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(1) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福. Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord, 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 , For the help that he daily needs; 因他必隨時蒙扶助 He shall inherit the promised reward, 若要承受所應許的賞賜 , If he follows where Jesus leads. 必緊緊跟隨主腳步.
(1) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord, 倚靠耶和華的人真有福, For the help that he daily needs; 因他必隨時蒙扶助 He shall inherit the promised reward, 若要承受所應許的賞賜, If he follows where Jesus leads. 必緊緊跟隨主腳步
(C) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 (chorus副歌) Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路
(2) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord, 倚靠耶和華的人真有福, Who doth follow the heavenly way; 不離開主安排正路 Keeping with patience and hope the path, 忍耐堅守所承認的指望, All his steps shall be guarded each day. 主也必保守他腳步
(C) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 (chorus副歌) Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路
(3) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 Blessed is he whom the Father will aid, 蒙天父扶助的人真有福, And the Savior will ever befriend. 主耶穌要與他為友 He shall not fear, and shall not be dismayed, 他不驚慌也不灰心喪膽, For the Lord will his soul defend. 因主時常保護拯救
(C) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 (chorus副歌) Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路
(4) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 Blessed is he who will keep in the way, 常遵行主道的人真有福, That will upward and onward lead; 他日日向前又上升 Walking by faith in His love every day, 忍耐堅守所承認的指望, Who supplieth his daily need. 主也必保守他腳步
(C) Blessed Is he That Is Trusting the Lord 倚靠耶和華的人真有福 (chorus副歌) Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, 要倚靠主,專心靠主, And in all thy ways acknowledge Him. 在一切事上要認定主 And He shall direct thy paths. 祂必指引你的路