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The U.S. Addiction Rehab Industry - 5th Edition

Drug, alcohol and other Addiction Rehab in the United States is big business - $42 billion this year. There are now 14,000 treatment facilities and growing. <br>Browse our full report with Table of Content : https://www.bharatbook.com/marketreports/the-u-s-addiction-rehab-industry-5th-edition/1968768

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The U.S. Addiction Rehab Industry - 5th Edition

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  1. 5th Edition The U.S. Addiction Rehab Industry www.bharatbook.com

  2. Totalof3.7 million persons receivedtreatment, butmanymoreneed itandfacilitiesare filledtocapacity. Drug, alcoholandother AddictionRehabinthe UnitedStatesisbig business- $42 billion thisyear. Therearenow 14,000+ treatment facilitiesandgrowing.  www.bharatbook.com

  3. Insurancecoverageforrehab hasincreased, butscandals aboundasshoddyfacilities openedandpatient brokering, overbillingand deceptivemarketing becamecommon. Reforms arepending. Privateequity firmsareinvesting. www.bharatbook.com

  4. Thenewstudyexaminesthenatureofthebusiness, typesofrehab, reasonsfortherenewedgrowthof addictionrehabservicessincetheGreatRecessionand theopioidcrisis, nationalreceipts/growthfrom1983- 2018, 2020and2025forecasts, averagefacilityrevenues andoperatingratios, industrystructureand participationbynon-profit, for-profit, inpatientand outpatientprograms, extensivedrug/alcoholabuser demographics. DiscussionoftheFloridaModel, destination marketsinFLandCA, effectsofincreasedvolume duetotheAffordableCareAct, industryhistoryand evolution, anddiscussionofallmajorindustry trends. www.bharatbook.com

  5. IncludesallthepertinentdatacompiledbySAMHSA’slatest governmentsurvey, datafromtheNIDA, NAATP, stateagencies, andmore. 9in-depthcompanyprofilesareprovidedfor: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation CRC Health Group Promises Behavioral Health Passage Malibu American Addiction Centers The Caron Foundation Comprehensive Care Corp Malibu Horizon Rehab Center Behavioral Health of The Palm Beaches www.bharatbook.com

  6. Introduction, Sources & MethodologyUsed1-4 ExecutiveOverviewofMajorFindings5-16 NatureandStructureoftheIndustry17-25 Demographics -- SAMHSASurveyFindings - DataonSubstance Abusers26-49 MajorIndustryTrends & Issues50-58 IndustrySize, Growth, Segments, Forecasts59-81 TreatmentFacilityOperatingRatios82-90 CompetitorProfilesoftheLeadingTreatmentOrganizationsand Multi-CenterChains91-109 DirectoryofIndustryReferenceSources110-116 Tableof Contents www.bharatbook.com

  7. BrowseourfullreportTableofContent : https://www.bharatbook.com/marketreports/the-u-s-addiction-rehab- industry-5th-edition/1968768 GetFreesampleReport : https://www.bharatbook.com/marketreports/sample/reports/1968768

  8. Contactus BharatBookBureau Tel: +912227810772 / 27810773 Email: poonam@bharatbook.com Website: www.bharatbook.com

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