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CORES Version 2.1 Release Notes Department Administrators. Summary. In CORES version 2.1, PIs will no longer be directly associated to Departments . PIs will continue to be associated to Center Numbers and these Center Numbers will now be associated to Departments .
Summary CORES Version 2.1
In CORES version 2.1, PIs will no longer be directly associated to Departments. PIs will continue to be associated to Center Numbers and these Center Numbers will now be associated to Departments. This will allow, for example, Departmental Administrators to review activity associated to the Center Numbers that are associated to their Department. CORES Version 2.1
Department Codes 1833 Vanderbilt’s departments have been updated to reference the numerical code instead of the previous short name CORES Version 2.1
Usage Reports 1802 The Purchaser last name column has been added to the Usage Reports. CORES Version 2.1
User Maintenance 2005 In Resource User Maintenance, all the associated Resource Users will display, even the ones that are not currently associated to a Center Number CORES Version 2.1
Query 2407 For refunds, the original Order number of a sale will display in Query NEW NEW CORES Version 2.1
Refund Report 2407 The original order number of a sale will display in Refund Report CORES Version 2.1
Open Orders 2002 A new column has been added for Project ID CORES Version 2.1
Open Orders 2037 PI’s can now see the line item status on Open Orders CORES Version 2.1
Invoices 1960 Project ID is now displayed on the invoice and invoice reports New CORES Version 2.1
Search for Services 1910 NEW coreshelp@vanderbilt.edu A message will display with contact information, when a user searches for services and/or core and no results are returned CORES Version 2.1
Misc. Messages 2105 In the event JavaScript is disabled on your computer, the following error message will display and users will not be allowed to login. Clicking the word “here” will open instructions on how to enable JavaScript. CORES Version 2.1
Misc. Messages 2105 In the event an unsupported browser is used, the following error message will display. Hovering over the words “C.O.R.E.S. 2.1 Supported Browsers” will display a drop down of all the supported browsers. CORES Version 2.1