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The Importance of Curriculum and Curriculum Committees in Guided Pathways. Randy Beach, Southwestern College Nate Donahue, Santa Monica College, ASCCC At-Large Representative Gretchen Ehlers, West Valley College. ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA.
The Importance of Curriculum and Curriculum Committees in Guided Pathways Randy Beach, Southwestern College Nate Donahue, Santa Monica College, ASCCC At-Large Representative Gretchen Ehlers, West Valley College ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
What brings you to this breakout? • What is your role with curriculum? • What do you hope to learn? ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
What Will We Cover? • Curriculum changes due to Guided Pathways • The Role of the Curriculum Committee • Impact of Guided Pathways on Curriculum • Course level • Program level • Curriculum approval processes • Developing equitable curriculum ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
WE ARE PROUD TO BE OPEN ACCESS INSTITUTIONS WHO SERVE 2.1 MILLION DIVERSE STUDENTS! And we have developed A LOT of Curriculum to achieve our mission!: -Career Programs -Transfer Programs -Counseling Programs -General Interest and GenEd Programs -ESL and Citizenship Programs -Workforce Delopment and “Upskilling” Programs -Noncredit Programs -Community Ed and Emeritus Programs -High School Dual Enrollment Programs
CAFETERIAS ARE ACTUALLY WONDERFUL! THEY Can BE ORGANIZED, ELEGANT AND ATTRACTIVE. THEY CAN EVEN EXPOSE YOU TO NEW OPTIONS and EXPERIENCES The metaphor implied a reduction of choice and an elitist tone, but REDESIGN is quite the opposite. ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
How do all these programs fit together? • Is guidance along the pathway visible, inescapable, and highly effective? • Are there clear onboard and exit points where students can enter at different points of their lives and careers, and exit at clearly marked success junctures? • Is Curriculum intentionally stacked to show students the options for further study and career advancement? ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
The Role of the Curriculum Committee in a Guided Pathway Framework is primary... ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Curriculum and Pathways: A Tale of Two Collegesat different stages in their process: Santa Monica College Bakersfield College ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Clarify the Path-Local Senate through Curriculum Committee vets and approves everything • Clustering of programs (aka meta-majors, areas of interest, fields of study) for the purpose of communicating pathways • Create Program Maps that feature course sequences, multiple on and off ramps, and career information and possibilities • Aligning programs with related outcomes • Ensuring introductory/courses in metamajors are equitable and inclusive using SLOs/PLOs, Methods of Instruction, etc. • Considering relevant industry and career focuses • Ensuring catalog and website accuracy and integrity
PROGRAM MAPPING TEAMS AT SMC: First Iteration of simple maps ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Our curricular process has inspired new department website design that focuses on Degrees and certificates offered and career possibility: Santa Monica College Business Management Page NEXT STEP: INTERACTIVE PROGRAM MAPS A LA BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES, CAN OUR SYSTEMS COLLECT AND MANAGE DATA FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES? ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
The Bakersfield Example https://www.bakersfieldcollege.edu/academics/program-mapper
Perhaps you have created an undecided metamajor with extra support and career/major tools Students can remain undecided for a limited time before declaring an area of interest
Step 4: Learning About the Courses Selecting one of the core courses from the program maps shows the following screenshot. The information is right from the catalog.
Enter the Path • Implementing AB 705 and the impact on curriculum • Developing career exploration curriculum connected to metamajors (credit/noncredit) • Full program plans based on career/transfer requirements • Contextualizing, integrated academic support to help students pass program gateway courses including noncredit • K-12 partnerships focused on career/college program exploration (Dual Enrollment) ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
SMC’S STATWAY RESPONS TO AB705 One Level Below Transferable: Math 50: Pre-Statistics 6 unitsThis course introduces algebra topics and the basic elements of exploratory data analysis needed for Elementary Statistics (Math 54) and Finite Mathematics (Math 21). Course topics include formulas and algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in one variable, analyzing and producing data, sample statistics and graphs, functions, systems of linear equations, and probability. Course Comment: Math 50 is designed for students who are only required to complete Elementary Statistics (Math 54) or Finite Mathematics (Math 21). Students who plan to take a non-math course which lists math 20 or math 31 as a pre-requisite should take those courses unless otherwise advised by the department offering the non-math course. This course is not intended as a preparation for precalculus or calculus. Students planning to take precalculus (Math 2) must complete Intermediate Algebra (Math 20).
