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https://lecanto.managebac.com/login. Creativity. Creativity. Creativity includes the arts and other experiences that involve creative thinking .  This area also includes the creativity in designing and implementing service projects .

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  1. https://lecanto.managebac.com/login

  2. Creativity

  3. Creativity • Creativityincludesthearts and otherexperiencesthatinvolvecreativethinking.  • Thisareaalsoincludesthecreativityin designing and implementingserviceprojects. • Itisbeing actively involved in creative activities • Music, drama, art, computer web design, • theatre production, technology, construction. • Helping design a fundraiser can be creative • Teaching music to peers /students is both creative and service • Attending a play or concert is passive and not CAS • But if you give your own talk or presentation about a concert you attended to others—this is CAS

  4. Creativity can often combine with service…

  5. Action • Actionisphysicalexertioncontributingto a healthylifestyle. • Actionincludesanyvarsity, orcompetitive sport • And anyrecreational, intramural, teamor individual sport. • Actioncan be takingpart in specialtrips, orexcursions. • Itisalsoparticipating in local orinternationalprojects. • Actionisany physical activity or work involved in any creative or service activity.

  6. Recreational or competitive community sports participation..

  7. Service is… • unpaid/ voluntaryexchangethat has learningbenefit. • interaction with others in the community. • numerouscommunity and social serviceactivities. • NHS, Key Club, SGA, Interact, and many LHS clubs and org. • helpingchildrenwithspecialneeds,andhospital/hospicevolunteering

  8. Service activity: Stop Hunger Now sponsored by Interact and Rotary…

  9. Page of Hope collects quality educational materials to be sent overseas to underserved areas…

  10. Local papers and other media can be uses as evidence and documentation…

  11. scanned printed programs of events are excellent documentation accepted by IB…

  12. Eight CAS Learning Outcomes Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth Undertook new challenges Planned and initiated activities Worked collaboratively Showed perseverance and commitment Engaged with issues of global importance Considered the ethical implications of actions Developed new skills

  13. CAS Learning outcomes 1 thru 4 Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth achieved through experiences which test, develop and extend skills and abilities which grow your overall competence 2. Undertook new challenges achieved by taking on a new or significantly extending an existing activity 3. Planned and initiated activities achieved with thoughtful discussion of and clearly defined areas of personal and group responsibility 4. Worked collaboratively achieved by working in at least one project collaboratively which integrates at least two of Creativity, Action, and Service in one project

  14. Interact Club Holiday shopping for under-privileged children…Learning Outcomes: increased awareness; worked collaboratively; considered ethical implications; developed new skills

  15. Mission Trip could be all eight CAS learning outcomes: Increased awareness, new challenge, planned and initiated, worked collaboratively, perseverance, ethical implications, new skills.

  16. CAS Process 1… • THINK about what you want to do and how you want to spend your time completing your CAS hours.  • Make sure it's meaningful, meets the learning objectives. • Arrange for your adult supervisor who will follow through and complete a short evaluation on your participation when finished • Everyone at LHS along with countless people in the community can be resources for you and your development of CAS. • Enter you activity into ManageBac, and wait for approval from your advisor. • Be careful to not over-claim or under-claim learning objectives. • Be sure to enter a short description and supervisor PHONE and EMAIL information to get pre-approval

  17. CAS Process 2… After activity is over---upload evidence (journal, photos, blog, scanned documents) of your activity on to ManageBac. Be sure to REFLECT, by answering answer CAS questions on ManabeBac Reflections tab. Request supervisor evaluation through ManageBac as soon as you complete your activity. Do this thru ManageBac! Check ManageBac frequently to see if your supervisor reviews have posted. Valid supervisor reviews are a non-negotiable. Seniors need them in by January 31. Activities that have no supervisor reviews will need to be deleted. See your advisors for help… The main problem first IB class had were late supervisor reviews…. avoid this… communicate with your supervisors!

  18. https://lecanto.managebac.com/login

  19. Three Steps to CAS Completion: Approval--- Must have ADULT SUPERVISOR email & phone Document---Use ManageBac as “digital scrapbook”. Reflect --- Without reflection, activities are not finished.

  20. Obtain Approval from your advisor Must obtain advisor approval on ManageBac first ADULT SUPERVISOR name, email AND phone enter description & above info. Into ManageBac Wait for approval before beginning…

  21. Must provide Supervisor name, email & phone and select learning objectives to add any CAS activity…

  22. CAS Supervisors…who are they? All members of the LHS School Faculty and Staff are part of the IB diploma and are therefore part of the CAS team. Any teacher, coach, administrator, or staff member of LHS is eligible to be your adult supervisor and mentor for your CAS activities. Qualified adults in the community will also serve as your CAS supervisors. CAS advisors will also come from outside of Citrus County.

  23. 2. Document: ManageBac is a“digital scrapbook”. Documentation is mandatory per IB.ORG Upload evidence and documentation to ManageBac. This pictures, video –audio files, articles, programs etc. Documents are easily uploaded to ManageBac Obtain SUPERVISOR REVIEWS (ManageBac emailor hardcopy) Stay Current –Avoid reconstructing everything afterwards

  24. First documentation is to upload your CAS 1st Interview and Reflection to ManageBac

  25. Certificates of completion are documentation…

  26. Uploaded documentation files on your ManageBac screen…

  27. Reflection 1… Answer CAS questions in Reflection Tab on ManageBac Reflect on your CAS activities every few weeks and at conclusion. Post or link journaling, blogs and reflective writing to ManageBac Without reflection, CAS activities are not finished.

  28. Reflection 2… • Reflection is not always easy, it needs to be developed. • Kinds of Reflection: • Public or private • Individual or shared • Objective or subjective • Various kinds of reflection work for different people. • TOK (Theory of Knowledge) will help with CAS reflections…

  29. Reflective questions.. • Summarize and explain what you hoped to accomplish… • How successful were you in achieving your goals? • What were difficulties & how did you overcome them? • What did you learn about yourself and others? • What abilities,attitudes & values have you developed? • Who helped you process what you learned? • Who else helped and how? • How did this activity/project benefit others? • What might you do differently next time to improve? • Can you apply what you learned elsewhere?

  30. CAS Questions TAB on ManageBac…

  31. Request “Supervisor Review” through ManageBac as soon as you complete your activity. Hard Copy “CAS Completion Form” is on the “Worksheet” screen. “Request Supervisor Review” CAS Completion Form Hard Copy

  32. CAS Project 1… min. of one project is a CAS requirement project is teamwork and collaboration.. minimum of two or three people… uses two of Creativity, Action, &Service project must be of “significant” duration can be local or international in nature..

  33. CAS Project 2… is more than an activity you simply attend… plan, design, and create in collaboration with peers.. can be a one-time event, such as a fundraiser Is an ongoing – continuous activity Projects run the gamut… it can be high end or low key only requirement is planning and collaboration

  34. Colors for CASA: Project of Hannah Huntington and Amanda Pitre

  35. IB Project:Mary Lumapus, Zuhair Sami, Allyson Talaroc, Chandni Patel, Amy Chen

  36. NHS Activity: Stenciling LHS Hallways on Saturdays…

  37. Interact “Stop Hunger Now”

  38. ROCCS: Rowing Organization of Citrus County Students…

  39. Instructing your own martial arts (Vahda) course

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