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Unique Antique Handmade Sterling Silver Turquoise Jewelry | Rananjay Exports

The Turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones which has been used in the form of jewelry for ages for protection. Kings and queens have fixed this crystal in their crown to keep themself away from the negative energies of the environment. It is the only stone after which the color is even officially named. It is the stone of life, bringing success with good fortune at each point of life. December babies can wear turquoise jewelry as it is their birthstone and proves lucky for them. So explore the turquoise collection at Rananjay Exports. <br><br>

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Unique Antique Handmade Sterling Silver Turquoise Jewelry | Rananjay Exports

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  1. Unique Antique Handmade Sterling Silver Turquoise Jewelry | Rananjay Exports

  2. Genuine Turquoise Ring

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