SMC’S AB705 STATWAY Second Semester: Transferable Math 54: Elementary Statistics (CID 110) 4 units This course covers concepts and procedures of descriptive statistics, elementary probability theory, and inferential statistics. Course content includes: summarizing data; computation and interpretation of descriptive statistics; classical probability theory; probability distributions; binomial, normal, T, Chi-square and F distributions; making inferences; decisions and predictions. This course develops, analyzes, and interprets confidence intervals for population parameters, hypothesis testing for both one and two populations, correlation and regression, ANOVA, and test for independence. This course develops statistical thinking through the study of applications in a variety of disciplines. The use of a statistical/graphing calculator and/or statistical analysis software (Stat Crunch, Excel) is integrated into the course. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Math 54C: Concurrent Support for Statistics 2 units A review of the core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts needed in statistics. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 54, Elementary Statistics. Topics include concepts from arithmetic, pre-algebra, elementary and intermediate algebra that are needed to understand the basics of college-level statistics. Concepts are taught through the context of descriptive data analysis. Pass/No Pass only.
PIERCE COLLEGE STATWAYS • Statway: Statistics Pathway - 2 and through! • Take two semesters of Statway and you are done with your transfer Math requirement! In Statway, you will learn how statistics applies to your life. Faculty, tutors, and advisors will work together to help you succeed. Statway is right for you if all of the following are true: • You ARE a social science, humanities, liberal arts, or related major. • You are NOT a science, technology, engineering, math, business, or Nursing major. • You are eligible for Math 115. • You have good reading skills.
Stay on the Path • Embedded academic support built into the curriculum • Learning communities with aligned objectives and outcomes • Faculty familiarity and engagement with program requirements across disciplines • Awareness of program design that helps students redirect and change their goals without amassing significant numbers of units ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Role of the Curriculum Committee: Ensuring Learning • Program-specific learning outcomes aligned with the requirements for success in employment and/or further education • Project-based, service-based, collaborative, and applied learning experiences • Faculty-led improvement of teaching practices throughout the pathways • Incorporation of effective teaching practice through Professional Learning Communities focused on curriculum development and equitable teaching. ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Guided Pathways and Courses • Mapping and other discussions may lead to discoveries: • New courses may need to be developed to support pathways • Courses may need to be revised to better align with pathways • SLO’s may need revision to reflect pathways and become more meaningful for faculty and students. • Considerations of unit creep, tranfser articulation requirements, department recommendations, and applicability to pathways. • Cross departmental conversations to link curriculum on pathways. ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Guided Pathways and Programs • Helps faculty laser-focus a program’s goal to guide and prepare students to enter further education or employment • Helps identify extraneous or duplicative programs during mapping, sorting, cross-discipline discussions, including with counseling • Encourages faculty to talk about their programs with other stakeholders (counselors, students, admin) to understand the bigger picture • Recognizes milestone, including maximizing the use of “stackable” certifications? • Looks for “bridges” to facilitate movement between programs for students who change their focus ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
The Curriculum Landscape to Support Pathways • ADTs are a form of pathways • IGETC transfer agreements in Physics and Chemistry • Title 5 change for Certificate of Achievement from 18 to 16 minimum (semester) units • What about local degrees and certificates? ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Curriculum Approval Processes Did you know? • Colleges are permitted to self-certify certain types of curriculum: • All credit courses • Modified credit programs with the exception of ADTs • New credit programs with a goal of local program with the exception of new CTE credit programs and Apprenticeship ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
What is Auto Approval? • Automated through COCI, but not automatic • New COCI will validate certain fields such as CB codes • Courses submitted correctly will get an automatically generated course control number (CCN) • Good news—Much faster approval, plus a shorter queue for everything else • Caveat—More important than ever to make sure local process is aligned with Title 5 and PCAH ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Curriculum Clean Up – What does that mean? • Curriculum and discipline experts examining data across the institution • Asking questions – lots of questions – across programs • Not jumping to conclusions • May (or may not) mean discontinuing certain awards, programs classes • May (or may not) mean creating new awards, programs, classes • May (or may not) mean re-designing • Does mean looking at the end – employment and transfer ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
Curriculum Clean-Up Continued • Are there courses in your catalog that are never offered? • Are there programs in your catalog that have never existed – or no longer exist? • Are there certificate and/or degree options that have never been awarded? • Who is responsible for the “clean-up” decisions? ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA
QUESTIONS and CONVERSATION ASCCC Curriculum Institute July 10 - July 13, 2019 San Francisco, CA