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Tackling Climate Change in Indonesia

Explore Indonesia's climate change vulnerability, impacts, and mitigation strategies through adaptation and renewable energy. Learn from expert Dr. Armi Susandi about National Council on Climate Change initiatives.

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Tackling Climate Change in Indonesia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tackling Climate Change in Indonesia Dr. Armi Susandi, MT. Head of Meteorology Department, ITB National Council on Climate Change Training for Enhancing Reporting Skills in Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) and Climate Change for Journalist in Indonesia Bandung - Indonesia, 28 - 31 July 2009

  2. OUTLINE • Climate Change • Impacts of Climate Change in Indonesia • Climate Change Vulnerability in Indonesia • Tackling Climate Change • National Council on Climate Change • International Climate Change Convention • Submission to UNFCCC

  3. Climate change impacts are already occurring and more are inevitable The risk of serious irreversible impacts increases strongly as temperatures increase

  4. Impact of Climate Change on Indonesia

  5. Climate Change Vulnerability Forest Fires Flood Flood Flood Drought

  6. Basic Concept CLIMATE CHANGE Including Variability Human Interference Exposure Initial Impacts Of Effects VULNERABILITIES MITIGATION Of Climate Change via GHG Sources and Sinks IMPACTS Autonomous Adaptations Planned ADAPTATION To the Impacts and Vulnerability Residual or Net Impacts Policy Responses (IPCC, 2001)


  8. Adaptation to Climate Change • Dynamical Model • Visual Observation • Statistical Model

  9. Weather Prediction Weather Prediction Gas Emission Rainfall Temperature Wind Direction and Speed Warm/Cold Wave

  10. Result of Weather Projection and Prediction

  11. Rainfall Variable Topography Constant Vegetation Variable Land-use Change Variable Hydrology Constant Technology Capacity Variable Population Distribution Variable Overlaying Various Types of Map Source : Susandi et al., 2009

  12. Model of Climate Predictionfor Developing Policy

  13. Sample of Adaptation Option in Climate Change Vulnerable Area 1 Sea Wall 100% of the distance 2035 Index of Climate Change Vulnerability • Development: • Water Resource • Water Collector • Polder • Networking Pipes • More Pipes & Polder (Susandi et. al, 2009)

  14. Mitigation to Climate Change • Renewable Energy • Forestry • Ocean

  15. Renewable Energy Wind Energy Solar Energy Biomass Energy Geothermal Energy Coal Energy Source: Susandi, et al., 2008

  16. Forestry

  17. Scenario-based simulation to assess the impacts of reforestation over Indonesia on climatic parameters

  18. Scenario-based simulation to assess the impacts of reforestation over Indonesia on climatic parameters Carbon Uptake

  19. Sustainable development SUSTAIN-ABLE FOREST MGNT

  20. OCEAN

  21. The Net Flux of CO2 Net Flux of CO2 in moles m-2 yr-1 (Source: H. Kettle and C. J. Merchant, 2005)

  22. January (West Monsoon and Southwest Monsoon) The Net Flux of CO2 SST (oC) Wind speed (ms-1) Net Flux of CO2 in moles m-2 yr-1

  23. April (Transition I) The Net Flux of CO2 SST (oC) Wind speed (ms-1) Net Flux of CO2 in moles m-2 yr-1

  24. July (East Monsoon and Northwest Monsoon) The Net Flux of CO2 SST (oC) Wind speed (ms-1) Net Flux of CO2 in moles m-2 yr-1

  25. September (transition II) The Net Flux of CO2 SST (oC) Wind speed (ms-1) Net Flux of CO2 in moles m-2 yr-1

  26. NCCC (National Council on Climate Change) DNPI (Dewan Nasional Perubahan Iklim)

  27. DewanNasionalPerubahanIklim (DNPI) Perpres 46 /2008 ORGANIZATION MANDATE Anggota: Ministries of : Environment, Finance, Home Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Energy and Mining, Forestry, Agriculture, Industry, Public Works, Fishery and Marine, Trade, Transportation, Health , and Heads of: Development Planning/BAPPENAS, Research and Technology, Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, State Secretary, Cabinet Secretary. • National policies, strategy, • program and activities on climate change • Sector coordination • for CC-related activities • Carbon trade mechanisms • and procedures • 4. Monitoring and evaluation • 5. International vocal point Head : President Vice : Menko EKON Menko KESRA

  28. NCCC (National Council on Climate Change) • Mainstreaming mitigation and adaptation policy on climate change in sector and district. • Arrange Strategy of Low-Emission Sustainable Development (Energy, Industry, Forestry, and Agriculture) • Enhance Information, assessment and mechanism on arrangement and carbon market. • Programming communication, information, and education regarding to climate change in Indonesia • Monitoring and evaluating on implementation of DNPI policy • Utilize Bali Road Map in various International negotiations • Enhance Clean Development Mechanism Commission

  29. The Climate Change Convention

  30. UNFCCC : Global Agreement on Climate Change Objective: Stabilization of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with theclimate system Such a level should be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to : to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change to ensure that food production is not threatened, and to enable economic development and to proceed in a sustainable manner Principles: Parties to the Convention should protect the climate systems on the basis of : Equity Common but differentiated responsibility Respectivecapabilities

  31. Convention under UNFCCC: • COP = Conference of the Parties; • COP/MOP : Conference of the Parties/ Meeting of the Parties; • SBSTA = Subsidiary Body for Scientific, Technical, and Advice; • SBI = Subsidiary Body for Implementation; • In-sessional workshop; • Inter-sessional workshop;

  32. COP • Conference of the Parties is highest convention institution • Main mission is promoting and reviewing implementation of convention result • This convention has been held for 14 times.

  33. Subsidiary Bodies • Two organization in helping COP • The Subsidiary Body for Scientific & Technological Advice provide information and suggestion in Sciences and Technology • The subsidiary Body for Implementation help to COP in evaluate and reviewing implementation from COP

  34. Toward UNFCCC Enhanced Action on Adaptation and its Means of Implementation Enhanced Action on Mitigation Enhanced Action on Financing, Technology and Capacity Building

  35. Adaptation Workgroup Proposed to UNFCCC • Exchange information and knowledge at the local, regional, and international level. • Enhance data collection and availability to inform adaptation planning. • Build capacity for enabling environments in a manner that leads to progress on adaptation • Enhance coherence and facilitate linkages with organization

  36. REDD Workgroup Proposed to UNFCCC • Stabilization of forest cover, thereby forest carbon stocks • Conservation and maintenance of forest carbon stocks due to sustainable management forest • Reduction in deforestation rates • Reduction in forest degradation • Enhancement of forest carbon stocks


  38. Adaptation • Enhance scientific monitoring activities to develop ways and means to adapt to the effects of climate change on the ocean. • Exchange lessons learned and best practices, and enhance assessment of the vulnerability of oceans and coasts to the effects of climate change in order to facilitate the implementation of adaptation measures

  39. Technology Transfer Improved understanding on the role of oceans on climate change and vice-versa, and its effects on marine ecosystems, marine biodiversity and coastal communities, especially in developing countries and small island states; including marine scientific research and sustained integrated ocean observation systems.

  40. Capacity Building Promote gathering and exchange of information related to climate change impacts on marine ecosystems, communities, fisheries and other industries; emergency preparedness, monitoring, and forecasting climate change and ocean variability; and improving public awareness of early warning system capacity.

  41. Thank You armi@geoph.itb.ac.id www.armisusandi.com

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