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Learn about key indicators for compliance in special education, including IEP components, services, timelines, and more to stay in compliance and enhance student outcomes.
Top 10 indicatorsfound “out” of compliance trends from monitoring dataandtips to stay “in” compliancefor MO-CASE Special Education Administrators Conference Missouri Departmentof Elementary and Secondary Education September 23, 2014
Special Education Tiered Monitoring Self-Assessment (Year 1) Repeat. . . Maintain & Retrain (Year 3) CAP (Year 2) Tiered Monitoring MSIP
Special Education Tiered Monitoring Cohort 1 during 2014-15 Self-assessment (Year 1) Repeat. . . Maintain & Retrain (Year 3) CAP (Year 2)
Special Education Tiered Monitoring Self-assessment (Year 1) Repeat. . . Cohort 3 during 2014-15 Maintain & Retrain (Year 3) CAP (Year 2)
Special Education Tiered Monitoring Self-assessment (Year 1) Repeat. . . Cohort 2 during 2014-15 Maintain & Retrain (Year 3) CAP (Year 2)
COMPLIANCE Plus a few more. . .
#1 The IEP includes: 200.800.a A measurable postsecondary goal (or goals) that covers education or training, employment, and, as needed, independent living.
Documentation and Strategies for 200.800.a • Document on Form C in the IEP – not on Annual Goals pages. • The goal MUST be measureable! • YES: “get”, “obtain”, “be employed as”, “work in”, etc. • NO: “seek”, “explore”, “pursue”, attempt”, “look into”, etc. • Follow this same pattern for measureable goals in the areas of education or training, and independent living (if needed).
# 2 The IEP includes: 200.820.a Specific Special Education Services NEW
Documentation and Strategies for 200.820.a • Describes the “specialized instruction in ______” • Must be related to the student’s disability not a class • YES: reading decoding, written expression, organizational skills, reading skills, pre-academic skills, study skills, etc. • NO: Reading, Communication Arts, ELA, Study Hall, Science, Social Studies, Resource Math, Resource Room, etc.
#3 (tie) 200.180 Eligibility staffing held within required timelines.
Documentation and Strategies for 200.180 Evaluation Timeline is 60 calendar days from date of parent consent • Plan ahead with evaluators to ensure all assessments are completed in a timely manner. • Acceptable extension ONLY include: snow days, agency vacation days, child’s absence because of illness, and summer break.
#3 (tie) 200.810.b Measurable annual goals are written in terms that are: • Specific to the skill or behavior to be achieved • Measurable • Attainable within the duration of the IEP • Results-oriented • Time-bound (generally within one year)
Documentation and Strategies for 200.810.b Write SMART goals! S = Specific (be very specific about the action) M = Measurable (observable/ data can be collected to measure change) A = Attainable (realistic and can be achieved within the duration of IEP) R = Results Oriented (what is outcome i.e. increase, decrease, or maintain skill) T = Time Bound (generally within one year)
#4 (tie) 200.1050.a Written notice is provided to the parent prior to provision of services.
Documentation and Strategies for 200.1050.a Include date prior written notice is provided to parent/guardian as well as method of provision on the Notice of Action
#4 (tie) 200.850.d Program modifications and accommodations in the IEP state frequency of how often they will occur (i.e. – daily, weekly, monthly)
Documentation and Strategies for 200.850.d • Must include a frequency for every accommodation. • If “Other” – must describe on second page of Form F
#5 200.850.c Program modifications and accommodations in the IEP state location (i.e. – regular education classroom, special education classroom, etc.) NEW
Documentation and Strategies for 200.850.c • Must include a location for every accommodation. • If “Other” – must describe on second page of Form F
#6 200.1050.b Notice provided and signed parental consent for initial services is obtained for initial services prior to the provision of services NEW
Documentation and Strategies for 200.1050.b • Be sure to keep a copy of the NOA in student’s IEP records • Services CANNOT start prior to date of NOA received by agency
#7 200.940.a The IEP includes a description of how progress toward the annual goal will be measured
Documentation and Strategies for 200.940.a • Must mark one of the boxes to show how progress is being measured. • If “Other” – must describe.
