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It can get very confusing when you say you are going to the dentist and people ask are you going to a normal dentist or a cosmetic dentist. Is there a difference and if so, what is the difference?
Wha t Do C os me t i c De n t i s t s Do? It can get very confusing when you say you are going to the dentst and people ask are you going to a normal dentst or a cosmetc dentstt Is there a diference and if so, what is the diference? Your regular dentsts are dentsts that focus on the functonality of your teeth, helping to reduce pain, avoid cavites and fght against gum diseaset They will do fllings, root canal treatments and they will extract teeth, to name a few of the treatments you can expect when visitng your family dentstt A cosmetc dentst will carry out dental procedures to improve your smile appearance and boost confdencet They are not family dentsts, but are there to help you improve your teeth and gums, enabling you to smile with ease in the long runt There are numerous treatments you can expect when visitng your cosmetc dentstt These include: Ge n e r a l De n t i s t r y Many of your cosmetc dentsts will stll provide the basics when it comes to dentstry with general treatmentst This can include scale and polish, basic fllings and tooth extractonst E n d o d o n t i c s Endodontcs is your basic root canal treatment, which ofen involves placing a cap / crown to protect the tooth aferwardst This is when the nerves are removed from the root of the tooth to relieve any pain and eliminate any abscesses that may have formedt The root is then sealed using a compound and capped with a false tootht Endodontcs is a very common procedure that ofers you the opportunity to preserve your natural teetht
Rather than extractng the tooth, you can repair itt Wh i t e f l l i n g s White fllings have gained popularity throughout the worldt The silver flings we have grown so used to are not visually appealing when you smilet Everyone can immediately see that you have had dental work done as your silver fllings gleam in the lightt White fllings ensure your tooth remains looking as natural as possible, covering up any treatments with ease and efciencyt Or t h o d o n t i c s We have all grown used to seeing teenagers with braces on their teetht It's during our teenage years that our parents start working on straightening our misaligned teetht For any adults who didn't have their teeth straightened as children, now is your opportunity to do sot Orthodontcs is not only for children, but for adults as well with a wide choice of discreet braces to help pull your teeth into positon with confdencet De n t a l I mp l a n t s Dental implants are a welcome alternatve to denturest These are individual false teeth which can be used to replace one or more missing teeth in the moutht Made from a ttanium screw which is placed into the jaaw and a cap to match your natural teeth, these implants look and feel like the real dealt De n t a l V e n e e r s Your cosmetc dentst should be able to provide you with dental veneers to cover up any gaps, cracks and chipst The veneers are porcelain shells which are bonded to the front of the teetht The shells are made based on a mould of your mouth to ensure that they look and feel as natural as possible, while hiding any misalignments and issues you may havet T o o t h Wh i t e n i n g Tooth whitening is a cosmetc procedure that enables you to lighten your tooth colour by a few shades during one session in the dentst chairt Tooth whitening in the United Kingdom can only be performed by a dental professionalt This is an afordable soluton to lighten your teeth and smile with confdence in the long runt About Us: Bramcote Dental Practce is a leading dental professional that caters to clients throughout Manchester, Cheshire and the North West of England in the United Kingdomt This very well established dental practce brings more than thirty fve years of industry
knowledge and experience to the table, providing patents with personalised atenton and a complete range of cosmetc procedures that they can rely n and trustt Bramcote Dental Practce uses the latest equipment in their state of the art practce where patents can secure smile makeovers, dental implants, orthodontcs, endodontcs and moret This practce is the proud winners of the Dentstry Awards 2017 – Best Practce Awardt To fnd out more, visit htps://wwwtsmiledoctcotukt