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Waste Discharge Requirements What's Coming Down The Pipe

Mona Dougherty, PE Senior Water Resource Control Engineer Wastewater and Storm Water Programs North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board September 12, 2014. Waste Discharge Requirements What's Coming Down The Pipe. It’s All About Disposal. Regulatory Background.

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Waste Discharge Requirements What's Coming Down The Pipe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mona Dougherty, PE Senior Water Resource Control Engineer Wastewater and Storm Water Programs North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board September 12, 2014 Waste Discharge Requirements What's Coming Down The Pipe

  2. It’s All About Disposal

  3. Regulatory Background • California Water Code • Clean Water Act • Antidegradation Policy (Res. No. 68-16) • North Coast Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan) • Sources of Drinking Water Policy (Res. No. 88-63) • Policies and Procedures for Cleanup (Res. No. 92-49) • State Implementation Policy for NTR and CTR(2005) • Recycled Water Policy (Res. No. 09-11) and amendment • Onsite Waste Treatment System Policy (Res. No. 12-32)

  4. Destination Dictates • Ocean Discharges • Surface Water Discharges • Groundwater Discharges • Recycled Water • Crops • Toilets • Landscape • Water Supply Augmentation

  5. Ocean Plan • No Changes Since 2012 • Statewide Trash Policy

  6. Inland Surface Waters • Nutrients • Nitrogen • Phosphorus

  7. The Recycled Water Policy • The Policy anticipated stakeholder groups would lead efforts for the development of Salt and Nutrient Management Plans in the region • North Coast Regional Board requested designing a regional framework as an alternative approach • Develop risk based approach to basin prioritization • Establish policy framework within the implementation plan for discharges of waste to land

  8. Chemicals of Emerging Concern (CECs) • Pharmaceuticals • Caffeine • Nicotine • Acetaminophen • Personal Care Products (PPCPs)

  9. Basin Plan Amendments • In Progress • Groundwater Toxicity & Chemical Constituents • Groundwater Protection Policy • Requested for Triennial Review Consideration • Mixing Zone Policy • Exception to Seasonal Discharge Prohibition

  10. Onsite Waste Treatment System Policy • Ensure properly functioning OWTS for protection of health and the environment and statewide consistency • Adopted June 2012 / Effective May 2013 / Amend May 2014

  11. Partnerships • Other agencies • Municipalities • Interested parties

  12. Contact Information Mona Dougherty Mona.Dougherty@waterboards.ca.gov (707) 570-3761 Lisa Bernard Lisa.Bernard@waterboards.ca.gov (707) 576-2677

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