#8 (three-way tie) 200.200 Parent is provided a copy of the evaluation report
Documentation and Strategies for 200.200 • Document the date on the Evaluation Report. • Plan ahead to ensure all evaluation write-ups are completed in a timely manner to allow Evaluation Report to be provided to parent within 20 days of eligibility determination meeting.
#8 (three-way tie) The IEP includes goals that: 200.810.e. Are present for each special education and related service (N/A for transportation as a related service).
Documentation and Strategies for 200.810.e • Use the term “specialized instruction in . . .” • Relate to the student’s disability (e.g. “in reading decoding” or organizational skills”) • Don’t list subject areas (e.g. ELA, science or social studies)
#8 (three-way tie) 200.880.a. For any child not participating 100% in the regular education environment (K-12), the IEP must include a description of the extent that the student will not participate and why full participation is not appropriate. NEW
Documentation and Strategies for 200.880.a • Be accurate with the % of time student is educated in Regular Education setting • Only include time spent with general ed peers. • CWC / co-teaching minutes are counted as Regular Education minutes. • Explanation of “why” should be based upon the impact of the student’s disability on access to the general education curriculum.
#9 (tie) Content of the notification: 200.610.b. For students beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child is 16, postsecondary transition is stated as a purpose of the meeting, at least annually or whenever postsecondary transition is to be discussed at the IEP meeting. NEW
Documentation and Strategies for 200.610.b • Be accurate with the % of time student is educated in Regular Education setting – CWC / co-teaching minutes are counted as Regular Education minutes. • Explanation of “why” should be based upon the impact of the student’s disability on access to the general education curriculum. Be sure to mark this box for all students who are 16 or will be turning 16 between the begin / end date of the IEP when conducting the annual review/revision of the IEP
#9 (tie) 200.800.d Consent is obtained to invite outside agency representative prior to the IEP meeting
Documentation and Strategies for 200.800.d If an outside agency representative is invited to the IEP meeting, be sure there is a corresponding ROI form dated BEFORE the IEP meeting.
#10 Content of the notification: 200.610.a The parent is informed of all purposes for the meeting. NEW
Documentation and Strategies for 200.610.b • Be accurate with the % of time student is educated in Regular Education setting – CWC / co-teaching minutes are counted as Regular Education minutes. • Explanation of “why” should be based upon the impact of the student’s disability on access to the general education curriculum. Be sure to mark ALL purposes for the IEP meeting – there can be multiple purposes listed on one Meeting Notification.
Documentation and Strategies for 200.270.a • List name and role of all eligibility participants on the Evaluation Report • Be sure to include the REQUIRED team members when determining SLD eligibility • Be accurate with the % of time student is educated in Regular Education setting – CWC / co-teaching minutes are counted as Regular Education minutes. • Explanation of “why” should be based upon the impact of the student’s disability on access to the general education curriculum.
Documentation and Strategies for 200.460 • Document the date on the Evaluation Report. • Plan ahead to ensure all evaluation write-ups are completed in a timely manner to allow Evaluation Report to be provided to parent within 20 days of eligibility determination meeting.
Status of Previous TOP 10 Indicators # 15 (tie)
Documentation and Strategies for 200.210.b • Be sure that special education evaluation address ALL areas of concerns resulting from the Review of Existing Data. • Be sure evaluation includes data for ALL required eligibility category criteria in each of the areas of suspected disability. • Be sure that special education evaluation includes ALL areas noted in the NOA
Status of Previous TOP 10 Indicators # 15 (tie)
Documentation and Strategies for 200.260.a 1. Discuss each item at the eligibility determination meeting and document on the Evaluation Report. 2. Be sure to include additional requirements for SLD, LI and SSD .
Documentation and Strategies for 200.590.a • Be sure to document the date of the eligibility staffing (determination) on the Evaluation Report. • Plan ahead so that the eligibility staffing is held NO MORE than three years from the date of the previous Evaluation staffing (determination). Remember that two meeting notifications to parents may be required.
Questions . . . Karen Allan Director, SPED Compliance 573-751-4909 Karen.allan@dese.mo.gov Nancy Thomas Assistant Director, SPED Compliance 573-522-1076 Nancy.thomas@dese.mo.gov