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Økodesigndirektivet – EU: 2009/125/EC Lot 2: Kraft- og fordelingstransformatorer ( Distribution and Power Transformers, Lot 2). Innhold: Økodesigndirektivet - Innhold/struktur/fremdrift - NVE sitt mandat og tilnærming Status i den regulatoriske prosessen
Økodesigndirektivet – EU: 2009/125/ECLot 2: Kraft- og fordelingstransformatorer(Distribution and Power Transformers, Lot 2) • Innhold: • Økodesigndirektivet • - Innhold/struktur/fremdrift • - NVE sitt mandat og tilnærming • Status i den regulatoriske prosessen • Lot 2: Kraft- og fordelingstransformatorer • Final report (VITO) • Workingdocument(forslag regulatorisk implementering) • ”EcodesignConsultation Forum on transformers” • Diskusjon – Innspill til EU
Final report (VITO) • “Stakeholder involvement is a crucial part of the study”, se: http://ecotransformer.org/ • Rapporten er utarbeidet i henhold til EU-kommisjonens MEEuPmetode (Methodology for Eco-design ofEnergy-usingProducts) http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sustainable-business/ecodesign/methodology/index_en.htm • Studien består av 7 hovedelementer: • Definisjon • Økonomi og markedsanalyse • Brukeradferd • Vurdering av Base-case • Teknisk analyse BAT og BNAT • Forbedringspotensial • Analyse av politiske virkemidler og potensial
Workingdocument…”Foreslått regulering gjelder: • Små (kraft)transformatorer og distribusjons- og krafttransformatorer med minimum 1 kVA til bruk i 50Hz overførings- og distribusjonsnett • Definisjonen av små (kraft)transformatorer , distribusjons- og krafttransformatorer følger i hovedsak definisjonen i eksisterende EN standarder. Grenseskillet mellom distribusjon og krafttransformatorer går ved 36 kV på høyspentviklingen. • Den forberedende studien viser at energiforbruk er det eneste signifikante miljøaspektet som kan tillegges produktdesign. Andre økodesign parametere ble ikke funnet å være så signifikante
Proposed definitions Foreslåtte definisjoner →“Small power transformer” means transformers designed for use in 50 Hz electricity distribution grids with rated power between 1 and 100 kVA and with a highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 1 kV. → “Oil-immersed distribution transformer” means three-phase transformers designed according to EN 50464-1 operating at 50 Hz, with rated power started at 25 kVA with a rated high voltage winding not exceeding 36 kV. → “Pole mounted transformer” means a transformer with a rated power rating between 150 and 315 kVA designed for aerial mounting on a pole. →“Dry-type distribution transformer” means three-phase transformers designed according to EN 50541-1 operating at 50 Hz, with rated power started at 100 kVA with a high voltage winding not exceeding 36 kV. →“Large power transformer” means transformers designed for use in 50 Hz electricity distribution grids with a high voltage winding exceeding 36 kV.
Forslag til økodesign krav Energitap i driftsfasen er den dominerende faktoren i forhold til miljøpåvirkning over transformatorens levetid Økodesignkrav: • Minimumskrav til energieffektivitet • Krav til produktinformasjon på transformatorenikke krav til energimerking av transformatorer Krav til den enkelte transformatortype presentert i Brussel: • Fordelingstransformatorer • Mastearrangement • Små krafttransformatorer • Krafttransformatorer
Forslag kravtil fordelingstransformatorer Table 2 (Annex I of the Working Document) *Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall in between the ratings defined in the applicable tables in the European Norm shall be obtained by linear interpolation. Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall outside those tables shall be obtained by linear extrapolation. Do stakeholders consider that the proposed energy requirements are realistic and ambitious enough? Is the pole-mounted subcategory needed?
EN 50464 - Tomgangstap A0 fra 2014 A0-20% fra 2018
EN 50464 - Lasttap (Ck) Bk fra 2014 (og 2018) Ak fra 2014 (og 2018)
Tilsvarer D0, Ck EnergieffektivitetTomgang- og lasttap
Hafslund Nett - spesifikasjon 221-01 Oljeisolerte transformatorer for distribusjonsnett A0 fra 2014 A0-20% fra 2018 (Ck) Bk fra 2014 (og 2018) D0 Ck-Bk D0- C0 Ck-Bk - - Ck-Bk B0- A0 C0- B0 Bk C0- B0 Ck-Bk C0- B0 Ck-Bk Ak fra 2014 (og 2018) C0- B0 Ck-Bk Bk-Ak C0- B0 Ck-Bk B0 Ck-Bk B0 B0- A0 Bk-Ak
Forslag kravtil transformatorer i mastearrangement (Option 1) - Table 3 (Annex I of the Working Document) (Option 2) - Table 3 (Annex I of the Working Document) *Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall in between the rated power specified in the table shall be obtained by linear interpolation. ** Maximum losses for ratings below 160kVA should be the same as for normal oil-immersed distribution transformers at Tier 1 in Table 2.
Forslag kravtil små krafttransformatorer Table 1 (Annex I of the Working Document) *Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall in between the ratings in Table 1 shall be obtained by linear interpolation. Maximum losses for kVA ratings that fall outside the ratings in Table 1 shall be obtained by linear extrapolation. Do stakeholders consider that the proposed energy requirements are realistic and ambitious enough? Should the compliance dates be brought forward to 2014 and 2018?
Krafttransformatorer Designed to individual customer specifications based on IEC standards with information and guarantees on the performance, including load and no-load losses, between the manufacturer and the customer.Levels of load and no-load losses largely determined by the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) analysis in the (often public) procurement processes, as follows: TCO = PP + A*Po + B*Pk, where PP = purchase price A = cost of no-load losses per Watt (€/Watt) Po = rated no-load loss in Watts B = cost of load losses per Watt (€/Watt)Pk = rated load loss in WattsA and B incorporate a number of parameters, including the avoided cost of system capacity, avoided cost of energy, and the discount rate. The preparatory study refers to the German DIN 42508 standard to specify mandatory maximum levels of load and no-load losses for different ratings and voltage levels of the HV winding.
Forslag kravtil krafttransformatorer Option 1: Maximum lossesFollow recommendation in preparatory study and adapt maximum load and no-load losses from German standard DIN 42508 for Tier 1 and Tier 2, while equivalent EU standards are developed.Option 2: Minimum efficiencyUse an energy-efficiency formula (applicable to all designs) defined at a set loading point to allow for the range of network configurations that may be encountered. Option 3: Information requirements onlyEstablish product information (load and no-load losses) as a minimum requirement. Allow time for standards making bodies to complete measurement standards. Reassess energy performance requirements at the review of the implementing measure (2014 + 6 years = 2020…)
USA - Forslag til krav til fordelingstransformatorer US rulemaking on distribution transformers The US Department of Energy has recently (10/02/2012) published a notice of proposed rulemaking under the Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Distribution Transformers.The draft US rulemaking is stricter than the 2007 regulation and proposes electrical efficiency by equipment class (designs) for liquid-immersed distribution transformers (up to 1500 kVA) and for low and medium-voltage dry-type distribution transformers (up to 2500 kVA)It is difficult to compare the proposed US rulemaking with the proposed EU ecodesign regulation because many parameters are different (frequency, load factor, primary/secondary circuit)Compliance starts 1 January 2016. The DOE’s analysis indicates that the proposed standards would save an estimated 1.58 quads (463 TWh) over 30 years (2016-2045). This represents an average of 15 TWh/year and is remarkably close to the estimates in the VITO preparatory study.https://federalregister.gov/a/2012-2642