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German Word Order explained!

German Word Order explained!. One of the most difficult aspects of learning German is getting the word order correct. Unlike English, the German language has a very fixed word order and there is little room for movement!

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German Word Order explained!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. German Word Order explained!

  2. One of the most difficult aspects of learning German is getting the word order correct. Unlike English, the German language has a very fixed word order and there is little room for movement! Along with learning vocabulary, this is the most important part to master! German Word Order

  3. This is the standard word order to use even if all or some of the elements are not included. put words into categories as this will help you! German Word Order Easy version subject 1st verb time manner place 2nd verb Hard version time 1st verb subject manner place 2nd verb

  4. subject the person or thing that the 1st verb refers to 1st verb the main verb (‘doing’ word) What words belong where? time when? - day, months, clock time, seasons. manner what? with whom? how? place where? buildings, locations, countries 2nd verb 2nd part of modal verb / separable part

  5. Can you work out what words go where? Categorising the words am Montagim Park fahrenabendsichgehe machtmitunserenFreunden in die Stadt Tennis mit Tom um halbdreiauswirzuHauseihreHausaufgaben in die Alpen Ski ich Steffi imFrühlingspiele

  6. How well did you do? Task - using the words given, can you put them together into 4 separate sentences in the correct order?

  7. Remember the time aspect can go in the middle! Am MontaggeheichmitTom in die Stadtaus What words belong where? 2. DerHundspieltnachmittagsmitdem Ball im Park. 3. Um halbdreimacht Steffi ihreHausaufgabenzuHause 4. JedesJahrfahrenwirmitunserenFreunden in die Alpen Ski.

  8. Now add the following to make your sentence more interesting and less basic! Making your sentence more interesting! Adverbs of Frequency nie selten oft ab und zu immer Intensifiers: sehr total ziemlich wirklich But where do they go in a German sentence?

  9. Intensifiers – used with and go before opinion words: - mein Computer istmirtotalwichtig. Intensifiers and Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of frequency - Usually placed after 1st verb if using easy word order - Place after subject if you are using harder word order.

  10. Easy version Using Adverbs of Frequency Ich spiele oft abends am Computer imSchlafzimmer Hard version Abends spiele ich oft am Computer imSchlafzimmer

  11. Task Using what you have learnt so far, write a short text (50 words) about your use of the media Home-learning Must: Comment on computers, TV, reading, internet/mobile use Should: use adverbs of frequency, time expressions and give opinions using intensifiers where appropriate. Could: mention how another member of your family uses the media and give your opinion about it. Due in Wednesday 16th September

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