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Introducing the 1996 Canadian Food Expenditure Survey

Introducing the 1996 Canadian Food Expenditure Survey . For All Your Research Needs!. What is the 1996 Food Expenditure Survey? . Survey of household food expenditures over the 1996 period Participants kept a diary for two weeks Food expenditures included: groceries, fast food, restaurants.

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Introducing the 1996 Canadian Food Expenditure Survey

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introducing the 1996 Canadian Food Expenditure Survey For All Your Research Needs!

  2. What is the 1996 Food Expenditure Survey? • Survey of household food expenditures over the 1996 period • Participants kept a diary for two weeks • Food expenditures included: groceries, fast food, restaurants

  3. Data…data…data….. • There are 17 entity tables • Tables give detailed information on the demographics of respondents • FMF code list provides a code for each food group: bulk beef purchased in kilograms, cost of bulk beef purchased in the last 12 months, expenditure for tomatoes-fresh etc.

  4. Creating a Data Set • With 17 entity tables and the food code list researchers can customize the data for their needs • Data can easily be transferred to Statistical packages such as Stata • We’ve merged the “food from stores” entity table with “household characteristics” entity table

  5. Tackling the Unit Value Problem • Although we have household income, it’s not always clear what type of food was purchased ie. Were the canned peaches purchased choice or premium? • 1996 Prices Division Data to the rescue! • Prices Division were able to give us the average monthly price of each food in the FOODEX for 1996 • We can compare unit values and average prices to gage consumer preferences

  6. The Next Merger • The 1996 Prices Division Data was merged with our customized food expenditure survey table • The food categories were coded to match • Now we have a data set ready to estimate demand equations

  7. Brought to you by…. • This level of detailed information can only be obtained from Statistics Canada as the public use files contain less details • Public use files must protect confidentiality

  8. Thank you!

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