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Tax Avoidance Vs. Tax Evasion A White Collar Crime - What’s The Difference?

Tax avoidance is a legal way of utilizing taxes to your benefit. So long as you do so within the law, it is considered to be perfectly legal. Many different tactics can be used to legally reduce the taxes that you are liable for. If you have been criminally charged with tax evasion, it is highly encouraged that you get the involvement of an experienced Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer as these types of cases can be tried on the state and federal level. At Okabe and Haushalter, they know how daunting these types of cases can be. They, therefore, encourage you to contact a Los Angeles white collar crime lawyer from their firm as soon as you can so that They can review your situation and determine the best course of action.

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Tax Avoidance Vs. Tax Evasion A White Collar Crime - What’s The Difference?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tax Avoidance Vs. Tax Evasion A White Collar Crime - What’s The Difference?

  2. For many people, there is confusion when it comes to the terms of tax avoidance and tax evasion. Taxes in general are complex and can get confusing for even the savviest of person. The important difference is to recognize that one is legal and one is not. The differences, however, go deeper than that.

  3. Tax avoidance is a legal way of utilizing taxes to your own benefit. So long as you do so within the law, it is considered to be perfectly legal. There are many different tactics that can be used to legally reduce the taxes that you are liable for. This includes taking advantage of the deductibles that you are allowed.

  4. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is utilizing illegal means to reduce the taxes that you are meant to pay. This is a criminal act and can be harshly persecuted as a white collar crime. Some of the most common ways in which tax evasion occurs include: ★ Underreporting income ★ Failing to file proper tax returns ★ Hiding assets and property

  5. If you have been criminally charged with tax evasion, it is highly encouraged that you get the involvement of an experienced Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer as these types of cases can be tried on the state and federal level. At Okabe and Haushalter, they know how daunting these types of cases can be. They therefore encourage you to contact a Los Angeles white collar crime lawyer from their firm as soon as you can so that They can review your situation and determine the best course of action. They know what is on the line – you can be confident knowing that they will stop at nothing in their efforts to help you protect your best interests. Call them today to learn more! Ryan Okabe

  6. OKABE & HAUSHALTER Two California Plaza 350 S Grand Ave, #2220 Los Angeles, CA 90071 310-430-7799 https://www.southbaylawyer.com/contact_us.asp x

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