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How To Grow Your Email List Fast?

Even though content is the backbone of any email marketing strategy, it is not enough to claim success in business. It is equally important to have an email list because no matter how beautifully framed your content may be, if there are no readers for it, all your efforts would go down the drains.

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How To Grow Your Email List Fast?

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  1. How To Grow Your Email List Fast? Even though content is the backbone of any email marketing strategy, it is not enough to claim success in business. It is equally important to have an email list because no matter how beautifully framed your content may be, if there are no readers for it, all your efforts would go down the drains. Moreover, just having a random email list would not be fruitful to tab leads through your email marketing strategy. You need to ensure that your subscribers are interested in reading your content and mould generate leads for your product in the future. In an attempt to ensure that your email list consists of fruitful and high-quality subscribers, here are some tips which would help you in this endeavour.

  2. How to grow your email marketing list at a fast pace: 1. Allure existing subscribers with amazing content The first step towards building quality email data base is through creative, engaging and fantastic content that grabs the attention of your readers. If your present subscribers find your content unique and enticing, they will not only remain strongly associated with you but would also share your content with their friends and family. This automatically would grow your list. Hence, it is not incorrect to say that keeping your current subscribers happy and satisfied is a crucial point in growing your leads and subscriber data base through email marketing. 2. Combine social media with your email marketing efforts The current marketing strategies suggest putting all your networks to work on a single campaign so as to ensure sure shot success in business. Irrespective of the industry you belong to, combining your list-building efforts across multiple platforms would fetch you better results than when done singularly. This puts forward the need of combining the two most powerful digital marketing channels- email and social media- together. There are various ways of extracting optimum results via these two marketing components which are discussed in the points blow.

  3. 3. Incentivise your subscribers to share your content Getting an extra life on Twitter or Facebook should be the prime aim of the content that you create for your subscribers. You automatically expand your reach once your content finds its way forward from your subscribers inboxes to other readers. This can be done by incentivising your subscribers to forward your content to their known contacts. This simple attempt can amplify your reach and expand your audience. Make sure you provide an easy forward button for your subscribers, and an easy subscribe button for their contacts to opt-in. Apart from this, you can even offer a lucky draw for a prize for those subscribers who would share your content on their other social media sites, with friends and family. 4. Use contests that stretch email and social media When you offer a contest to your subscribers for anyone to participate in, your subscribers voluntarily begin advertising on your behalf on their other social media accounts. However, your contest should look more self-involving and showcasing of the participant's skills rather than a mere advertisement of your product. Such posts, when accompanied with a hashtag, can spread like wild fire and create a whole community of users who would serve as brand ambassadors for your product. 5. Segment your email list Having a single email list for all your subscribers would be difficult for you to cater to. It is always advisable to segment your audience into more specialised heads based on their interests so as to be able to serve them in a better fashion. This would enable attracting more subscribers and also result in you having an uptick in click-through and open rates for all of your emails. 6. Do not let an old email list do to waste Never let an old and inactive email list take a final bow as you focus on creating a new one with a new set of audience. Try sending out a re-arrangement campaign to them, offering an option to opt-in again. This process would serve as a recycling strategy where a used email list is put to use again and refurbished for creation of fresh future business leads. 7. Add a user feedback form to your website A feedback form added to your website is an excellent idea to grow your email list for the simple reason that people love giving free advices and opinions

  4. wherever possible. These feedback forms can appear on various pages as a pop up, asking viewers to answer some specific questions regarding the nature of your brand or website. Having done so, you can then request them if they wish to sign up for your mailing list. Alternatively, you can make it compulsory for them to enter their email address if they wish to be a part of your survey program. This proves to be a more authentic and a quicker road for new subscribers to sign up. Using your website's chatbox for this purpose is even better. 8. Make Lead Magnets A lead magnet is an email marketing list building strategy that includes offering an incentive to the user in exchange for information like phone number, email, or name. For example, a user reaches your website to read a blog. You ask them to sign up for free to build your email marketing list and help them access the premium content. In general, lead magnets are created to provide value to your audience. You can generate a lead magnet on an eBook, workbook, newsletter, checklist, etc. If your content is valuable, you would be able to grow your email marketing list. 9. Use YouTube CTAs YouTube gives one of the best email marketing list building strategies to users. It is the second most utilized platform on the internet. This is also why YouTube marketing consistently becomes a part of the marketing strategy for small and big organizations. You can utilize this channel to build your email marketing list. This is possible by adding interactive informational CTAs in your video. In the end card of YouTube, you can include a CTA, which leads users to lead magnet, from where they can sign up. 10. Add Social Proof Adding social proof is a marketing strategy, which enables users to subscribe your channel. To implement this strategy, you can simply add the number of subscribers to the lead magnet. This would encourage your visitors to subscribe and increase your email list.

  5. You can add testimonials, reviews, and other numbers to attract and engage users. Conclusion Remember, Email marketing proves highly beneficial for your floating e- commerce business in more ways than one. It strengthens customer-business relationships, encourages and promotes loyalty to the products and services offered, keeps convincing the present clients to keep purchasing your products, assists in generating leads, increasing revenue returns, enhancing traffic on the website and even building brand awareness to a larger segment of users. So, to get sufficient success through email marketing, enhance your email list with sanity and sensibility and keep expanding your routes to keep maximising its potential.

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