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WELCOME . Agenda. Decision Making The EU's Budget EU on the web Final words. History Comparisons with other world powers The Treaties The Institutions. The European Coal and Steel Community (Paris 1951). The European Economic Community (EEC) – Rome 1957.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME 

  2. Agenda • Decision Making • The EU's Budget • EU on the web • Final words • History • Comparisons with other world powers • The Treaties • The Institutions

  3. The European Coal and Steel Community (Paris 1951)

  4. The European Economic Community(EEC) – Rome 1957

  5. EFTA 1960 Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK;Finland (Associated 1961; full member 1986); Iceland (1970); Liechtenstein (1991)

  6. 1973: EEC-9 Denmark; Ireland; UK

  7. 1981: EEC-10 Greece

  8. 1986: EEC-12 Spain and Portugal

  9. 1995: EU-15Finland, Sweden and Austria

  10. 2004: EU-25Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta and Cyprus

  11. 2007: EU-27Romania and Bulgaria

  12. EU-27, 28 ,29, 30……

  13. Surface: EU-25, Japan, USA and Russia (million m2) 

  14. Population (in millions)

  15. Gross National Product (billion euros, in 2005)

  16. GNP per Person Year 2007 (EU-27 = 100)

  17. GNP per person Year 2007 (EU-27 = 100)

  18. The main Treaties • The European Coal and Steel Community - Paris 1951 • The European Economic Community (EEC) – Rome 1957 • The European Atomic Energy Community – Rome 1957 • The Maastricht Treaty 1992 –> The European Union (EU) • The Nice Treaty 2001 • A new treaty in 2009 ???

  19. The Pillars of the EU The European Union Customs Union, CAP, Structural policy, Trade policy, Education and Culture, Consumer protection, health, environment, research, social policy, asylum policy, immigration policy, EMU, etc. Foreign policy, Peacekeeping, Human rights, disarmament, financial aspects of defence, Europe’s long-term security framework Cooperation between judicial authorities, Police cooperation, fight against drugs, arms trade, xenophobia, terrorism, trafficking in human beings First pillar: EC Second pillar: EU Third pillar: EU

  20. EU Institutions European Commission European Parliament Council of the European Union Court of Justice of the European Communities European Court of Auditors

  21. EU Institutions European Commission: Headquarter in Brussels. Some departments in Luxembourg, and delegations in all EU Member States and most other parts of the world. Council of the European Union: Headquarter in Brussels, but many meetings take place in president country. European Parliament: Most plenary sessions in Strasbourg, but also some plenary sessions plus most other meetings in Brussels. Some secretariat functions are located in Luxembourg.

  22. EU Institutions Court of Justice: The Court of Justice ensures that Community law is uniformly interpreted and effectively applied. It has jurisdiction in disputes involving Member States, EU institutions, businesses and individuals. Headquarter in Luxembourg. Court of Auditors: The Court of Auditors checks that all the Union's revenue has been received and all its expenditure incurred in a lawful and regular manner and that financial management of the EU budget has been sound. Headquarter in Luxembourg. European Ombudsman: All individuals or entities (institutions or businesses) resident in the Union can apply to the European Ombudsman if they consider that they have been harmed by an act of "maladministration" by an EU institution or body. His seat is that of the European Parliament, in Strasbourg.

  23. EU Bodies European Economic and Social Committee: The European Economic and Social Committee represents the views and interests of organised civil society vis-à-vis the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament. The Committee has to be consulted on matters relating to economic and social policy; it may also issue opinions on its own initiative on other matters which it considers to be important Headquarter in Brussels. Committee of the Regions: The Committee of the Regions ensures that regional and local identities and prerogatives are respected. It has to be consulted on matters concerning regional policy, the environment and education. It is composed of representatives of regional and local authorities. Headquarter in Brussels.

  24. EU Bodies European Central Bank: Frames and implements European monetary policy; it conducts foreign exchange operations and ensures the smooth operation of payment systems. Headquarter in Frankfurt. European Investment Bank: The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the European Union's financial institution. It finances investment projects which contribute to the balanced development of the Union. The seat is in Luxembourg

  25. The EU Council • adopts regulations, directives and decisions together with Parliament; • adopts the EU's budget; • coordinates the Member States' economic policies.

  26. The EU Council The European Council The Prime Ministers meet at a "summit" (2-4 times a year) Council meetings for specific policies All the Member States' Ministers in a specific area (finance, agriculture,…) meet to make decisions (several different meetings a month) Coreper The Member States' ambassadors meet every week in the "Committee of the Permanent Representatives" The Presidency in the Council rotates between Member States twice a year

  27. Number of votes in Council From 1/1/2007

  28. The President of the Commission: José Manuel Barroso

  29. The Commission Link to the photo gallery of the Commissioners: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/index_en.htm

  30. The European Commission The Commission has four main rights: • propose legislative acts to Parliament and Council; • implement the EU policies; • act as a representative of the EU and negotiate international agreements (in the trade and cooperation areas); • supervise the implementation of the EU law.

  31. The European Commission Its Directorates General and Services: • Policy areas: • Regional Policy • Employment and Social affairs • Education and Culture • Energy and Transport • Agriculture • Maritime policy • Health and Consumer Protection • Environment • Research • Information Society • Enterprise • The Single Market • Competition • Economic and Financial affairs • Justice and Home affairs • Customs and taxation • Conference and interpretation service • Translation service • Publications office • Statistical office • Internal audit service • Fraud prevention office • External relations: • External relations • Trade • Cooperation aid / EuropeAid • The Office for humanitarian aid • Enlargement • Support services: • The General Secretariat • Personnel and Administration • Budget • Press and communication • Group of political advisors • Legal service

  32. The EU's Decision Making • Proposal (regulation, directive etc) • - from the Commission 2. Adoption- by Council and Parliament 3. Implementation- by the Commission

  33. Staff in European Institutions (budget 2007)

  34. What is the money spent on? EUR 129.1 billion • The EU's budget represents only 1.03% of EU's total GNP. • Average cost: 71 cents per day per EU citizen.

  35. Revenue Own resources • Customs & agricultural duties 16 % • VAT resources 16 % • Fourth resource (GNI) 67 % Total budget 2008 = € 120 bn

  36. Citizenship 1% Natural resources 43% Sustainable growth 44% EU as a global player 6% Other incl. administration 6% Financial framework Ceilings: 2007-2013

  37. Research - + 75 % Transport and energy + 139 % Education /training Competitiveness and Innovation 2006 + 52 % 2013 + 60 % + 81% Mrd. EUR 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2007-2013: More money for economic progress Changes in expenditure 2006/2013, % Sustainable Transport

  38. Budget balances: Benefits outweigh costs

  39. Who manages the EU budget? The bulk of EU expenditure is managed jointly between the Commission and the Member States (« shared management ») 18% 80% 2%

  40. EU on the web KEY SOURCES FOR INFO ON THE EU • The Europa site: http://europa.eu • http://europa.eu/geninfo/info/index_en.htm • Europe direct: http://ec.europa.eu/europedirect/index_en.htm

  41. Ypres Belgium 1917

  42. E-mail: margareta.olson@ec.europa.eu

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