessments and evaluations

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