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EU sector councils on employment and skills Manuel Hubert Unit New Skills for New Jobs, Adaptation to Change, CSR, EGF Brussels 18 January 2011. An agenda for new skills and jobs. Better functioning of EU labour markets & flexicurity Right skills for right jobs
EU sector councils on employment and skills Manuel HubertUnit New Skills for New Jobs, Adaptation to Change, CSR, EGF Brussels 18 January 2011
An agenda for new skills and jobs • Better functioning of EU labour markets & flexicurity • Right skills for right jobs • Improving the quality of work and working conditions • Creating jobs
Develop labour market intelligence and skills governance: EU skills Panorama Equipping people with the right skills for employment • Top 25 growth occupations in EU/ Top 5 per MS • Skills requirements from European Vacancy Monitor • Surveys: employers/learners/graduates on skills mismatches • Sectoral analysis based on European sector councils • Cedefop and Member States projections
National skills and jobs councils EU network of national councils EU sector councils on jobs and skills EU sector councils on employment and skills Bottom-up approach
Sector training funds Skills committees (AF) KBB, Sectorfondsen National education and training Committees Sector Skills councils Sectoral professional councils (EQA) Observatoires des métiers Sektorové rady Common challenges No exchange Conselhos Sectoriais Expert special Councils (SVEI) Comitete Sectoriale Fondi per la fomazione continua (FPIFC) Current situation
Skills committees (AF) Sector training funds KBB, Sectorfondsen National education and training Committees Sector Skills councils Sectoral professional councils (EQA) Observatoires des métiers Sektorové rady EU sector councils Conselhos Sectoriais Expert special Councils (SVEI) Comitete Sectoriale Fondi per la fomazione continua (FPIFC) A network of existing observatories
Key principles • Network of existing national/regional observatories • Decision, leadership and steering by European social partners • Involvement from representatives of education and training providers • Initial scope: information exchange and dialogue • Cooperation with existing EU initiatives
Key principles • Production by council of synthesis reports on: • Quantitative developments • Qualitative developments • Methods, tools, case studies from observatories • Recommendations from Council to policy makers • Organisation of 2-3 meetings/year • Organisation of 1 dissemination conference/year • Financial support from Commission conditional and temporary
Steering board (sector representatives) EU secretariat Reports Meetings European social partners EU education and training National skill councils EC (observer) Composition of EU sector councils Webtool
Value-added of an EU sector council? • Peer learning for national/regional councils • Platform of exchange between sector representatives and education/training providers • Easy access to information for SMEs • Tool to support sectoral social dialogue activities • Recommendations to draw attention of policymakers • Possibility to develop joint actions
Difference with Sectoral Social Dialogue • Agree not to discuss labour relations in Sec. Co. • Skills anticipation core topic of EU sector councils • Involve other stakeholders than social partners • Dialogue between education and employment • Definition of sectors • Sector council should provide feedback to SSDC
Thank you for your attention! Contact: Manuel.Hubert@ec.europa.eu http://ec.europa.eu/restructuringandjobs http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=958&langId=en